Evgeny Tashkov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Evgeny Tashkov contributed to the development of the Soviet and Russian cinema, became the author of a dozen outstanding artistic work. The skill of the screenwriter and director in the 60-90s conquered hundreds of art lovers, reaching incredible heights.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Tashkov was born in the Volgograd village Bykovo, his creative way and biography began in 1926. The parents of the boy got married in the terrible times of the Holodomor, so in the family, with respect, they treated socially useful work.

For incomprehensible coincidence in the documents of the future director, incorrect data were listed, and this retained his life. When the peers sent to the warring Soviet army, he managed to stay at home and build Soviet socialism.

When Zhenya was small, the father was accused of treasoning his homeland, it was time for the family of a repressed man. Fortunately, responsive rural residents did not leave their mother and son and allowed to continue the existence of ordinary people in society.

Evgeny Tashkov in youth (frame from the movie

Tashkov studied in a secondary school, worked on the weekend in the collective farm, submitting an example to classmates overfulfilling planned norms. He dragged water for watering, moved seeds for landing and helped adult portraits on the nearest railway platforms.

Russian actress, somehow, in the Volgograd region, with the support of the Chairman of the village council created a children's drama. Eugene began to attend classes and eventually addicted to the theater, he perceived every rehearsal as an additional school lesson.

Tashkova's debut took place in the "Bear" play Anton Chekhov, he brilliantly coped with the task, demonstrating natural talent. As a gift for speaking, the actor received an album with the inscription, which put on the honorable place.

After a successful performance, the boy began to dream of a glorious future, but from practical reasons entered the railway university. Soon he realized that the chosen profession would not bring satisfaction, and began to think how to join the world of theatrical arts.

In the 40s, a native of Bykovo joined the ranks of Students Vgika and settled in the center of the capital in the family of unfamiliar people. On the acting department of the institute, he met the stars of cinema and in their face found patrons and competent teachers.

On the course of Boris Vladimirovich Bibikov and Olga Ivanovna Pyzovna Eugene received the necessary knowledge for later work in the cinema. Mentors, ex-spouses, watched the success of the ward and were confident that his well-being was predicted after the release.

Personal life

The personal life of the Soviet director was not a secret for fans: many knew that the creator of films was entered into a legitimate marriage. However, in his youth, while studying at the State Institute of Cinematography, friends believed that Eugene is a convinced hermit and bachelor.

In the early 1960s Tashkov met Ekaterina Savinova, actress participating in the filming of famous art paintings. The girl who has become a laureate of the International Cannes Film Festival, in those years did not know where to go from the courtesy of men.

Evgeny was able to charm the chosen intelligent approach, and after a short friendship period, she became the first wife of the director. With the advent of Andrei's son, who continued the creative case of parents, Tashkov and Savinov were a full-fledged happy family.

Unfortunately, Catherine had health problems, and after an attack of schizophrenia, a woman was tragically died. The author of the ten Soviet films were hard for loss, but was able to cope with emotions and establish a personal life.

Out of shocks, Tashkov met the novice actress by Tatiana Vasilyeva. The girl was younger than the director, but it did not become an obstacle to love. The child, who was called Alexei, was born shortly after a quiet wedding. He became a psychologist and, to his father's disappointment, violated the tradition of the star family.


In the mid-1950s Tashkov, recently received a diploma of the acting faculty, starred in the film Vladimir Brown called the "commander of the ship". He played an ordinary sailor of the Military destroyer "Holding", subordinate Andrei heightened, who was at the helm.

For the second time, the graduate of VGIK appeared on the big screen in the film "Captain" Old Turtle "" in 1956. In the company of colleagues Natalia Fateeva, Anatoly Ignatiev and Yuri Saransseva, a young man completely surrendered to the hard creative work.

Looking at the work of the authors of the films, the actor decided to move on and tried himself as director in the early 1960s. Comedy tape "Come tomorrow ..." with the participation of Spouse Catherine Savinova was awarded the laudatory reviews and warm words.

"Major Wihry", shown by the audience in mid-1967, strengthened the position of Evgenia Ivanovich in Soviet creative circles. The screening of the work of the writer Julian Semenov won the interest of citizens and found a response in human hearts.

Then, relying on the traditions laid out by cinematographer Ivan Pyriev, Tashkov took the picture about the events of the civil war. The multi-sieuled epic "Adjutant His Excellency" has become one of the cult projects in the Gold Fund of the country.

In the future, the director's filmography was replenished with such works as "Children Vanyushina", "French Lessons", "Teenager", "Clan" and "Lovkachi". First, the leaders of the state saw the loud premieres, and after that interested audience came to the cinemas.

In the first decade of the XXI century, Tashkov slowed down creative turnover, and some of his previous creations began to forget. In the last work entitled "Three Dostoevsky women", the director tried to return to the viewer and catch up.


In the 2000s, the health of Evgenia Ivanovich weakened and worsened markedly, he remained at home with Tatiana Tashkova and the closest people. The director rarely communicated with his colleagues, did not interview journalists, devoting all his free time to two members of his beloved family.

Judging by the last photographs published in thematic journals, cinematographer suffered from diseases eating an elderly organism. When it became known that Evgeny Ivanovich works on a new feature film, colleagues and hundreds of not indifferent fans perceived it as a surprise.

Unfortunately, after creative lift, the director left the director, and the cause of his death was hemorrhage into the brain. At the funeral near the grave, located on the Troecorsky cemetery, a large number of fans and Russian movie stars gathered.


  • 1957 - "Pages of the Being"
  • 1959 - "Thirst"
  • 1963 - "Come tomorrow ..."
  • 1966 - "I come from childhood"
  • 1967 - "Major Wihry"
  • 1969 - "Adjutant His Excellency"
  • 1973 - "Children Vanyushina"
  • 1978 - "French lessons"
  • 1983 - "Teenager"
  • 1990 - "Boys"
  • 1994 - "Lynx goes on the trail"
  • 2005 - "Where childhood ends"
  • 2011 - "Three women of Dostoevsky"

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