Daria Jurassic - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



On March 16, 2020, the evening of the memory of Sergei Jurassic on the occasion of his 85th anniversary took place in the Moscow House of Actor. About the deposit of colleagues, untimely spent a year ago, Marina Brusnikna, Vladimir Menshov, Mikhail Levitin and others told in cinematic and theater art. The only daughter of the outstanding artist Daria touched the personal preferences of the father - child love for railway, music and circus.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Yurevich and Natalia Maksimovna reduced the shooting area "Big Feline Fairy Tales". The artist, whose name has already thundered at the Soviet Union, hanalently kissed his hand with a new acquaintance, and she fell in love with him at first sight. But the relationship then between them did not start, because both were in official marriages.

Teniakova, who worked in strong emotions, came and confessed to the spouse in everything. Lev Dodin laughed, jokingly giving good hot wife on such a deep feeling. The same as it turned out later, I did both Jurassic, also losing my head from the girl. According to legend, Zinaida Charcot knew that it would work out when I first saw a rival.

The wedding of colleagues played spontaneously and even forced: a rapid trip to the regulations pushed out the failure in settling in one room on tour. The chosen by the legendary actor did not immediately take his last name. This happened at the time when a man began to "prohibit", and "goodwires began to visit it, recommended to say goodbye to the marriage.

On July 25, 1973, replenishment happened in the family - Daria appeared on the world. By the way, this is how the father called the child since childhood, avoiding the dimensional names of the name. He, the souls did not kowel in the baby, the descent, however, did not give her - from the early years to "tormented" by French (and at home, and in a special educational institution) and demanded a diploma.

"It seems to me that the attendant of the parents' happiness is that they did not lose interest in each other, well, or did not meet anyone more curious. Mom believes that the success of their family life is in a large number of work, and adds: "And he always knew how to make me laugh!" "The heirs of Jurassic in an interview was divided.

A woman considers his childhood happy and remembers him with tenderness. In the mornings, the head of the family, feeding sausages with tomatoes, was invariably collected in the School, and entertained the invented stories at the doctor's admission. Growing in an atmosphere of creativity, the graduate decided to continue the dynasty and entered the MHAT Studio School on Oleg Tabakov.

As for adults, they wanted to have a daughter firmly on her legs, and timidly offered a foreign language and journalism. However, later, the mother with his father never missed the performances with Dasha.

Personal life

The personal life of the only child of Jurassic and Teniakova has developed, as they do not immediately. With the first husband, the artist Alexei Lebedev Dasha studied in the same class. Mutual feelings broke out between them in the 14th age, but ended simultaneously with the release of school. However, it just seemed: it was worth the former in love crossing how the novel was tied with a new force.

The worker of parting and reconciliation interrupted the accident - green-eyed beauty (height 171 cm) shot down the car, so that it was threatened with disabilities. Alyasha came to "Skliff", there was a cherished proposal of a hand and hearts. In June 1994, a wedding took place, and in 8 years he appeared Georgy.

"Nor before, nor after I have not seen the Father in such a thrift and touched as then at the door of the hospital. The ring that he presented to me for the birth of grandson is one of my most beloved, because it reminds you of a very beautiful day at the end of spring. Blowered and fragrant lilac, and we were all absolutely happy, "said Daria Sergeevna.

Unfortunately, after the birth of a child, marriage gave a crack. The reasons for the resulting woman called several - both fatigue, and the desire for change, and acquaintance with Magomed Khostoev. His actress in 2009 presented the heir to Alisher, but, despite this, they did not come out of a happy family.

Selected, he opposed the meetings of the step with a biological father, then satisfied the real nightmare with the abduction of his native son. And Jurassic asked for help to the former spouse. When the problem was solved, and the long-awaited divorce was received, Daria with Alexei got married again.

Theater and films

Immediately at the end of the university, the graduate was in the troupe of Chekhov MHT, to which faith and the truth serves now. She successfully continued the case started by his parents, and virtuoso coped with the proposed roles. The avid theatrians were in admiration for reincarnation in Rachel in Pivik club, Irina Lavrovna in the "last victim", Elena in the "Sights in the Summer Night."

It was lucky enough to light up in the "provocations", set by the famous Father in the "School of Modern Play". And here she got two heroines, Regina and Lisa at once.

With cinema in talented artist, there was also a long relationship. From the film "This fantastic world. Issue 13, "where the girl played at a young age, started regular shooting.

Daria Jurassic in Youth (Frame from the movie

Almost immediately, Jurassic offered a major role in the "Countess Sheremeteva", where Andrei Rostotsky spoke partner. In the middle of zero, her creative biography was replenished with solving TV shows ("Evlampia Romanova", "Law and Order", "Barvikha").

Subsequently, the multi-sieves paintings with the participation of the actress were organically interspersed with full-length. For example, Drama "Where there is happiness for me" changed "Margarita Nazarova", where Jurassic transformed into Galina Brezhnev.

The forces and time of the woman were also enough for a lecture "direct speech". She, then in Tandem with Dmitry Bykov, told listeners about Sergey Yurevich, then he read a monologue "by first person ..." in Gogol Center.

Daria Yursk now

Daria Sergeyevna continues to go to the scene of his native MHT and shine in the productions of "expensive treasure", "Ophelia is afraid of water", "the witness of the charge", "span goose" and other, invariably causing ovation. Did not abandon the celebrity and cinema, the replenition of new projects filmography. It is known that in 2020 she was filmed at least in two TV shows - a detective "under cover" and historical "Bumblecastle".

Jurassic is a real treasure for journalists and interviewers, because rarely denied them in frank conversations. With great pleasure and enviable regularity, the woman attended the "shelter of comedians", in 2019 talked to souls with Kira Stoutine in "He and she", and in a year she came to the "main role".


  • 1987 - "This fantastic world. Issue 13 "
  • 1990 - "Chernov"
  • 1994 - "Countess Sheremetyeva"
  • 2002 - "Separate Goose"
  • 2002 - "Retro"
  • 2003 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • 2004 - "Sins of fathers"
  • 2007, 2008, 2010 - "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigation"
  • 2009 - Barvikha
  • 2009 - "Once there will be love"
  • 2013 - "Where there is happiness for me"
  • 2013-2014 - "Women on the verge"
  • 2016 - "One chest for two"
  • 2016 - "Margarita Nazarova"
  • 2016 - "Moscow. Central District. Last season "

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