Series "Perfect Family" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, TNT


On the last day of the autumn of 2020, the comedy series "The ideal family" starts, which reminds the Russians tired of the offseason, that humanity in any manifestations, perhaps, is better than the ideal television pictures from advertising. Actors and roles, as well as curious facts of the project about the family, in which everything is like people - in the material 24cm.


The principal head of the Alexey family, working in a pharmaceutical company, found an error that the leadership is trying to ignore. He is fired, and the family turns out to be a blow. To avoid unnecessary problems and settle with mortgage debts, he with children undergoes casting in a reality show. Now his task began to persuade his wife to withstand the test under the cameras, 24/7 depicting the perfect family.

However, the habit of resolving conflicts in the family emotionally still becomes noticeable. What will be chosen - become perfect for money or learn to listen to the desires of loved ones - tells the series "The perfect family."

Actors and roles

  • Pavel Derevyanko - Alexey, head of the Family Family. A man negotiates with children about casting on the show. And his wife he prefers nothing to talk and takes a beloved instead of Sochi to a country cottage in the suburbs. In the artist filmography Participation in the comedy projects "Hitler Caput!" and "Neva". It is known that the actor's filmography in 2021 will be richer on 4 film projects, and the audience will see the long-awaited continuation of the TV series "Dlatti".
  • Olga Mednich - Katya, Geography Teacher at School and Spouse Alexei. The woman is confident that the beloved bought tickets to Sochi. However, on the way, she learns that the husband has prepared a surprise and invites it to a sanatorium in the suburbs. The final insight came when Katya in the rustling of passion was undressed in front of her husband, and Alexey reported that she had just seen the audience from all over the country. In the filmography of actresses participation in the TV series "Lights" and "Roof of the World". In 2020, the celebrity worked in the comedy multiserial project "# Vmasscheshow" dedicated to forced self-insulation.
  • Sofya Lukyanova - Julia, Daughter of Sokolovy. She, like everyone's teenagers, have problems. However, Yulia has to endure for winning a reality show. The series "The perfect family" allowed the young performer to reveal in the image of the main character. Previously, there were work in the multi-sized projects "Curious Varvara" and "Mom Champions".
  • Ivan Bychkov - Vanya, the son of the Sokolov, who, by virtue of age, loves to lose weight and tend over close. The film engineer of the young artist began in 2020, and in 2018 he participated in the sounding of the Cleo and Kukin multi-dimensional cartoon film.
  • Vyacheslav Manuchars - Konstantin, Producer Show. The actor debuted from the series "Simple Truths", then in his filmography there were such multi-sieves projects as "Anna Karenina", "Chronicles of Treason" and the film "Not My Dog's". At the end of 2020, the audience saw the artist in the comedy TV series "Plague! Second Wave. "
  • Boris Dergachev - director of the show that follows what is happening under the 24/7 chambers. The actor is known for franchise "Fitness" and "Kitchen. War for the hotel. " In 2020, the audience saw the performer in the continuation of the favorite TV series, as well as in the film "Belgrade Hotel".

Interesting Facts

1. The project release date is November 30, 2020 on TNT.

2. The director of the series - Vladimir Cott, who in 2017 released the tragicomedy about life on the "carp frostbitten" pension. In the filmography of the director also multiserial projects "Intercessors" and "Peter Leshchenko. All that has gone before…".

3. For Paul, Derevyanka and Olga Medianich is not the first joint work. In the TV series, the "Great" acting duo was also aimed in bed scene, depicting Peter III and Elizabeth Vorontsov.

4. By the way, the acting debut of Pavel Derevyanko and the directorial debut of the director of the series took place on the film of the twin brother Alexander Cotta "drove two chauffeurs."

5. Some participants of the series are familiar with the realistic show genre. It is known that in one of the roles will appear Natalia Bardo, familiar to the fans of "House-2" as Natalia Cryptub.

6. The TNT channel has already affected the problem of ideals imposed by television in 2020 in a multi-sieuled project "Survival game", where the participants of the reality show have been involved in a deadly adventure.

7. The series "The Ideal Family" fell in the expectations of the audience. The project rating was 9.7.

The series "Perfect Family" - Trailer:

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