Vladimir Gusinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Media Magnate 2021



Vladimir Gusinsky is known today as a former Russian media signal. The projects created by the businessman include the NTV channels and TNT Holding "Media-Bridge". Also oligarch became a co-founder of several printed editions. The activities of the man was subsequently recognized as fraudulent. The arrest followed the years of prison, and then - immigration to Spain.

Childhood and youth

About childhood in the biography of the entrepreneur and his youth knows a bit. Gusinsky was born on October 6, 1952 in Moscow. Representatives of the older generation in the family became victims of Stalinist repression. Vladimir Alexandrovich's grandfather was shot in 1937, and her grandmother fell into the camp for 9 years. Parents Alexander Savelyevich and Lilia Yanovna surrounded her son care and love.

After school, the young man became a student of the Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry, but it turned out to be unreasonable: he was soon expelled from the university. From 1973 to 1975, the young man carried the army service. According to one source, Vladimir came to the troops of chemical intelligence, according to another, served in air defense. After the army, the future media signal entered the directorial faculty of Gitis.

Personal life

The personal life of Gusinsky turned out to be stormy and rich. Being a student of the theater university, the guy fell in love with Olga's future wife. The novel developed rapidly, and the couple decided to play a wedding. By the time Vladimir Gitis, the Son of Ilya was born from the spouses. Together with the child, the family went on tour in Tula, where the young director put the first play.

However, the marriage lasted for a long time: when Ilya turned 6 years old, Gusinsky left the family. Actress Theater and Cinema Olga Prokofiev became new enthusiasm to the future oligarch. The couple met long before the start of the relationship. Vladimir was asked to act as a tutor to prepare a girl to the entrance exams in theatrical university.

Vladimir Gusinsky and Olga Prokofiev

At that moment, no spark between them ran: a man focused on the pedagogical aspect of classes, Olga thought about exams. But in 1985, after the end of the actress Gitis, the "teacher" and "student" met again, and this time passion flared instantly.

Gusinsky was beautifully cared for the beloved, snapped her flowers, did expensive gifts. The future founder of TNT and NTV wanted Prokofiev to become his wife, but the wedding did not take place: after 4 years, the relationship was outlined.

With the second spouse, Elena Gusinskaya businessman met, working in the Bridge project. The woman performed the functions of the consultant on legislation. The pair discovered common interests, and a wedding was held soon. Three children were born in marriage.

Creativity and business

In the early 80s, Vladimir graduated from Gitis. The diploma performance on the book of Moliere Tartuf was subsequently the first formulation of the director. The premiere passed in the regional Tula Theater. In parallel, the man took up business projects. In 1986, Moskvich organized the Metal company, producing metal products.

After 2 years, the entrepreneur headed the "INTEKS" cooperative, providing customers with financial and legal advice. In 1989, on the basis of this enterprise and the American company Arnold and Porter, a joint project "Bridge" arose. In it, "INFECS" belonged half of the authorized capital.

From it in 1992, the holding "Bridge Group" Holding, which included only Russian representatives. The new joint-stock company belonged to 42 companies. The company also belonged to the activities of the "Most-Bank". In 1997, Vladimir took the head of the new Holding "Media Bridge".

In the early 90s, Gusinsky created the NTV television company. Soon after the founding of the channel, the oligarch was suspected due to Chechen separatists. At one of the conferences, Boris Berezovsky reported that the businessman shared this information with him. By order of the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin in 1994 began a pressure campaign on the head. Vladimir was forced to leave the country and he half a year to live in London.

Criminal prosecution

In 2000, the entrepreneur fell under the arrest: the man was accused of fraud in particularly large sizes. According to preliminary data, the businessman was suspected of the embezzlement of state property worth $ 10 million. Mediagnat was planted in "Butyrka", and after 3 days they were released on a subscription of the unseen.

However, by November, when a new criminal case was brought to the oligarch, he had already managed to leave the country. The Prosecutor General's Office turned to the help of Interpol. In December 2000, Gusinsky was detained in Spain and sent a fraudster's case to the Madrid court. At the end of the month, the billionaire was released: $ 5 million was deposited for him.

In turn, Vladimir Alexandrovich appealed to representatives of the ECHR in order to prove the falsity of the charges. In 2004, a businessman was recognized as illegally deprived of liberty. The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia after that appealed to Spain demanding the extradition of the entrepreneur. The Spanish court refused to issue an oligarch.

In 2011, Alexander Voloshin denied the data on the fact that the billionaire under pressure was sold to Gazprom Holding Media Bridge in exchange for criminal charges. In 2018, financial difficulties have emerged from companies in Gusinsky projects. Businessman used a special scheme so as not to lose great tools.

Since 2017, companies that create "Menting War" serials, "Streets of broken lamps" and others, found themselves in a difficult position: financing for the production of new projects was not enough. Firms belonging to a businessman were forced to take loans abroad. As a result, debts have grown multiple times, the bankruptcy procedure was launched.

In early February 2019, one of the banks filed a claim for $ 1 billion. A few weeks later, at the age of 64, Igor Malashenko was committed with him, NTV co-founder. Regarding the death of colleagues, Vladimir Alexandrovich said the following:

"I'm shocked. It's too painful for me. I don't want to talk anymore. "

Vladimir Gusinsky now

In 2020, the claims of Gusinsky's creditors continued. So, Ravil Faizullin noted that the oligarch did not pay for the shooting of the series, and the money brought the money through the Swiss company. Now Vladimir Alexandrovich lives in different countries of the world, having real estate in Spain, states and Israel. The entrepreneur does not allow an interview, does not lead an "instagram" and other social networks, his photo with his family does not appear on the Internet.

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