Marina Komarova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



Already in the early years, Marina Komarova was keen on writing fantasy and fantastic stories. It is not surprising that she easily managed to conquer readers with love for genre experiments, originality and a special atmosphere of works.

Childhood and youth

Marina Sergeevna Komarova was born on January 4, 1989 in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. The future writer from childhood loved reading, her acquaintance with fantastic literature began with a collection series "Hall of foreign fiction", which was collected by his father. Later, Marina became acquainted with the work of domestic authors.

For the first time, Komarov began writing in elementary school, it was fan fiction on the series "Xena - Princess Warriors". Then the girl did not even know the meaning of this word, but simply wanted to supplement the events of the original history. In high school, she began to approach the writer consciously and spent all his free time for creating short stories.

However, the girl did not plan the literary creativity with his profession. After graduation, she became a marine college student in Kherson, where he received education in the specialty of the shipbuilder engineer.

When the diploma was in his arms, Marina began working at a shipbuilding plant, where he had established himself as a promising employee and was aimed at further study at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Stepan Makarov. Despite the success of the service, Marina did not stop writing, creating new unusual worlds.

Personal life

The author prefers to keep information about the family and personal life in secret and does not talk about it in an interview.


The first attempts to get a response from readers the writer made on the spaces of the network, where he registered immediately on several official sites for the authors. Soon the stories of "Secrets and Riddles" and "Oracle Steps" were printed in literary journals, and this began a new stage in her creative biography.

In 2016, the AST publisher took up the publication of the novel "the enemy of the storm owner", written in the genre of heroic fantasy. That same year, Alpha-book printed a humorous work "with a snake on the shoulder." Despite the different feed, both books are impregnated with the spirit of adventure and supernaturality.

Most of the early novels of Komarov were written in the genres of fiction, urban fantasy, humor was used. The girl with a special trepid believed to study worlds, creating an atmosphere of mystery and fabulousness. As a base for creativity, the myths of the peoples of the world were used, which the writer is enjoyed. Prescribing books of books, Marina was often inspired by the architecture of Native Kherson.

The feature of the works of the author also became names of characters. They seem unusual for hearing, which is not surprising, because the woman has come up with most of them. According to her, she just opened a list of available and reworked on his own way, trying to sound pleasant for hearing.

Thanks to this serious approach, hard work and diligence, the list of published books of Marina rapidly grew. The bibliography replenished the cycles "The World of God-Serpent Chiu" and "Troy and Sister", the novel "Fate from another world", which opens the series "NORG". In 2017, Komarova released "fire in your heart" in collaboration with another writer Dana Arnautov.

Over time, Komarov became closely in a busy niche among fantasy authors, and she decided to master new genres. So a series of modern love novels of "Women is not very middle age" appeared, which the book "Meet, Love," was opened, then I loved. Kiss. Your roof, "" Dessert with character "and" Weight of your arguments. "

Work on existing cycles, the woman also did not abandon. Once she joked, which is the author-catastrophe for publishers and readers. After all, when she takes over a new book, it is unknown, in which genre will be published.

Marina Komarova now

In 2020, Marina released the love romance "Ink under the skin", which replenished the cycle "Passion - Sweet Pain" after the "heart in a cage". She also completed writing urban fantasy "My Hunter on Monsters", which became available on the network. Now the writer continues to create, glad the fans with their work. She leads a page in "Instagram" and a group in Vkontakte, where the photo is posting and reports news.


Outside cycle:

  • 2016 - "With the snake on the shoulder"
  • 2017 - "Sofia hears mirrors"

Cycle "World of Death and North"

  • 2016 - "The enemy of the owner of the storms" ("Yenganger does not breathe")

Cycle "The World of God-Snake Chiu"

  • 2016 - "Zmedeva and Turgun-Barbarian"

Cycle "Three and Sister"

  • 2017 - "Shards of the Sea and Gods"
  • 2017 - "Practice on Bald Mountain"

Cycle "NORGA"

  • 2018 - "Fate from another world

Cycle "Women not very middle age"

  • 2019 - "Meet love"
  • 2019 - "I love. Kiss. Your roof "
  • 2019 - "Weight of Your Arguments

Cycle "Passion - Sweet Pain"

  • 2020 - "Ink under the skin"

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