Facts about the films of Vladimir Menshov - interesting, little-known, "Drawing", "Moscow does not believe in tears", "love and pigeons", "Shirley Merley"


On July 5, 2021, it became known about the death of a talented actor, director and teacher Vladimir Menshov. Celebrities did not become on the 82nd year of life, the cause of death is called the consequences of transferred coronavirus infection. His newsipetings viewers know and remember even after dozens of years, and phrases and quotes from films immediately became covered and still alive in the people. Vladimir Menshov himself confessed that he considered the director's fascinating profession, and therefore he dedicated her life.

In material 24cm - a selection of little-known facts about the films of Vladimir Menshov.


1. Family fans of the celebrity knows such a fact about the film Vladimir Menshov "Raffle": in the film, which became the debut in the director's career for him, his daughter was shot. 7-year-old Yulia Menashova received a small episodic role, participating in the stage with the May Day demonstration. However, the heiress of the director even years later with Nostalgia recalls the first acting experience, which received thanks to the Father.

2. The actors involved in the filming of the paintings later told in an interview that on the set all men were in love with the actress Natalia Vavilov, and the young Dmitry Kharatyan wrote her touching poetic lines. The artist himself says that he refused then to admit even to himself. After all, he did not consider himself beautiful at that time, and the popularity and folk recognition had not yet come to him, so haratyan and did not see the point of competing with other men.

"Moscow does not believe in tears"

1. In the selection of "Interesting Facts about the films of Vladimir Menshov" it is worth adding that many friends and colleagues discouraged the director to shoot this film, calling it another household melodrama. Even the spouse of the director, the actress Vera Alentova, did not appreciate the script of the film "Moscow, I don't believe in tears" and exclaimed when reading: "Well, Moore!" However, the actress came to samples and won them in good faith, as a result honestly defeating the competition. In the picture, then another 37-year-old actress played a young girl and a mature woman.

Vladimir Menshov recalled that he was attracted by an interesting move when Katerina fell asleep in tears, and woke up a successful woman: Like the screenwriters forgot to write what happened in this interval. But then Vladimir Menshov understood the idea and compared her with his marital life.

2. Irina Muravyeva told in a conversation with journalists a funny story that Alexander Fatyushin returned her three rubles after 20 years from filming. His hero took them to Lyudmila Sviridova to buy a drink. The actor specially found the money of the old sample, sealed in the envelope "treshka" and made the actress a pleasant surprise, adding that the Muravyeva should have remained since then. The actress did not expect this, but admitted that she had retained the gift of colleagues.

"Love and pigeons"

1. Collecting little-known facts about the films of Vladimir Menshov, we note that the shooting of the painting "Love and Pigeons" was conducted in a house with real owners who did not leave for the time of work, and courageously endured all the requirements and requests of the film crew. Spouses fed the whole team freely, cared for animals, which were also involved in the shooting, and watered the garden. Suitable location was looking for a long time and found in Karelia, in the small town of Medvezhiegorsk.

Cinematographers with the consent of the married couple made many changes to the interior of the housing, and also built a few buildings in the yard and made wooden flooring on the porch to make it like a Siberian house. The pigeon and summer kitchen remained for the memory of the real owners and served not one dozen years.

2. One of the interesting and technically complex scenes of the picture is when Vasily (Alexander Mikhailov) falls into the open door of his house and finds himself in the sea where he gets to Lyudmila. To shoot this episode was required by one double, without a break, but it did not come out from the first or second time. While the artist sailed in cold water and divers filmed a suit with him, he forgot his text from excitement and stress and, as soon as he snapped, asked Lyudmila Gurchenko: "Luch, and what am I talking about?" For the second time the actor almost suffocated under water because of a tie, which was too tightened. Assistants had to urgently cut the "removing" under water.

"Shirley Merley"

1. The name of the film "Shirley-Mirly" is taken from the song that Vasily Rabbits fought (Valery Garkalin). The musical composition was written specifically for the film and does not carry any hidden meaning. In the slang phrase "Shirley Merlya" means trifle, nonsense and nonsense. By the way, in the US, the picture was shown to the audience called "Well and Bardak". Interestingly, after the premiere on the director, a squall of critics hit: many believed that this was a failure. The tape was recognized as an affected and did not put forward any nomination.

2. In conclusion, we will add such an interesting fact about the films of Vladimir Menshov: the entire wedding ceremony in the tape "Shirley-Mill" waiters moved on roller skates. However, it was intended only for the sake of a small fragment, where the ridiculous collision ended with the fall was happening.

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