Desserts for the New Year 2021: a year of metal bull, recipes, with photos, lungs, without baking, original, with fruit, without sugar


The year of the metal bull is nearing, going to Santa Claus, and the owners think that it would be for a festive table - to please the guests and please the Tommoy. And in thought about what delicious, original, but simple in the preparation of delights to diversify the menu, do not forget that the bull is still a sweet tooth, ready to evaluate all sorts of cakes with cakes.

What kind of desserts for the new year 2021 will be appropriate - in the material 24cm.

1. "Pancho"

It is difficult to submit a table without baking on New Year's Eve. However, sometimes you want to do something fast and simple - not requiring long-lasting from the test. Among the extensive list of interesting recipes, for which it is possible to prepare desserts for the new year 2021, there are also such. For example, a sweet delicacy "Pancho", served in cups.

For its cooking, you will need to take:

  • 300 g of cream cheese;
  • 400 g of the pineapples canned (it is permissible to make dessert and with any other fruit or take a fruit cocktail in the store - it does not even have to cut it);
  • 200 g of cream (the higher the fat content, the easier the beating and more pleasant and saturated will be the taste of dessert);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar powder (in the absence of a grind sugar sand with a coffee grinder);
  • 300 g of sand cookies (allowed to use any, but if you take a chocolate, then the dish will be brighter visually).


  1. Felt cookies in small pieces. Pineapples cut with neat cubes.
  2. Cream cool and beat to the air condition.
  3. Cheese Add to dishes to cream, after which it is stirred by means of a mixer, a blender or a whisk to a state of thick homogeneous mass.
  4. Add to the resulting mixture of sugar powder, stir carefully. After that, beat again, seeking density and air consistency. With a cream obtained as a result, you can enter your discretion. For example, leave in the dishes used for cooking, and then apply from it. But more practical to shift it into a confectionery bag or syringe.
  5. In the cups or creams, designed to serve on the table, lay out pineapples. Then apply a layer of cream.
  6. Top add broken cookies - 1 tbsp. l. With a slide. And again - cream.
  7. Further layers alternate in a similar sequence, interlacing with the cream until they reach the top of the tank.
  8. The last layer of apply cream, after which the resulting dessert is removed in the refrigerator - soak.
Before serving on the table, decorate at will - chocolate chip or grated nuts, crumbs from cookies, candy, fresh mint leaves or berries. Not only in the year of the metal bull use confectionery mastic. It includes gelatin, who is often preparing from representatives of cattle - Totem will not approve.

Note. In general, layers can be alternate to personal discretion. The latter is recommended to do cream. However, it is possible to do without a cream, and to pour a dessert mackeushka, for example, jam. Which, by the way, it is also possible to use in when preparation for laying out individual layers.

2. "Santa Claus"

A wonderful and tasty dessert, which will equally look original and directly on the table, and in the photo from the festive banquet, the grandpa will be sheds from strawberries.

For dishes you need:

  • Strawberry medium or large size;
  • Sugar powder at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on 10 berries (if desired, it is possible to do without sugar at all);
  • Cream at the calculation of ¼ cup on 10 berries (can also be replaced with cream cheese or mix both ingredients);
  • chocolate.


  1. Cream pre-cool. Strawberry rinse, remove the fruit and let it dry.
  2. Cream Beat before foaming. After that add powder and beat again. The resulting cream cool, then shifting into a confectionery bag or syringe.
  3. Strawberry decompose on a wide shallow plate vertically, pre-cutting the tips about a third of the length of the berries - will go to the "hats".
  4. On a truncated part of the berry, apply a cream in several layers. Then we put the "caps" from the cut strawberry tips on top and decorate them on top of creamy "pomponchiki".
The eyes of strawberry grandmothers frost do from chocolate. Alternatively, it is possible to use poppy seeds or sesame.

Note. Strawberry can not be cut, but to lay a wide part down on round biscuits with a pre-applied cream edge.

3. Lavash with cream

Desserts for the new year 2021 serve is very different. Including low-calorie. For example, simple and minimally dangerous for the figure will be the recipe for a roll with cottage cheese cream, which is easy to cook from a thin pita.


  • 200 g of Armenian Lavash;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 600 g of cottage cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sakharo-replacement (if there is no fear of acquiring extra kilograms, then conventional sugar can be taken);
  • 2 large or 3 medium apples (you can also use any fruits and berries that will be at hand);
  • 2 tbsp. l. Lemon zest.


