Natalia Lukeichova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Natalia Lukeichieva had a lot of hobbies from childhood, but she decided to associate life with acting profession and did not lose. The actress has become famous thanks to the skillful embodiment of strong and independent women in the series and cinema.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Lukicheva appeared on August 22, 1978 in Nizhny Novgorod. Her parents were far from acting art: Mom worked as a teacher, father - engineer, but this did not prevent the disclosure of the creative potential of his daughter.

Another preschool natasha was engaged in a ballet studio and performed on stage. After the dismissal of the favorite ballet teacher, the girl decided to go to the rhythmic gymnastics, received the title of candidate in the master of sports. At the same time, she continued to be interested in the theater, studied folk dances and attended a music school.

In high school classes, the girl finally decided on the choice of the future profession and submitted documents to theatrical school. Parents did not immediately understand her choice, because they wanted a daughter to master a serious specialty, but did not hinder.

By the lucky random, the student performance with the participation of the actress saw an outstanding artist and teacher Avangard Leontiev. He was impressed with the acting abilities of Natalia and invited her to continue his studies at the Moscow Studio School, where the girl took immediately to the 3rd rate. Among the stars' classmates was Olesya Suzilovskaya.

Theatrical career Lukeichova did not work out. After receiving a diploma, she worked for some time in the theater under the guidance of Armen Gigarhahanyan, then joined the artists of the center. Sun. Meyerhold, but became famous thanks to the movie.

Personal life

In his youth, Natalia had unsuccessful novels with classmates, after which she decided that she was not going to build a personal life with representatives of the acting profession. Then the girl met Anatoly Yakimov, who has the formation of a financier, but works by the producer.

The feelings broke out between them not immediately: they talked for a long time, together dinner in a cafe, got used to each other. When the lovers understand that they want to legitimize the relationship, they decided to do without a lush celebration. They were registered in jeans, and then modestly celebrated the event in the restaurant, after which they were reported to relatives.

In 2004, Anatoly and Natalia became the parents of the son of Arsenia. A boy since childhood shared his mother's hobby, demonstrated talent to artistic art and was engaged in sports. According to the actress, the birth of a child made her in a different look at the world. She realized that the main thing in life is the family, it became calmer and softer. It helped to expand the repertoire of images to the cinema and to achieve new vertices in the profession.


Natalia's screen debut took place immediately after moving to the Russian capital, where she starred in the Japanese film "Passion in Russia". After that, the girl made a long break to improve acting skills, and only 6 years later, again appeared on television, noting the episodic role in the TV series.

Then there was a memorable appearance in My Beautiful Nan, where Lukeichva fell to play a cleaner with theatrical past. Despite the tender lyrical appearance, then she was increasingly offered to play hard in the nature of the heroine, because she coped with them brilliantly.

The image in the TV series "Love as love" also did not exception. Throughout the melodrama, the heroine Natalia revealed to the audience from different sides, demonstrating all the verge of a difficult character. And he helped her on this screen partner Ivan Lodine, with whom she created a beautiful tandem.

In 2007, he became a breakthrough in the creative biography of Lukeich, because she fell to play two main roles. She embodied the wrong wife Katya in a detective "Resort Roman" and a strict doctor Julia in the comedy "thirty-year-old." In the same year, the artist started shooting in the TV series "Tatiana Day", where Zhanna embodied.

Another bright character in the Pigs of the images of Natalia became a confident and cold-blooded Kat in the "Marriage Marriage" drama. For the sake of this role, a woman had to improve the skills of driving a car and learn shooting, but she managed to make a heroine for a truly memorable and interesting. Later she returned to the shooting in the continuation of the "Return of Sandra".

In the following years, the celebrity filmography was regularly replenished with new projects. She appeared in the "Giothery Hunt", "Killer's Profile" and "Contract Conditions", and in 2013 completed shooting in the TV series "Legal Doping", where they played a biathlete that decided to get pregnant for victory in competitions. To prepare for work, Lukeich had to learn skiing, what a professional coach and beloved husband helped her.

No less memorable was the appearance of an artist in a family detective melodraman, where she played the head of the club. Natalia was filmed in two parts of the project - "Chernobogo revenge" and "apple tree of discord".

Natalia Lukeeva now

In 2020, actresses had to suspend his career because of the coronavirus pandemic. Now she leads a page in Facebook and the official website, where publishes the photo and reports news.


  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2002 - "Protection Line"
  • 2006-2007 - "Love as love"
  • 2007 - "Resort Roman"
  • 2007 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 2007 - "thirty-year"
  • 2010 - "Voices"
  • 2013 - "Legal Doping"
  • 2015 - "Return - Talk"
  • 2017 - "While death does not give us"
  • 2019 - "Rural Detective. Apple tree discord

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