The film "The most charming and attractive" (2020): Release date, Interesting facts, actors, quotes, Muravyov, how to shoot, song


The film "The most charming and attractive", whose release fell on November 10, 1985, questioned the art of seduction on science. Nevertheless, the phrase of Heroin and Maestro Patties and in 2020 are considered the key to female happiness. Interesting facts about the comedy, which viewers disassembled by quotes - in the material 24cm.

Invaluable film

The budget of the project, in the frame of which the Soviet stars of the first magnitude appeared, amounted to 500 thousand rubles. The film crew had to save. The film was filmed in the Pavilion "Mosfilm", where they put the scenery for the design bureau and apartments of heroes. The corridors and the stairs were filmed in the Research Industry, and locations for a provincial city, where heroes were on a business trip, found the capital on the streets.

The success of the project was not hoping for the success. However, the rights to the comedy acquired in 69 countries, which brought the execution of considerable dividends. And the Russian audiences can still revise the film School, who does not age, in online cinemas and other Internet resources for free.

His shirt ...

To wear Nadia and Susanne into fashionable and deficit in the USSR outfits, I had to seek help in artists. The dress and fur coat Irina Muravyeva brought to the set of his own wardrobe. Tatyana Vasilyeva Homemade things Susanna also collected from personal clothes. And Kepping for Nadi Klyoy brought from the house Larisa Udovichenko.

For shooting episodes with Alexander Shirvindt, Mikhail Kokshenov lent her red "Zhiguli". The actor insisted that the car can only be concerned in the frame and did not touch. And only later allowed to make scenes with a moving car.


The creators of the film "The most charming and attractive" feared that the story with the Fangovist will cause criticism. However, the scandal occurred because of the phrase "she, from the Urals?".

Boris Yeltsin, who at the time led the regional committee of the Party of the Sverdlovsk Region, and his colleagues were indignant by a biased attitude towards women's women. The director of the picture had to send an explanatory letter, where he was emphasized that it was not planned to offend the ladies.

"Water only for institute employees"

On the set, the director of the movie Carnocarters seeking the actors to memorize the text by heart, believing that the change in at least one word would lead to the loss of meaning. The performers, devoid of improving opportunities, were played out for the scenes.

Somehow Leonid Kuravlev and Alexander Shirvindt agreed to play Mikhail Kokshenov, who drank water from the machine gun. Several doubles broke, and the actor had to drink 8 glasses of water.

Train safety

Getting Started, it turned out that Irina Muravyova and Vladimir Nostess do not have the idea of ​​Ping Pong. The director of the film Herald Bezhanov hired coach who trained actors to the simplicity of the game. During the training process, the performer, who played the gene, pulled down his leg. And in the hospital it turned out that he broke the thumb. Shooting had to complete in the gypsum.

Musical curiosities

In the post-produce, the director of Mosfilm demanded that the director comply with the copyright of foreign composers and performers, whose works sound in the film. Bajanov managed to contact Fausto Papetti and Stars ON 45, and they allowed the Soviet people to listen to their works.

And from the singer Amanda Lir, whose concert is visible on the Fangovist TV, the answer did not do. In order not to get under penalties, Bezhanov rewritten the song by foreign vocalist with the voice of Larisa Valley.

Stropive actors

For the role of Nadi, the key director was originally planned by Irina Muravyev. But the star did not want to play the appendix from the design bureau. Bajanov Karaulil actress at the theater, kneeling before the star of the film "Moscow tears does not believe" and even asked her husband's husband to assist in this matter. Irina Vadimovna surrendered after a beginner director of the picture pleaded with a request to take a role, and the husband added that the girl should be helped.

Extravagant Tatyana Vasilyevna brought director to a heart attack, rebuilding without a breakdown. It became the last straw in a cup of patience of the director, who, having heard the refusal to return to the blonde, got into the hospital. To do without curiosities, the hair of the heroine was hidden under the cap.

Alexander Abdulov distinguished himself, who disappeared for 2 weeks, explaining the absence of hospital. And later it turned out that the actor went on tour on Sakhalin. The film "The most charming and attractive" was without a key hero. But Bajanov forgave the performer, because in the role of Modnik Volodya did not see other artists.

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