Woody Allen: Biography, Personal Life, 2020, Wife, Children, Films, Phobia


"Roman adventures", "Midnight in Paris" or any other pictures of this director who are incapable of boasting blockbuster budgets, do not name the films with which everyone is obliged to familiarize themselves. But with all the unobtrusive option, in each of them, the connoisseurs of cinema is invariably seen hints on master's oralness.

December 1, 2020 noted the 85th anniversary of Woody Allen. About curious facts from the personal life and biography of the comedian and director - in the material 24cm.

1. Through thorns

Relationships with the peers in the school in the future glorified cinematographer were unevenly developed. A low and awkward, but with a brightly fiery color, a teenager teenager could not count on another nickname, except "redhead". The resulting nickname annoyed and infant of the young Allan Stewart Konigssberg (such a name was given celebrities at birth), and did not contribute to the love of school. With studying the young man, the case has never been brilliantly too.

Allen Allen's classmates in the New York University, where the latter began to comprehend the wisdom of cinematographic art, could assume that the student did not differ in the future in the future with a world-famous director. After all, because of the increments of Woody, the school was expelled after failing the exams.

However, do not happen such a turn in the life of cinematographer, probably there would be no such significant success to which Woody Allen came through painstaking work. First, as the author of scenarios for popular humorous shows. Then - the stand at the Duplex Club. There would be no wonderful funny stories in regular editions and deafening success on Broadway.

2. His way

The senior family members dreamed to Woody Allen chose a lawyer's career for himself. They did not want the siblos to go through the difficulties with which they themselves encountered after emigration from the Russian Empire.

However, the young man had his own point of view on this question. He was fond of cinema, dreaming in the future to be on the other side of the screen. And he began to earn the first money, sending the work of his own essay into printed publications. Moreover, as the Woody Allen itself recalled, the first published joke was placed in the section of rumors and gossip.

3. Not the one thinks

The audience was accustomed that the director is invariably present in the director's films, personifying Allen himself in young years. Moreover, this character (necessarily Jewish nationality) is usually neurotic, weak by the body and fell apart from the Socyoma with mental barricades, erected in his own brain inhabited by hordes of cockroaches.

It's funny, but, striving in such a world to sue those who surround himself, Woody Allen sin against the truth. After all, in his youth, he did not have any problems with communication, since the focuses opened by a guy were attracted to him interested peers. And demonstrated an excellent physical form - at a decent level played baseball and basketball.

4. Constancy - a sign of skill

During four more than ten years, Woody Allen for titles in its films uses one font - Windsor. To present, white letters appearing in a laconic manner on a black background will immediately say the sign of the movie, whose ribbon is demonstrated on the screen. By the way, the roles in the titers of Allen are always listed in alphabetical order.

5. OND

Despite the reverent attitude to the creation of their own film sedellers and a number of entertaining punctacles, the type of titles, the mandatory presence of a hero-writer in the plot, the key role of urban landscapes in the understanding of the fabul of the work or unchanged reference to the classics of the cinema, after the completion of the shooting process about their creations Woody Allen prefers to forget . The famous director does not revise his own paintings after the end of work on them.

6. How to live scary!

Woody Allen suffers from panophobia, which is a set of all possible phobias in the world - from fear of flying, insects, dogs and ending with the fear of hurricanes, sunlight, height and probability to be fished in a fish bone. In fact, any change in surrounding Allen atmosphere can cause a panic attack.

Experts claim that the source of disorder lies in excessive celebrity.

7. Love and Dryazhi

Woody Allen brighted three times. The first wife of cinematographer in 1956 called some Harlin Rosen, which met on a jazz concert. Family life lasted five years, after which the spouses were separated, remaining about each other not better opinions.

The second time of the choice of Allen fell on the actress Louise Lasser. The union was also shorter than the previous one, three years. After parting with Louise Woody Allen in love was disappointed. Lasser left him at the time of the creative crisis, because of which the director could not take movies for some time, and therefore, and his wife in them.

However, disappointment did not prevent the novels in the period of "celibacy" to the novels first with Diane Kiton, and then with Mia Farrow.

With the last cinematographer inhibited for a long time, having time not only take care of the adoptive children - dilan and Moses, but also to acquire joint Ronan. From Farrow Woody Allen eventually went to Sun and Previn, which became his wife in 1997. The latter, by the way, was the adopted daughter of the Mii Farrow and her former husband - the musician Andre Prein.

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