Ekaterina Aragonskaya - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, queen, first wife Henry VIII



Ekaterina Aragoneskaya was the daughter of Ferdinand Catholic and Isabella Castilskaya and the mother of Queen Maria I reigning in the 1550s. Thanks to the wedding with the second representative of the English tudor dynasty, a woman who was engaged in politics, read in society and supreme circles.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ekaterina Aragonian began in December 1485, the girl was born in the castle of the bishop in the family of the Catholic kings. Infanta was called in honor of the great-grandmother, the English princess from the house of Lancaster, the daughter of the famous John Gentsky (John Gone), who had loved people's love.

Belonging to the famous dynasty allowed Father Ferdinand II fully rule a large territory and conquer a number of neighboring countries. My mother Isabella I Castilskaya was a relative of the English monarchs and belonged to the number of representative, educated and insightful ladies.

Portrait of Ekaterina Aragon in Mary Magdalene

In childhood, Catherine was constantly in the society of sisters and parents, together they survived the siege of Grenada in the early 1490s. The girl got acquainted with works of art created at the dawn of the Renaissance, and learning the letters, studied a dozen historical works.

Moldoval, intelligent and capable girl fell under the custody of humanist philosophers specializing in canonical and civil law, as well as in ancient languages. Infanta voted freely on Latin, knew Genealogy and Heraldik and could lead a secular conversation with people glorifying in centuries.

In addition, the Princess Aragon learned to conduct a household, engaged in embroidery and needlework, like most women of those times. According to the medieval tradition, the marriage of four daughters of Ferdinand was agreed from their 3 years of age and thus predetermined.

Personal life

In the will of Parents, Catherine was to marry Prince Wales: fathers agreed to engage in the late 1480s. The presence of John Gice the Rights next to the heir to the English throne was to help strengthen the representatives of side-childbirth.

For Spain, the concluded agreement was important from a political point of view: Ferdinand received superiority over France, an opponent in the territorial struggle. Sisters Infanta King sent to Portugal and Burgundy, and they left the world in Caren with Lvom and an eagle on the coat of arms.

In May 1499, a marriage agreement was signed, the bride should have arrived in London when she was 15 years old. The girl had to get acquainted with the courtious English traditions so that in the new unfamiliar society to comply with the established etiquette.

Ekaterina Aragon and Arthur Tudor

At the beginning of the 1500s, infanta appeared before the bridegroom Arthur Puddor, foreigners warmly welcomed it at the wedding in the Cathedral of St. Peter. After the ceremony, the young settled in the castle Lodge on the border with Wales and took up the device for personal life and the creation of a loyal courtyard.

In early 1502, newlyweds unexpectedly got sick, and Catherine's first husband died due to unexplained reasons. The Spanish Princess, who stayed in Touré, moved to the palace on Strend and was in the noisy society of noble women and men.

In order not to lose touch with the ruling English dynasty, Spain insisted on the device of the future daughter of Ferdinand and his first wife. Messengers demanded the return of the dowry and appointment of widowst loli, which would affect the economy and foreign policy of a strong country.

Heinrich VII could not decide on the expulsion of Ekaterina Aragon, because by the time of the death of the senior heir, the younger son was ripe. In addition, the monarch did not want to spoil relations with the Spanish ally, realizing that in the event of a conflict, he would remain alone.

As a result, in June 1503, an agreement was signed, according to which Arthur widow pledged to enter into a re-marriage. Waiting for the bridegroom to reach the age suitable for the wedding, the girl tried to reflect the mansion dedicated to life.

British monarchs could not find out the details of the relationship between Arthur and Catherine, so they decided to ask in Pontifications, whether to enter into a new union. Pope, holy observing strict canonical traditions, carried out a verdict, profitable for infanta - acknowledged the fullness of the broken bonds.

In June 1509, Henry VIII married his Spanish, and the country began to wait for the birth of a boy who inherits the English throne. The Princess Aragon became pregnant, but could not bear a child, fortunately, the courty of this incomparable puncture from society.

Then the spouses had the desired and long-awaited son Henry, but the boy was weak health and lived less than a hundred days. In February 1516, Catherine became a mother's mother, named after one of the tudors, a former people's favorite.

Ekaterina Aragon and Heinrich VIII

The daughter, known as Maria I, was promised to the Dauphine of France with the condition that she would become the Queen of England, if Henry does not bother the Son. This item in a marriage contract was explained by political considerations, concern about the future of the state and a number of other objective reasons.

However, the spouse of Catherine continued to wait for a male heir, but after the next dead child, his hopes were crashing. In the meantime, the political situation has changed, and the only surviving girl has promised Karl's wife, the nephew of Catherine, already known in international circles.

After it became clear that there will be no more children from spouses, Heinrich began to care for the Freilli and the court ladies from noble families. After a divorce with Catherine Aragon, who was blessed by the Bishop of Canterbury, who recently became a king was combined with a marriage with Anna Bolein.

State activities

In the middle of 1507, Catherine received a subsidy from parents and a diploma that gave her the authority of the diplomat at the English yard. Becoming the first woman-ambassador in history, Spanish infanta felt the need for a devoteed ally, like-minded and political guide.

Don Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalid divided the powers of the widow of Arthur and helped settle the situation with the marriage, which Heinrich VII exacerbated. The daughter of the famous king of Spain has become an influential special, divided into a political situation and capable of leading the country.

During the European confrontation with the participation of England, France and Italy, Ekaterina took the post of head of state, since the spouse was in war. The woman developed the London defense plan from the invaders from Scotland and was able to protect the state from the enemy invasion.


In April 1533, Catherine was expelled from London, and she became a widowed princess of Wales, who had no rights to the English throne. The woman settled in Huntingdonshire, having lost his personal contact with her daughter, and then by order of the king moved to a remote castle Kimbolut.

Ekaterina Aragon and Anna Boleyn

The only relaxation in forced expulsion was permission to receive visitors, but the former wife Henrich VIII had an extinguishable from people. As a result, the reasons for her death were a dangerous disease or poison, elevated in food by order of Anna Bolein.

In memory of the achievements during the reign, the former Queen was buried in a grave located in one of the oils of the Catholic Cathedral of St. Peter. Later, the fence, tombstone and monument for Ekaterina Aragonian made according to the sketches of artists, the famous English masters.

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