Curney Ellie - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



During the acting career, American Curly Ellie changed not only the color of the hair, but also the parameters of the shape. The woman Tolstoves and Hoody, but her heroines were almost always cute and kind.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in early 1951 in the largest city and cultural capital of Kansas - Wichito, whose population is now approaching 400 thousand people. Father Robert owned a sawmill, Mother Lilian was engaged in the house and children: In addition to Curly, her sister chopped and brother Craig grown up in the family.

After graduating from high school in which Kursti was fond of chirilding, the girl of 2 years has studied in college at Kansat University. In early youth, Ellie suffered cocaine addiction, to get rid of which the immersion in Scientology helped her. In his youth, Kursti worked as an interior designer and participated in quiz television games.

Personal life

The first husband of Kursti was the former classmate, thesis and namesake of Father Bob Ellie. The marriage lasted 7 years, and then the paths of the spouses were separated. 3 years after the divorce of Corst, her parents got into auto accident: the mother died, and his father was seriously injured.

At the end of 1983, a beginner actress married Colleague Parker Stevenson. Since the marriage turned out to be fruitless, the spouses adopted two children, William Tru and Lilly Price. Although in 1997 the Union of actors broke up, the former spouses issued joint custody over William and Lilly. In 2006, the reception son made Corsky grandmother.

An important place in the personal life of the actress occupies a fight against overweight, partially reflected in the realistic series "Curly Ellie: a great life." After the onset of the early menopause in 1992, a woman whose growth is 171 cm, began to get fatterly fat and the 2004 weighed exactly centner.

Curney Ellie before and after weight loss

Over the next 3 years, consuming and promoting the products of Jenny Craig, Ellie lost up to 66 kg. In 2009, Kursti in an interview with People magazine reported the sad news: the celebration on the occasion of weight loss was premature, and after stopping the reception of miraculous BAD, the weight again exceeded 100 kg.

In 2010, Ellie founded Organic Liaison and has already stated in a year that due to the consumption of products developed by the firm reduced the body weight by 45 kg. In 2012, a collective claim was served against Kursti, accusing an actress in promoting products capable of harming health, and unfair advertising, since the slimming of a woman was caused and training for the project "Dancing with the Stars".

In 2013, the celebrity paid compensation to the plaintiffs in the amount of $ 130 thousand and removed individual provocative phrases from the packages of its bod. After 2 years, Organic Liaison lost independence, becoming the line "Jenny Craig".


For the first time on the screen, Korsti appeared in 31 years old in the fantastic film "Star Path - 2: Han's anger". The beginning of the artistic biography was successful: Ellie nominated for the Saturn Prize in the "Best Actress of the Second Plan" category. After 2 years, in the painting "Bun robots", filmed by Michael Krayton, Kursti played Jackie - a girlfriend of the villager of Dr. Charles Luther, the image of which created the leader of the Kiss group of Jean Simmons.

Comedy talent actress manifested itself in the 1989 film "Oh who would say." The Molly Accountant will be pregnant from the client who is not going to marry her, and then hires a taxi driver who took her to the maternity hospital, a nurse for newborn T-shirts. The pretty nanny, with whom Molly is gradually developing a novel, John Travolta played.

The "highlight" of the comedy was the internal monologues of the kid, who "presented" the voice of Bruce Willis. In the continuations of the film, taken in 1990 and 1993, new unexpected commentators appear - the newborn sister of T-shirts and two dogs. Photo from the trilogy became Ellie's business cards.

In the family comedy "Two: I and my shadow" of Kursti appeared in the form of an employee of the boarding school Diana, panically fearing horses. The tape is based on the plot of the "Prince and Beggar" on the girl's ladies. Girls, similar as two drops of water, are accidentally found, become girlfriends and decide to become one family. To do this, they need to introduce the most expensive people: Amanda - Diana, and Alice - his dad Roger.

In the comedian fantasy "Tooth Fairy" Kursti reincarnated in the hereditary dentist of Catherine. Hero An Ellie is afraid to love, because everything she loved, died. The situation changes the accident. Catherine dies and falls into the leb, the place where the deceased are sent to heaven or hell. In order not to boil in hellish boilers, the heroine becomes a dental fairy. After a series of adventures, Catherine is given a second chance - the girl returns to earthly life and reveals his heart towards people.

At the end of the XX century, Ellie became the star of the Sitkom Salon of Veronica. In the mid-10 years of the next century, in the same genre was removed by the multi-sized television film "Curly", which did not have commercial success and closed after the 1st season. Ellie also flashed in the TV shows of "Beauty in Cleveland" and "sometimes worse", and in the "Queenks" played himself.

Curney Ellie now

In 2019, the actress joined the Goldberg Sitkom, which goes to ABC since September 2013. For 2020, the shooting of a television film "You can't pick up my daughter," but in March they suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic. The cursive epidemic is actively discussing in Twitter. The actress also has a page in "Instagram".


  • 1982 - "Star Way - 2: Hange"
  • 1984 - "Bun Robots"
  • 1989 - "Who would say"
  • 1990 - "Crazy House"
  • 1990 - "Who would say - 2"
  • 1993 - "Who would say - 3"
  • 1995 - "Two: me and my shadow"
  • 1997 - "Tooth Fairy"
  • 1997-2000 - "Veronica Salon"
  • 1999 - "Kill beauty"
  • 2010 - "Curney Ellie: a great life"
  • 2013 - "Curly"
  • 2014 - "Beauties in Cleveland"
  • 2015 - "happens and worse"
  • 2016 - "Queen Creek"
  • 2019 - "Goldbergs"
  • 2020 - "You can't pick up my daughter"

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