Alexey Schukin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Commissioner Group 2021



From the beginning of the 90s, Alexey Shchukin occupies the frontman of the once insanely popular group of Commissioner. The team exists now, pleaseing the fans with numerous retroconcerts who do not cost without the main hits "You will leave", "Snow Queen", etc. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the 2020 creative plans of the team, like many other artists, confused raging Pandemic coronavirus. Speeches planned for spring were transferred to later dates.

Childhood and youth

For a long time, the leader of the Commissioner had to hide accurate age and date of birth, such were the tough conditions of the signed contract. And only in 2012, the musician raised the curtain of the mystery - it turned out that he came to this world on October 4, 1965 (zodiac sign).

The views on his place of birth in the media first were separated: some sources were convinced of the USSR capital, others on Ryazan. The dispute helped solve the personal account of Alexei in the Facebook social network, thanks to which it became clear that he was Muscovite.

Soloist Alexey Shchukin in youth /

Bright creative abilities manifested itself in a teenager in the 9th grade of school, when he began to give concerts on the stage of the local house of culture. After released from the middle school, the guy got into the aviation technician, where he received a specialty of the installer of electrical and radio equipment of aircraft.

He did not throw a young man to develop his talents and in the army (from 1984 to 1986 he served in air defense troops), actively participating in amateuriances. Demobilized, Schukin continued her higher education in Mati.

On the page in VKontakte, the star of the 90s in the same photo album announced the cherished dream of childhood. She was the legendary Soviet car "Volga" GAZ-21, his own restored.

Personal life

Despite the mad popularity in the 90s and the crowd of attacking fans, a personal life, a pretty artist arranged not immediately. The first marriage was, from his words, the result of a "youthful impulse dictated by the need for a permanent sexual partner." There were no huge love in relationships, but thanks to them the son appeared.

Acquaintance with the second choices occurred at the beginning of zero on the tour tour in Germany. Talking about him, a man did not bother to intimate details:

"After the acquaintance was sex. After sex - familiarity with parents. Then - again sex. And as a result, everything came to the fact that we began to live together. If this happened somehow otherwise, probably, it would not lead us to the logical history called the wedding. "

A couple who did not enter the traditional feast in the spirit with unworked speeches and cheap verses from the postcards, turned the wedding to the concert, where everyone could get, buying an invitation card.

The celebration was held in the Yacht club "Admiral", accompanied by Star Guests of Kai Metova, Igorka, Alexander Ayvazov, Professor Lebedinsky, "Krasik", "Nancy", "Russian sizes", "140 blows per minute" and other.

Lovers got married in 2011, after almost 10 years, lived together. Having matured, checking myself and each other, they in their own example proved that there are no obstacles or the difference in age and citizenship.

In 2013, Alexey's page in Vkontakte was replenished with a separate photo album called "waiting for our daughter," where the singer shared the touching "pregnant" pictures of his wife. Schukin accompanied Anastasia and in childbirth, first taking the baby to Alex.

By the way, the beloved spouse is not only engaged in the upbringing of a child and housekeeping, but also monitors the "Commissioner" affairs in the status of the concert director.


Alexei's creative activity started with metropolitan nightclubs, where he lied the crowd and swayed the dance floor as a DJ. But in 1989 it interrupted his fateful acquaintance with Valery Sokolov, who found his place in show business by that time. Subsequently, it was he who was responsible for producing and the texts of future recognizable singles of the team.

According to soloists, the success of the Commissioner was predetermined in advance due to a powerful composition. In addition to the above guys, the composer Leonid Velichkovsky was organically joined, the arrangement of Vadim Volodin, the keybombers Sergey Kazakovtsev and Walter Kulikov.

The first song turned out to be one hundred percent hit. "You will leave" first I first became a kind of passion for all sorts of concerts and festivals, held with a constant allocracy, and then the business card of the group.

In 1991, the musicians appeared to the world a debut album, taking the rule not to stamp on the collection every year, and to sing only that people cannot say each other. Therefore, in the discography of the team by 2019, only five full-format plates have accumulated ("our time", "rubbish", "music of the new millennium", "love is poison", "kings") and about the same compilation.

The team members have repeatedly changed, but from the 2010th of her unchanged, besides Shukina and Kazaktsev, two guitarists remained, Anton Sergeev and Sergey Kinstler.

"Our team has mastered enough singles, good and different. To say that each successful or hit is just to discuss, but one unites all the works together - our love to them. I would like to believe that our tracks give good feelings and definitely do not spoil the mood, "the" Commissioner's leader modestly said.

Alexey Shchukin now

Despite the fact that rabid popularity remained in the past, Schukin and his colleagues in the Commissioner do not have a shortage of concerts.

The performers willingly accept invitations to participate in the national disco 90-x or retro-festivals, and also give solo speeches in the cities of Russia. Bright photocheaters are stored in "Instagram" Alexey.

In the 2019th group, interrupting many years of silence, made a gift to his fans, releasing Superhits Collection, consisting of 20 best songs.



  • 1994 - "Our time has come"
  • 1998 - "Dryan"
  • 2000 - "Music of the new millennium"
  • 2002 - "Love is poison"
  • 2013 - "Kings"
  • 2019 - Superhits Collection


  • 2000 - "New and Best - 2000"
  • 2001 - "Star Collection"
  • 2009 - "Not Pirate"
  • 2010 - "Grand Collection. "Commissioner" "
  • 2010 - "Romance 2010"
  • 2014 - "20 best songs"

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