Prince Florizel (character) - photo, adventure, film, actor, Oleg Dahl, checkered


Character History

Prince Florizel - Character of the first volume of the collection "New Thousand and One Night" Robert Lewis Stevenson. A man of the majestic position prefers to travel incognito together with Colonel Geraldine. Testing the need for adventures, enters some secret society, where the executioner and sacrifice are chosen every day.

History of character creation

Independently stories of the Scottish writer, later included in the "Suicide Club" and "Almaz Raji" cycles, produced regularly from 1878 to 1880. And after 4 years a separate book came out.

These works belong to the author's early in the author's bibliography, but literary critics confidently argue that they became the best in Stevenson's work.

Such a name for a two-volume writer chose not by chance. Arabic collection "Thousand and one night" is one of Robert Lewis's most beloved. And his main character became at Stevenson, thereby having a caliph, which wanders Baghdad's streets disguised.

At the same time, the florizel has a literary prototype. This character has already met in the work of William Shakespeare in the play "Winter Tale". In the work of the Great English Poet and the playwright, he was the son of Polyken, King Bohemia.

Image and biography of florizel

The brilliant prince during his stay in the capital of Great Britain managed to decline the glory of a generous and benevolent lord. True, his identity and the name blew, introducing the theophylus Godol.

Stevenson described the character from different sides. It was a "calm to phlegmaticness" man, a philosopher preferring to all make his own conclusions and rely solely on experience.

The fate of this hero was outlined not in the rainbow paints for him - the inheritance of the kingdom, complete safety and boredom. Florizel, on the contrary, strived for eccentricity and rich adventure. Therefore, the attacks of Handra have repeatedly rolled him, which he tried to cure with hunting and walks on the evening London.

His companion, Colonel Geraldine, accompanied the royal person and was ready to die for the sake of the prince. He was young and leaning, capable of recklessness, but executive.

Traveling in London, the protagonist changed the appearance, but the man could not change the image of thinking. He brought up in accordance with ideas about honor and dignity did not allow himself empty words and always performed these promises.

These two have already come across dangerous situations, but thanks to the knightly loyalty of the colonel and the prince's resistant nature, they managed to leave uncomfortable provisions without serious consequences.

One evening Florizel and Geraldine sat in the restaurant and were already going home, as a man with two helpers entered the institution. In her hands, these people kept trays with cakes that began to distribute to visitors.

Someone willingly ate, others refused. When the Trinity approached the Table of Prince, the Florizel talked to a man, requested from that promise to dine with him.

Behind the conversation, I did not want to introduce myself a young man who told a frightening story. In the past, he is a rich heir, went bankrupt and is now going to the "Suicide Club", as it is afraid to deprive himself.

40 pounds are the price that will have to pay to enter this community and finish useless existence. Florizel was very interested in this club. Therefore, convinced a new acquaintance that he wanted to die. Geraldine, accustomed to go for the owner of the fire and water, confirmed the readiness for suicide.

"Suicide Club" is a institution in which the mysterious chairperson comers. He spreads cards between the members of the secret community. The one who falls the ace of peak, the time comes to die. And the one who extends Tuz Tref, becomes a killer.

Florizel, bound by the contract, could not go to the opponent. And on a terrible coating of circumstances pulled the victim's card. He understood that his days were considered, and vinyl herself in frivolity. Fortunately, Geraldine came to the rescue, hired people to save the prince.

As a result, the main character inwards all potential suicides in his residence, gave work so that those left stupid thoughts about death. But with the chairman, a man decided to get dying differently. He sent him to the "journey" in Europe along with the younger brother Geraldine, hinted that he would become the person who "pulls" for the villain Tuz Tref.

However, the Chairman managed to avoid fair punishment. When the royal heir came to lead about the death of Brother Colonel, he found the owner of the "Suicide Club" and deprived of that life, causing a duel.

Prince Florizel in films

With the light hand of the director Evgeny Tatar Rodin of the heir of the kingdom called Bakkardia, Geraldine aged, and the mysterious seller of the cakes reincarnated from the bankrupt to the artist-abstractionist of Perkins.

In 1981, the premiere of the Soviet film "Suicide Club, or the Adventures of the Titled Operations" was held at the Central Television of the USSR, filmed by Robert Lewis Stevenson's stories. Interestingly, the film show was ready already in 1979.

The movie made a big impression on the audience. The picture in the genre of ironic detective and today, after dozens of years, remains in the list of loved ones from admirers of the English classics.

Along with such a TV series, like the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", the work of Tatar was estimated in the USSR, and abroad. And, despite earlier emptying in the United States (1909th and 1974), remains at an unfavorable height.

The plotting takes place from the first seconds of the film. The young, but already satisfied with the life of the main character played Oleg Dal. The image of his partner embodied Igor Dmitriev. Walking along the embankment, the heroes are celebrating a guy who tied a stone to the neck and is going to jump down from the bridge.

They turn out to be an artist Perkins (Askhab Abakarov). Later, he cites new acquaintances in the "suicide club" under the leadership of the chairman - checkered. The role of the fate of the secret community talentedly played charismatic actor Donatas Banionis.

Soviet screening appeared in 3 series, the total duration of the film was 190 minutes. During this time, the heroes managed not only to be up with a cruel chairman, but also to find the famous Almaz Raji.

Oleg Dal, who was not spoiled in his career by the main roles, talentedly demonstrated the role of a pleasant young man who was bored. His character is a real man who is the concept of honor than life.

The protagonist of the film Elegance and Noblen, this is the very "titled person", and his faithful assistant is not inferior to anything. Geraldine is less frivolous and reckless. The creative duet of actors allowed the film to noted in the consciousness of the audience as the most successful screening of the work of Stevenson.

Interesting Facts

  • Oleg Dal during filming refused to play, as his costume was not elegant enough and did not sit on the figure. The situation was saved Bella Manevich-Kaplan, artist of the film.
  • The "Suicide Club" in Kinolent became a follenium mansion, built in St. Petersburg in the North Modern Stylistry.
  • Parrot in the film is another scenario from the original. Interestingly, in the plot he talking, although in fact it was not so. However, in one episode, the bird said: crawling, crawling, crawling! ".


"I donate. But absolutely no appetite. "" Blowing But it is very nice ... so boring that even a simple draft - entertainment. "" The striking nonsense compose these newsridges in the morning. We are waiting for evening news. "Ah, life is composed of banal circumstances. And therefore boring. "" Boredom for the soul is more dangerous than risk for the body. "


  • 1978-1980 - "Subit Club"
  • 1978-1980 - "Almaz Raji"


  • 1936 - "Problem for Two"

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