Callisto (goddess) - image, goddess, Artemis, Jupiter


Character History

Callisto is an ancient Greek character, daughter of Likan, the ruler of Arcadia. The meaning of the name of the heroine is "charming". However, beautiful appearance determined the tragic fate of the girl.

History of character creation

The sky map is represented by constellations wearing the names of the heroes of the legends of ancient Greece: Hercules, Cassiopeia, Andromeda. Big and small bear are connected with the myth of Callisto.

Modern antiquity researchers see in this legend of the echo of a certain cult that existed in Arcadia. In antiquity, bears were held on the elevations of this territory. And people worshiped the goddess, which was identified with a powerful animal.

It is believed that this cult subsequently absorbed the popularity of Artemis (Diana), which found a kind of reflection in the myth on arcadeyanka. The patroness of the hunt appeared in the legend of the hostess of this heroine, which herself was punished for misconduct.

Walter Burkert and Jane Ellen Harrison, experts in ancient Greek religion, considered the characteristic of the character in the context of the ritualistic doctrine. For this, they investigated several legends at once - about Dana, Io, Antiophe, Avge and Callisto.

All works contain the same structure, which comes down to the 5 stages: Relief from home, privacy, communication with gods, misfortune and deliverance. In addition, all listed heroines became the founders of cities or tribal groups.

For example, Io performed the ancestor of Danaytsev, given to the founder of Mycene. Well, Callisto is a mother not only Arcade, but also all Arcadian.

In addition, Walter Burkert came to the conclusion that the "the tragedy of the Virgin", which formed the basis of each legend, reflects the natural course of girlfriend. And most importantly - associated with the age transitions of customs. Interestingly, in some Greek tribal groups, the girls acquired the status of an adult person only after childbirth. Up to this point, they were even excavated from home.

Callisto image and biography

Beautiful arcadecan was born in the royal family. In addition to her, Licaon, the ruler of Arcadia, had another 50 sons. The girl dreamed of breaking free because of the hand to her. Once the heroine went to the lake at midnight and appealed to Artemis. Virgo asked the goddess of hunting so that she helped her to escape.

In turn, the girl promised that he would devote all her life to the ministry. Artemis responded to the prayers of the daughter of Likayon and took it into her retinue. Among the helpers were also other nymphs (according to some reports, Callisto was also such).

Carelessly flowed the life of mythological character surrounded by the huncar. Once he solved the heroine to relax alone near the reservoir. But, unfortunately, he caught his eyes to the loving God Zeus (Jupiter).

He said in Virgo unprecedented beauty and decided to take advantage of the moment. And in order to deceive Callisto, turned into Artemis (in some sources - in Apollo). And only at the very end revealed his essence.

Arcadecan was frightened and tried to run, but it was impossible to resist the All-Fivy God. In addition, the fate played with the heroine of a cruel joke - soon the unfortunate girl realized that he was waiting for the child.

Artemis was chaste and demanded that appropriate behavior from their arms. The arcadecan of anger of patroness was frightened and therefore did not tell her about what happened. However, it was difficult to hide the growing belly for a long time.

Once, during the swimming, Artemis saw that her ward was pregnant. Out of heaven, she defeated her arcadian, turning the unfortunate to bear.

Here, information about who exactly drew a person in the animal varies. According to some data, Zeus himself did it, because he was afraid of the hera of Gen and wanted to hide his mistress. In the books of historians it is assumed that, on the contrary, the spouse of the Supreme God herself did a heroin seduced her husband.

One way or another, Callisto in the image of the Medoli left curses. Righting the boy Arcade (Arcasa), she brought a baby to his own father, so that he brought him up.

Zeus, having learned that he had a son, decided to intelligence, where he lives. God turned around with an ordinary person and came to Licon. But Licon suspected that in front of him the immortal. To check the guess, the king ordered the bake meat pie. And cook stuffing from a little arcade.

Zeus came to rabies when she realized that Licaon stabbed his son. He struck all the king's children, and he himself turned into a wolf. Then the thumbnail was resurrected to Arcade, passing the boy to the upbringing of one of Pleiad.

Years passed. Since the birth of the son of Callisto, 15 years old. The young man loved the hunt and once tried to kill his own mother in the image of the animal. Zeus prevented a young man to accomplish a terrible act and presented the immortality of the Messenger.

Since then, the constellation is shining the constellation of a large bear. And the vullea is visible nearby - this arcade looks after his own mother. So the ancient Greek characters moved from the pages of books to Astronomy.

Hera, finding his husband's mistress on the sky, came to indignation. She banned his rival to leave the reserved place.

Callisto in culture

The history of the Virgin, which hooked the child from Zeus himself, became known from Metamorphosis of Ovid. The artists of the Renaissance era took advantage of this plot. The image of the "charming" is present in the works of Titian. For example, the painting "Diana and Callisto" painted by Philip II.

Rubens and Bush also appealed to the description of the fate of the mythological character. The first depicted the scene of the seduction of Jupiter of a young girl. The same moment captured the French artist Francois Bush. In his picture, God takes the appearance of Diana.

As a literary source, French composer Francesco Cavalli used ancient Greek legend. The musician shifted the plot of the ancient world on notes, presenting the audience to the audience "Callisto" in the Venice Theater on the eve of 1651.

A new life was presented by the English conductor Raymond Leppard. And today it is included in the repertoire of the Bavarian Opera.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the ancient Greek character is called one of the four largest satellites of Jupiter.
  • In the American television series "XENA - Queen of Warriors" there is a heroine, which is called Callisto. True, despite the commitment of the scenario of the film the idea of ​​taking characters from mythology, she has nothing to do with the mother of Arcade.
  • According to some sources, Arcadyanka killed himself Diana, first turning into a bear, and then piercing the traitor to the arrow.
  • Gera deprived the opposition to refresh in the bright time of the day in the ocean waves. This in ancient times, people explained what big bear never comes.


  • I century n. NS. - "Metamorphosis"

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