Marat Shaybakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Another child Marat Shaybakov understood that he wants to achieve creative heights. He worked a lot on himself and managed to conquer music fans with spiritual songs and heartfelt performance.

Childhood and youth

Marat Talgatovich Shaibakov was born on October 6, 1973 in the village of Bilgish, the Republic of Bashkortostan, by nationality he is Bashkir. The boy was brought up in a large family, where he was a junior child. Parents were far from creativity: they were engaged in agricultural work, but it did not prevent her son to love music.

A significant impact on the development of the abilities of the nephew was uncle, who brought him from Orenburg Bayan. Already in those years, Marat has already known that he wants to speak on stage, so in all writings devoted to the choice of profession, wrote about the intention to become a real artist.

In the youthful years, Shabakov had to be difficult, because to learn in the Cashkin Secondary School, he overcoming kilometers every day, an educational institution from his native village. But at the same time, the boy remained an active participant in creative events, where he played on stage, tearing the appellations of the audience.

After graduation, Marat solidically decided that he would continue to continue musical education. Therefore, he entered the Bashkir cultural technical school, where the bayanist-accordionist craft was mastered. When years of study remained behind, the guy got a job in the local philharmonic.

Personal life

The personal life of the musician has developed successfully: in 2004 he played a wedding with Leisan Shaibakova. The wife has become not only a custodian of a family hearth, but also supporting the artist, his inspirational. It was her a man dedicated lyrical songs from his repertoire.

Soon the couple was born the son of Marseille, and then the daughter of Ralina. Despite the tight schedule of performances, the singer tries to spend all his free time with children, drives with them to rest and is proud of the success in school. The family of the Contractor considers the main achievement and true happiness.


Scenic Career Shaibakova began with acquaintance with Composer Rizvan Khakimov, who invited him to perform at concerts together with the Moghiziz team. At first he performed the duties of Bayanist, and then became a soloist. The listeners noted the gentle voice of the voice of the young artist and inspired the guy to continue creativity.

Cooperation with the group lasted for a long time, and soon Marat replenished the ranks of another team "Mylas". He united with already famous performers Guzel Akhmetova and Anvar Nurgaliyev, with whom he set off to touring the native Bashkortostan and Siberia.

Years of tour were not in a gift and allowed the Shaybakov to gain loyal fans, but he decided to say goodbye to the group and start solo creativity. In the early stages, a man sang well-known compositions in the Tatar language, then began writing his own tracks.

The main motive of the musician songs is love for a woman, his native land, people. The inexhaustible source of inspiration was the memories of the village, from which Marat moved to Ufa. But he did not forget about the places of their childhood and continues to visit the house and the graves early from the life of the parents.

Soon, Shaybakov founded his own musical studio "Marat" and continued to tour in Russia. In each city of his exit to the scene, I was looking forward to it, they were approached to take an autograph or invite to an interview.

The repertoire of the musician continued to expand the new songs, among which "Sagyna Syra", "Allag Schocher, Bergebez!", "Tugan Yakka Element" and "Avyl Code". They broadcast on Tatar radio and television. Soon his contribution to the development of the culture of the native land was rewarded with the title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan".

2018 The man spent fruitful - released a clip on the track "Ashykma Arana Ozherge", became the winner of the Bulgarian Radios award. And a year later, the musician presented the new songs to the public "әТЕZ үСә Balalar, әtlәre Bloss yes ...", "Screensyp Buldyk әLә Kemnurgә ..." and "Uyla, Cashem, Uyul".

Marat Shaybakov now

From February to March 2020, the singer was engaged in concerts, which gave in Russian cities. Now he continues to create, glad the fans with new performances. To support with them a connection, a man leads pages in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where publishes the photo and talks about the news.


  • "Bul Mәңhegek Yuldashim"
  • "Romashkalar"
  • "Soyla Yar"
  • "Min blue Baryber Yaratam"
  • "Tukta, Wakt, Sabir IT"
  • "Kөtkәn Kesheң Bulganda"
  • "Adashkan җan"
  • "Biklet of Ishka"
  • "Allag Schocher, Bergebez!"
  • "Switching Buldyk әL. Kemnәrgә ..."

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