Sasha Kat - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Sasha Kat is a popular Russian blogger and singer. Now the girl does not get tired of pleaseing the fans "suitable" content, removes bright and shocking videos. The public like not only thematic structures, but also frequent experiments of Alexandra with their own appearance. The songs of the performer are imbued with irony and contain candid texts with an abnormative vocabulary.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of Kat little information. It is known that she was born on April 19, 1999 in the city of Kostanay, located in Kazakhstan. Real name and surname Rebarki - Alexander Marchenko.

After the secondary school, the girl entered the college to get the education of an economist. Sasha has an older sister Valery. Sisters get along with each other.

Personal life

The work of the blogger gave Kat financial independence. This allowed her to leave his hometown and move to St. Petersburg. In 2015, thanks to the common friends, Alexander met with Lesha Suvorov, who not only helped the shocking beauty to shoot a video, but also conquered her heart. In the video "How I met my boyfriend" on the Yutiub-Channel Sasha, together with the beloved, told about the beginning of the relationship.

It turned out that Alexey did not make a pleasant impression on the girl's first meeting, it seemed "Caeswe's, Rough". However, after a while, when young people met again, making some kind of project, the blogger looked at the young man with other eyes. The novel of the couple developed rapidly, the lovers created joint video, laid out photos in "Instagram".

However, soon the relationship began to deteriorate. The star hid a long time, but after Suvorov applied physical strength to her, chose to part. In the video "For a year, a former guy is threatened with me" Kat told subscribers about what happened between her and Alexei. It turned out that the young man strictly controlled any step of the girl, checked correspondence with friends, calls.

In addition, the jealous of the revolution constantly said that the chosen and terrible chosen. Blogger paid an apartment where he lived with his beloved, he held the large amounts of the large sums that he did not return. After parting, the guy continued to threaten Alexander and her parents.

After a loud gap with Suvorov in 2017, the girl switched attention to creativity. Among the fans of the blogger there were rumors about the non-traditional orientation of Sasha. In several interviews, the performer admitted that she was attracted to the beautiful floor. Fans regarded this recognition as a camining out.


Own blog on the Yutiub-Channel girl began to lead from 13 years. According to Alexandra, friends were pushed to this - her humor and immediacy appeared to the guys suitable for video format. For the new creative activity, the schoolgirl came up with the pseudonym Kat. Later, the star reported that he regretted this choice, considering nickname funny.

However, it was under him that subscribers were learned and continue to recognize, so it remains with the "hostess". The canal not only quickly made Sasha popular, but also began to bring good earnings. According to some reports, the star received from $ 500 to $ 9 thousand. As the Kat's fame increases and many advertisers wanted to cooperate with the girl.

The first rollers appearing on the video hosting, the blogger itself called empty and uninteresting. Studying at school, Alexandra told in the video about the lessons, classmates, about the first feelings, about what was in childhood, etc., the indispensable attribute of the grades of worm rates that the rebar burst into the most unexpected moments. Later, the girl refused to use them.

The next step in the blogosphere was the lighting of Sasha events occurring in the world, as well as problems that exciting adolescents. Every roller Kat filled with positive and humor, which liked the audience. Many plots are connected with the personal life of beauty. Among them are "Relationships: Waiting for VS Reality," "I made the first tattoo", "25 facts about me" and others.

The publicity in the works of Kat has both positive and negative sides. She has many haters, and the releases and photos often cause great resonance on the Internet. So, for example, when the author published a photo in social networks, where she struck the face of black paint, she was accused of racism.

It turned out that such an act in the West is considered unacceptable and regarded as an insult to the dark population. Act Alexandra divided seen snapshot of network users to 2 camps. Some saw in the "Blackfia" the desire for "Haipu", indicated the inadmissibility of this, others did not see anything serious in a act.

Misunderstandings arise not only with subscribers, but with other popular bloggers. So, on "Yutiuba" there was a release of the show "On the balls", in which Kat and Instasamka became participants (Daria Zotehev). According to the rules of transfer, the girls performed a number of tasks. After the Dasha's program, Alexander accused Alexander in the fact that she was through the control panel of her current (which, in fact, provided for the scenario of the competition).

The network flared fierce disputes - some users stood on the side of the instassion, others, knowing her scandalous character and permanent "attacks" against other bloggers (in particular, Lisa Madrid), supported Sasha. The conflict arose with Maryan RO, although to a girlfriend quarrel were in good relationships.

Star fans like that she is constantly experimenting with appearance. Change the girl began after parting with a guy. Initially, she made Dredi, then began to face the hair in bright unusual colors, and after tried tattoos and piercing. All this, according to the rebar, allows it to assert themselves, to find harmony with the inner world.

Sasha Kat now

In 2020, Sasha Kat continues to engage in blogging, makes fascinating rollers. Also, the singer continues musical creativity. In the "Youtyuba" there was an empty and frank video for the song "I don't need men." Alexander's roller fragments posted in "Instagram".

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