Series "Selena" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, NetFlix


In December 2020, the Netflix service showed the series "Selena", dedicated to the Latin American singer Selena Kintanilla-Perez, who conquered the world with creativity in the genre of Thiano. Interesting facts of baiopic and details from the set - in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the history of the Queen of Thekhano's family, which helps to fulfill the dream of a gifted girl. Thanks to the support of loved ones, Selena rapidly flew to the musical Olympus and reached world recognition. However, at 23, the singer was shot by the manager and her friend Iolande Saldivar. From the received RAS, the celebrity died.


The filmmakers approached the casting responsibly.

"Selena is an inspiring figure. We always knew that for the filming of the series about her life it was extremely important to find actors with the right combination of talent, charisma and passion ... "- told the executive producer Jamie Davil.

  • Christian Serratos - Selena Kintanilla-Perez, who was debuting on stage in 1980, and after 7 years he won the victory on Tejano Music Awards. The star, who achieved success in a purely male musical direction, achieved recognition at the expense of a strong voice and a signature feeling of style, which was moved to choreography and communication with fans from the scene. In the filmography of the performer noticeable was the role of Angela in the Saga Twilight and the image of the Rositis in the Motheric Draft "Walking Dead".
  • Noime Gonzalez - Kintanilla, sister and girlfriend Selena. The actress is known for the TV series "Kix. The team of dreams "and" Rosewood ", as well as the film" Charlotte 2 ". In the middle of 2020, the world premiere of the film "knocking debts" with the participation of celebrities.
  • Seydi Lopez - Marcell Kintanilla, mother singer. The actress of Mexican origin is known for roles in the show "Shield", as well as the films "Shameless" and "Los Angeles on fire".
  • Gabriel Chavaria - one of the roles will perform the star of films "Planet Monkeys: War" and "Best Life", as well as the series "Ship Night".
  • Ricardo Chavir - the audience will also see the performer of a key role in the TV series "Desperate Housewives". In the career of celebrities, work has become noticeable in the "Scandal" and "Castle"'s multiserpical projects.

The film also starred : Julio Masias, Juan Martinez, Hunter Riz Peña and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Release date - December 4, 2020 on Netflix.

2. Siela Selena Suzet spoke by co-author of the project scenario. It became known that relatives of the singer also worked on the creation of the series.

3. The series "Selena" is not the only attempt to recall and rethink the biography of vocalist. In 1997, a film was released on the screens with the same name in which Jennifer Lopez was fulfilled the main role. In the filmmaker of the last century, Jay Lo did not entrust the hits to feed, and the composition was heard the compositions performed by the villages of Kintanly.

4. Actress Seydie Lopez, who played the singer's mother's series, appeared in the first baiopic in an episodic role.

5. In the acting project, Madison Taylor Berez, who will fulfill Selena as a child.

6. Director of the project - Kamata Chiroma. The director is known for the projects "Guardian Devil" and "Criminal Notes: Kolosio".

7. On the Netflix website, the Selena series is set in the category "for family viewing" and is characterized as "inspiring, instilling hope."

Series "Selena" - Trailer:

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