Vladimir Menshov died - condolences, celebrities, 2021


July 5, 2021 at 9:40 stayed the heart of the era. Vladimir Menshov died. The director and owner of the Oscar died from the complications of coronavirus infection. The death of Vladimir Valentinovich turned out to be a blow to Russians, whose destinies decorated the work of the Cinemaer. What words of condolences to close director and Russians picked celebrities - in the material 24cm.

Mother's daughter Julia Menshova grieves, and the sad event comments on Father's frames and the final scene from the movie "Love and Pigeons". The first to express the condolences to Parodist Maxim Galkin and Julia Vysotskaya. The words of grief sounded from Natalia Podolskaya. Maria Kozhevnikova stressed in the comments that Vladimir Valentinovich was a genius. "Was, there will be!" - Emotionally added the actress.

Svetlana Ivanova, Elena Varkina, Alyona Babenko, Daria Darishennova, Ksenia Baughnova, Timur Rodriguez, Nikolai Tsiscaridze, Catherine Christmas, Marina Aleksandrov, Stas Pieha.

They could not be silent on a sorrowful day and other celebrities.

Will be awful ...

Actor and director Alexander Kalyagin met the news of the death of Vladimir Valentinovich with the words of the condolences of his daughter and the wife of Menshov, and also thanked the colleague for his contribution to the education of young people.

"He passed a difficult life, but his life presented wonderful minutes and a happy family ... A person who did a lot for the cinema and for the audience, brought up young people. Thank you very much. I'm just discouraged, "Alexander Georgievich spoke.

Full Valery Garkalin, who was lucky to play in the farce comedy Menshov "Shirley Merlya," said in an interview that he was shocked by the fierce brief news. "I will be awful to me awful in this life," the actor confessed.

I spoke about the death of the director of the film "Moscow tears does not believe" and Ivan Krasko. The actor noted that during communication with Vladimir Valentinovich, drew attention to the problems with the health of the Cinema. And added that he retained the positive image of Menshov in memory.

"He does not change himself - this is important quality, foundation, base ... His position he had," he shared the memories of Krako.

Sobolesons in connection with the death of the director in Twitter expressed Sergey Sobyanin.

Mosfilm General Director Karen Shahnazarov admitted that he lost a friend. The director also added that the death of Vladimir Valentinovich became misfortune for the entire Russian people.

"... Menshov was an absolutely epochal figure. A real person who created films who have formed the worldview of the nation. So the loss is huge, "Shahnazarov said.

Full Alexander Mikhailov called the death of a little loss. "A very talented person, sincere, dear person ... This is a blow," that words met the news that Vladimir Menshov died, the leading role in the movie "Love and Pigeons".

Parliamentarian Konstantin Kosachev admitted that the loss was touched by not only cinema, but also countries. The director Menshov, according to the policy, turned out to be a citizen who was able to "unobtrusively and, as they say, to explain to people on the fingers, as needed to live, so that it does not hurt and there was no offensive."

Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkov expressed condolences to relatives and friends of Vladimir Menshov.

The news of the death of Vladimir Menshov sorrified the actress Raisu Ryazanov. The star admitted that the sad news was shocking for her and it was hard for her to talk about the death of a man who gave her a ticket to creative life.

The sorrowful event touched Joseph Prigogine, who believes that we are orphaned. "I want to say that such people stay always live. Maybe we will not physically see it physically, and all that he did in this life, we will always see and constantly. And in this sense, he remains to live with us, "the producer added.

Actress Elena Probleova joined condolences about losses. In the farewell words to Matra, Artist noted that Vladimir Valentinovich lived an interesting life, and the draft director entered the Gold Collection of Films.

"... Until recent days, he was a man who loved the life that he knew how to enjoy it," the star said.

Actor Roman Madyanov called the death of Vladimir Menshov loss for Russian culture.

"The era goes out, the boulders go down, the roots go. Loss for our workshop, loss in general for Russian culture. Terrible!" - commented on the sad news of the artist.

His films will help us live on ...

Svetlana Zeynalova News that Vladimir Menshov died, he took with tears. "My favorite director, artist, man, personality! Gone…. Light memory, "- emotionally commented on the publication of the teler of the TV presenter.

Actress Olga Cabo shared memories about how she worked with a master in the film "Where is the Nofette?".

"Of course, his films are for everyone, forever - for children, for adults. He somehow felt this life, loved her. In his films there was always such a real life, "the artist spoke.

Margarita Simonyan TV journalist in microblog admitted that it was afraid to look into the future where there are no people like Vladimir Menshov.

Actress Anastasia Makeev in the microblog shared the frames from the set of comedy "New Year's Trouble". "A great man left his life. I cry and mourn. We remember, we love, appreciate, "the tragic news of the actress commented on the tragic news and added Hesteg # pain.

The Russian manager and politician Andrei Razin joined the condolences and called on Russians to hurt from COVID-19.

Maxim Galkin hardly managed to choose the words that will express the feeling of loss.

"Thank you for being in our lives. Your films will help us live on. Everlasting memory. The deepest condolences to the family, "the parody of the publication completed the publication in Instagram.

Nonna Grishaeva in the reaction to the news that Vladimir Menshov died, the words of farewell in the microblogging began with the context of Matra Cinema.

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