Lada Siemenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Love and Pigeons 2021



In the 9th day of the new 2020, an unusual heroine came to the "fashion sentence". Visiting Alexander Vasilyeva, Evelina Khromchenko and Yulia Baranovskaya turned out to be the younger daughter of Kuzyaki from the legendary comedy "Love and Pigeons" Lada Siazonenko. On changing the wardrobe, once actresses and models insisted Natalia Grechko, who said that her girlfriend, completely devoting himself to the family and children, forgot about himself. Fortunately, fashion experts and stylists coped with the task, miraculously transforming a woman.

Childhood and youth

In mid-October 1970, the 16th, in the Moscow family of Siemenko there was a replenishment. The daughter, which parents awarded the beautiful name of Lada (scales on the sign of the zodiac). Father Vyacheslav worked with clown in a circus, mother - a Maneja inspector, and both dreamed that the heir was tied up his life with acting. Therefore, from the early years, they drove a daughter to all sorts of visiting and listening.

"I never went to the circus arena. If the dad had their acrobatic number, he would take me. But he worked clown. When children were required for the New Year's presentation on the Manege, I was among the first. I liked it very much! " - Shared actress in an interview.

The first role of a 2-year-old girl was to play a movie "Dacha". According to the scenario, she was supposed to stand on the balcony and just throw money down, but the episode did not give in any way. Then the young artist was invited to participate in the drama "My tender and gentle beast." But adults did not dare to send the only child, even if they were accompanied into such a distance.

Once in the newspaper, a 13-year-old teenager saw an announcement that girls from 10 to 12 years old were selected on Mosfilm. Despite the fact that in the age of Lada did not fit slightly, she together with her grandmother went to the casting.

And at such an important event, the contestant appeared in everyday clothes - skirt, T-shirt, golf. The image complemented the ever broken braid. And good luck smiled at the future celebrity: director Vladimir Menshov chose her from the crowd of elegant contenders.

Remembering school years, a woman told that, despite the seeming fragility, she knew how to stand up for himself. And when the boys in the classroom, in order to attract attention, hit the lineup, then the textbook, a student, without understanding the subtle hints, regularly gave delivery.

Personal life

Personal life The role of Olya Koszyakina from the Vastoodno beloved film "Love and Pigeons" arranged not immediately. With the first spouse Vladimir, the girl met in his youth - she was 18, and he was 23. Lovers only began to work in the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren on the Lenin Mountains. Mutual feelings quickly led to the wedding and birth of a child.

After the maternity leave, Lada began persistently walking around the castings in modeling agencies, but the husband acted a categorically against the fact that his chosen was engaged in such a matter. Perhaps it was precisely different views of the pair later led to the divorce. In an interview with the 2011, the woman said that a couple of years ago married again and presented to the beloved man of the heir to Alexander.

In 2020, on the air "Fashion sentence", she appeared under the new name Shurygin, did not forget to mention the children. The eldest son Vyacheslav has already acquired his own family, and the younger studied in the 5th grade. By the way, the plaintiff Natalia Grechko, who led a friend to the TV program, turned out to be the class teacher of Sasha.

Films and Career

2 weeks after Menshov allocated Lada from a variety of young challengers, she was called on a film studio. The real samples began. The girl diligently answered the questions, he adjusted the poem and sang a song "I live in my grandfather, I live at my grandmother, my father and mom go to visit us."

Selection actresses lasted from May to August. By this time, Siazonenko, pretty tired of a large number of reviews, was fond of horses and dreamed of his own program. Therefore, when the director's cherished call was heard, she at first thought to abandon the invitation. Fortunately, granddaughter entered the grandmother, accompanied on the set in Karelia.

"Phrases" Lyudk, and Lyudk! " There was no scene in the script, like scenes with a torn pompon. It was invented by the actors themselves. I do not want to make a heroine out of myself, but it seems to me that I suggested this idea with Raisa Zakharovna. I was then a teenager, I fought every day, I had fresh memories, "the actress recalled.

Unlike colleagues, it, like Yannina Lisovskaya, was practically not made in the frame. Much more went to Alexander Mikhailov and Sergey Jurassic. After the exit of the tape, originally planned in two parts, the Lada woke up by the famous: unfamiliar people turned around, they pulled themselves and smiled at the sight of her.

Unfortunately, the role of the youngest daughter of Vasily and Kuzyakin's hope was for Muscovite the only filmography. Proposals, of course, came, for example, to the "accident - daughter of the cop", but the presence of erotic scenes scared the girl. And the choice was made in favor of the feshent industry.

At first, in the fashion house Vyacheslav Zaitseva, Lada was not taken due to age, so the first show occurred in 1991, and the last - in 2000. Labor book, from her words, all these years was kept in the house of fashion hum. And subsequently, saying goodbye to the podium, she did not leave this scope, becoming deputy director of the modeling agency.

Lada Siazonenko now

TV program "Fashion sentence" of January 9, 2020, called "Love and Pigeons": Life after, "shed light on the personal biography of Lada Vyacheslavovna. Now a woman (height 180 cm with weight 75 kg) is engaged in housekeeping and raising a younger son (it even consists in the parent class committee).

The defendant voiced on the air and the reason for which he waved his hand. Once the fire happened in her apartment, eliminating everything ht. After that, Siazonenko decided that the material values ​​for nothing, and best of all devote himself to family and children. The video of the wonderful transformation is stored on the official website of the transfer, and the photo before and after - in social networks ("Instagram", "Vkontakte", etc.).


  • 1984 - "Love and Pigeons"

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