  1. From the apples remove the core and cut into small cubes. If you want to make fruit softer, they stand after cutting a little to fry in a frying pan or hold in the oven.
  2. In Cottage cheese add a sugar substitute, zest, lemon juice and cheese. Beat until a homogeneous state.
  3. Cut from footwash 2 rectangular pieces of equal size. In the first to distribute the ½ received cream, after which it is to lay out ½ sliced ​​apples.
  4. Cover the workpiece by the second downtown sheet. Top to apply the second half of the cream mass and decompose the remaining apples.
  5. Twist the pita with cream and fruit in the roll, wrapped tightly in foil and remove for the night in the refrigerator.
You can decorate with cream, berries, pieces of fruit, ground nuts or molten chocolate.

4. Baskets with raspberry jam

The soul will also come and the gathering guests, and the year of the year - the white metal bull - baskets with a jam from raspberry.

For the preparation of dessert, you will need to take:

On jam:
  • 150 g of raspberries (you can use both fresh and frozen);
  • 15 g of corn starch (it is allowed to replace potatoes in proportion 1 to 0.5, but it is required to consider that the latter gives a stronger degree of thickening - the dessert will be less gentle and air).

Note. In general, it is permissible to take ready-made jam, jam or jam from any fruit or berries, focusing on your own taste.

On the baskets:

  • 150 g of wheat flour;
  • ½ cup of milk;
  • sugar.

On cream:

  • 150 g of creamy cheese (if desired, replace can be cream or mixed);
  • 3 h. Honey.



  1. Honey and cream cheese mix and beat to a state of homogeneous mass. Cream shifting into a confectionery syringe or bag.


  1. In the scenery or a shallow pan, put the berries, add sugar and put on fire.
  2. After the juice starts stand out, add starch.
  3. Wait when the mass thickens and turn off the plate.


  1. Mixing all the ingredients, cook the dough. Divide on equal parts, roll out and decompose in shapes for cupcakes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 and put the molds with the dough baked for 10 minutes. After that, get and give cool.
  3. Put the jam in the resulting baskets, pour the cream on top and remove into the refrigerator.

You can decorate the dessert for your own taste - fruit, berries, melted chocolate, pieces of nuts, coconut chips, etc.

5. Cream-vanilla dessert

Well complements desserts for the new year 2021 and this recipe - a nice creamy taste with vanilla notes will delight friends and loved ones and deliver a lot of pleasure to children.


  • 2 glasses of fatty milk;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. Starch (if instead of potato taking corn, the cream will turn out to be more air, but the starch will be 2 times more);
  • 15 g of vanilla sugar (added for aroma, can be replaced with citrus cents, brandy or cocoa powder);
  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 100-120 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Wheat flour;
  • butter.


  1. Put milk to warm on low heat.
  2. Break eggs into a saucepan, add sugar - ordinary and vanilla. Then beat to the foamy state.
  3. Without interrupting whipping, add flour and starch.
  4. When the mixture obtained becomes homogeneous, pour warm milk into it. Then put the container with the resulting substance on the water bath and warm, constantly stirring, until the thickening.
  5. The cream decompose in the creams (can be in advance baked baskets), lubricate with butter to eliminate the appearance of a crust, and remove into the refrigerator.
Before serving the dessert table, decorate with grated chocolate, coconut chip, fruit or berries.

6. "Potato"

Always relevant to any celebration, including the onset of the year of the metal bull, will be loved by many generations Cupcake "Potato". Which is quick and easy to prepare at home.


  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 200 g condensed milk;
  • 300-350 g of cookies (better than creamy);
  • 100 g of butter creamy.


  1. Quick cookies in fine powder (pestle or blender).
  2. Give oil slightly to put it, then add cocoa and condensed milk to it and thoroughly stir up to the consistency of chocolate paste.
  3. In the resulting mass, pour chopped cookies and stir. Before thickening - a spoon, and then - with hands.
  4. From the received "test" cut cakes - balls or an oblong form.
  5. Then sprinkle cocoa (you can with sugar) or crumbs from cookies and remove for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator - Dessert is ready!
Note. Owliness can also be made of crushed nuts. Or decorate dessert cream. As desired, for taste and aroma in the dough when preparing, it is allowed to add a little liqueur, Roma or brandy - no more than 1 tsp.

7. "Rafaello"

Self-cooked self-cooked candy with coconut chips and condensed milk will be excellent replacement for expensive shop delicacies.


  • condensed milk and coconut chips in proportion 1: 1;
  • Roasted hazelnut (you can take almonds, as well as pistachios or walnuts - on personal discretion).


  1. In a deep bowl, mix 2/3 coconut chips with condensed milk and strain to the state of thick casher. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. From the resulting mass to form pellets, inside which lay nuts. Then roll in the balls.
  3. Cut the balls in the remaining coconut chips (if desired, it is possible in chocolate) - the dish is ready.

Delicious homemade candies prepared according to the given recipe will perfectly complement and diversify other desserts for the new year 2021, and at the same time will delight lovers of the classic combination of coconut with the nut from the famous Italian brand.

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