Gauguja Solders: Biography, Personal Life, 2020, Wife, Instagram, Esters, House-2, Operation


Some call it an outstanding showman. Others - the main Friton of the country. The path of an ambiguous celebrity to fame began with Niza himself and was not eliminated by roses - to television and ether in the transmissions of Andrei Malakhov had to be achieved by selfless difficulty. Although the method of achieving the target artist chose a very original.

On December 5, 2020, Gauguen of the Solntov noted the 40th anniversary. On the remarkable details of the personal life and the biography of the star - in the material 24cm.

1. Unique image

Real name of Showman - Ilya. Gogen, the artist decided to name in honor of the famous French painter and a sculptor, whose spiritual reincarnation, on his own statement of celebrity, and is. In the fact that he rebirths the soul of the famous Frenchman, the Gaug of the Solders seriously believed after he dreamed of a dream in which the showman drew the picture on the canvas.

However, the firm name and an outstanding image did not immediately bring a star of fame. Nobody went to Frick's speeches to Frick. And when thanks to a successful acquaintance with a kind of producer with MTV, Gauguin Solntsev managed to get on television, then his first appearance in the frame was barely ended in deplorable.

Because of the image that was inspired by the style of Marilyn Manson, or the cinema embodiment of the famous Carpathian Colocoizer's carpathian count, the artist almost dyed from the shooting platform of the show "Five in Oterv." Fortunately for the celebrity, that time he managed not only to settle the situation, but also to win the first popularity given in the future of Solnthev to the air of such TV projects as "Dom-2", "called dinner", "let them talk" and "Andrei Malakhov . Live".

2. Road to glory

It is now about his adventures weekly report printed and Internet publications, and the "Instagram" account has more half a million subscribers. But this was not always - to fame, the artist had to do an impressive way.

To become an actor of Gauguin of the Solders wanted in childhood. And in every possible way, he sought to exercise a dream - he studied to musitize on the piano and sang in the school church. However, with the implementation of desires after graduation, a hitch arose - to enter the theater university to the budget, the guy could not, and the family had no money for the paid department of money.

Then the Solnth had to start earning - the young man graduated from sales courses and worked for some time in a network company, dealing with the spread of cosmetics. Also, at that time, the artist worked as a loader, sold theatrical tickets and engaged in sewing stage costumes for performances.

3. "DOM-2"

The project "Dom-2", in which he managed to "light up" the Gauguen of the Solntians, according to his own recognition of the Showman, had a negative effect on his reputation of a creative person. After leaving the transfer, the artist for a long time could not get a job. He was confused with another participant of the "Love Construction" - Rustam Solntsev, who left unpleasant impressions about themselves and at the audience, and the leaders of the tele-industry.

4. From the screen - in the meme

Real Glory and People's Recognition came to Gauguen Solntsev only after he was on the air of a talk show "Let him, with an inimitable expression, shouted to appeal to the" Comrade of Lawyer ".

The Istical Creek, combined with absurd facial expressions, was remembered to the audience and as a result, a number of memes spread on the Internet and subsequently repeatedly demonstrated in such an online show, as "this is good" and "+100500".

5. Literary talent

In early 2010, the artist actively distributed information about what was going to write his own book under the working title "Image of chairs with time", the material for which continues to collect. Then the excerpts from the mentioned work also emerged on the Internet. However, as of 2020, the information on the end of the literary labor of the famous Frrian was found.

6. Victim of beauty

In October 2020, the Solntians made another plastic surgery, despite the period of the pause between the performances to increase the size of the lips. The result was for the artist's deplorable - after a couple of hours after surgery, there was a tumor on the upper lip, and then a strong novaya pain appeared.

As soon as it turned out, the cause was brought during the plastic infection. To seek help from Moscow doctors after what happened to the Casus of the Suns did not wish, contacting the Germans.

7. Personal

Gogenes of the Solntsea is married. His wife in 2018 became Ekaterina Tereshkovich, whose age made the fans of the talent of her narrowed to doubt in the sincerity of the feelings of the spouses - the electronic chief of the telephrigue for 26 years older than his own husband.

Details of the biography of the wife's wife remain unknown yet. According to the assumptions of some journalists, the unfortunate seedliness of the life of celebrities - the person is wealthy and owning its own business and real estate. Others are confident that Tereshkovich is an actress of extras.

In November 2020, in Youtube Show "Alena, Damn!" Solders stated that he had a child from a familiar girl. True, even the floor of their own offspring, the Friton known in the country does not know - did not fundamentally clarify, since it does not represent himself as a father.

According to the showman, despite age, he still remains a child in his soul and is not ready to take responsibility for the upbringing of the baby on his shoulders. Especially since now the Gauguen of the Solnts is forced to take care of a sick mother and wife, and he has no other time.

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