Series "Hardy Brothers" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


Hulu streaming service decided on the eve of the new year to make a surprise to fans of detectives - the TV series "Hardy Brothers" from Canadian cinematographers started on the online playground, the release date of the first series of which fell on December 4, 2020. Directors of the project were Jason Stone and Melanie Orr. The brief content of the new television shows involved in the main roles of the actors and the film-related entertaining facts is in material 24cm.


It is difficult to disagree that in a quiet and peaceful externo place, it is sometimes possible to meet with extremely unpleasant inhabitants - folk wisdom has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. Here is the main heroes of the story that the audience tells the series "The Hardy Brothers", I had to make sure of the fairness of the sayings about the quiet Omut and devils.

The tragedy that occurred in the Hardy family forced a fantos detective with sons Frank and Joe to leave the lively megalopolis for a while and move to the outback. The man hoped that in the quiet bridgeport, where his childhood passed, he himself and children calm down a little and come to themselves after the loss experienced.

However, dreams were uncomfortable. Realizing that the wife had not died by chance, Fenton immediately engaged in unraveling the case associated with his family. And the teenage brothers, having learned that the Father leads a dangerous investigation, could not stay aside, with his head plunging into the trickling of secrets and mysteries hidden by the provincial town.

Actors and roles

The role of the roles in the series performed the following actors:

  • Roen Campbell - Frank Hardy, Senior Brother Joe, a 16-year-old teenager, early hazardous after the sudden death of the mother. I was used to thinking first and analyze the likely consequences of certain actions, and then do. After moving to Bridgeport, for some time he experienced a burning desire to return from the depths of the big city, but subsequently managed to go with the local inhabitants.
  • Alexander Elliot - Joe Hardy, Frank's younger brother. The restless and energetic 12-year-old boy, which did not lose even finally children's zador and immediacy. As a rule, first does, and only then tries to figure out what has done so. Not devoid of natural charm, allowing you to easily converge with people. Unlike Frank, thanks to his own striker, moving to his father's sister took a calmly and quickly started at the new place of friends.
  • James Tapper - Fenton Hardy, famous for the ability to unravel pussy detective, Frank and Joe's father. After the death of his beloved wife, he left the children for a while on a small homeland to try to calm down and show himself finally a caring parent. But the recent tragedy does not give a man of rest - barely negotiating that the cause of the death of the spouse was the investigation being held, a fenton is ready to go again on the trail, forgetting about the intention of the sons.

Also in the series were filmed : Justin Landry, Sean Colby, Janet Porter, Bea Santos and Kana Lin Bastidas in the role of Callie Show.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "The Hardy Brothers" is removed based on the book series of the same name for the authorship of Franklin U. Dixon, the leading countdown from the 20s of the last century. As it was subsequently, under the name of Dixon, a number of people who worked for the Publishing company Stratemeyer Syndicate "Literary Negro" (authors writing texts for other known persons for remuneration - editor) were hidden. But most of the early volumes of the series are written by one person - Leslie McFarley. Who enjoyed great respect from the publisher, but hated the books themselves and their characters.

2. In the new series, Joe Hardy is shown 12-year-old, and Frank - 16-year-old. While in the original source at the age difference at the brothers was only one year.

3. The director Jason Stone, which put to the creation of the show, managed to achieve recognition through the work on such projects, as the "consequences", "Besting", "Riverdale" and "Supernatural" (not a series, and a full-length full-length full-length configuration Franchise; Another name is "First Light").

4. The series "The Hardy Brothers" is not the first attempt to transfer Frank and Joe's adventures on the screen. In 1977-1979, the American TV show "Brothers Hardy and Nancy Drew" was published, closed after because of the increased popularity of Frank's characters and their friend-detective in the third season, did not leave the screen time, which caused the indignation of Drew fans. In 1995-1996, in Canada, the series "Hardy Brothers", consisting of 13 episodes.

The series "Brothers Hardy" - Trailer:

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