Frank Sinaratra: biography, personal life, 2020, songs, texts, children, death


The texts of the songs fulfilled them know by heart hardly not all Americans, starting with younger school age. Yes, and in Russia, his work is perfectly known - at least thanks to the compositions for New Year's and Christmas topics, such as Let It Snow or Jingle Bells, sounding in Western films.

December 12, 2020 turned 105 years from the day when Frank Sinatra was born. On the entertaining facts from the creative biography and the personal life of the famous singer - in the material 24cmi.

1. Non-educated hooligan

Despite the fact that Frank Sinatra Ries in the Family of Emigrants from Italy, his childhood cannot be called unsecured. On the contrary, the money from the parents of the future star was found. So the mother and father of the child did not deprive her son with gifts and toys. Yes, and with the boy's clothing, everything was always in perfect order. The case is also mentioned when Frank's mother bought a form for the entire courtyard on baseball, in which the synatra junior was playing.

Ros Frank Salopam. The future star was much more fascinated by sports and music. And the latter is so much so that from 13 years of age, the boy began to perform in various establishments of Hoboken - there Sinatra Ros, - accompanying himself on a small Hawaiian guitar - Ukulele.

But the sluggishness did not pass without a trace - in 16 years old, the guy was excluded from school, so that even secondary education did not receive the famous performer. Not to mention the profile - the singer did not know the notebook, but it was perfectly picked up the hearing melodies.

2. Generic injuries

Speaking about the hearing, you should not forget about the following - the fact that Frank Sinatra at all managed to start singing, can be considered a miracle. After all, at birth, the future singer and the actor received a serious injury of the eardrum - he was even freed for this reason from a military call in the years of World War II, although it was rumored that the star was paying off from the service for $ 40 thousand.

Frank appeared on 6 kg weighing. In order to help such a "baby" to leave the generic paths and facilitate the suffering of the mother, the doctors used a special tool, which caused the refill damage.

The child's removal operation also left the scars on the face of Sinatra, which the performer shy to demonstrate throughout his life, diligently hiding the left side of the camera lenses. By the way, despite such impressive dimensions at birth, the singer has never been different - because of his 1.7 meters, whom the artist was terribly embarrassed, Sinaratra wore special shoes that made him above.

3. Contract

Even before gaining popularity, Frank Sinatra signed a lifelong contract with Tommy Dorsey, with the orchestra of whose orchestra, on the bible conditions - over 40% of their own revenues, a young man pledged to give the head of Big Band.

There is a legend that familiar synatters from Sicilian mafia helped break the contract. However, in reality, instead of Hangsters, Sinetra hired a couple of lawyers who were satisfied, convincing Dorsey to refuse their claims to finance a growing star, albeit for impressive express.

And the legend was born due to the fact that the persons of the artist always had rumors about ties with Mafia. Which were partially true, because, speaking with jazz-orchestras and big bands, giving submissions in clubs and restaurants, it was impossible to do with the loops of such institutions with criminal elements. Yes, and Mario Piezo clearly chosen the image of Johnny Fontaine for his "godfather" with Sinatra.

4. Nickname

For his creative career, the synatra has changed the nickname several times. First, the listeners called the young artist just Frankie. With the growth of the popularity of the singer, fans renamed him to a voice, demonstrating the respect for the Sinatra vocal data. Then Frank turned into Mr. blue eyes. And with age and the growth of worship before the star, he became in the mouth of the people the chair.

5. On the screen

I managed the artist show myself not only as a performer, but also as an actor. On the score of Sinatra six tens of film colleges. And he began with episodes, where the artist was trusted to fulfill one-different song. And those - only partially. Only in the 44th on the screens came the tape "Stepping Merities", where the synatra has already received a serious role.

6. "Iconostasis"

During the years of life, the artist managed to collect a lot of awards. In his creative piggy bank of the Award Guild Guild, Grammy, Golden Globe, Oscar for the best male role of the second plan, as well as a reward for the contribution of the fight against racism and the presidential medal of freedom. And a year before the death of the artist awarded the Gold Medal of Congress for his contribution to culture and history. And this is only in the states - celebrities also had honorary signs and other states, in particular Austria and Italy.

7. Women Frank Sinatra

To be in marriage, Kruner managed four times. His wives in different years became:

  • Nancy Barbato, who gave him three children: Son Frank and daughters Nancy and Tina;
  • Ava Gardner, for six years of relationship with which an artist has repeatedly tried to commit suicide;
  • Mia Farrow, a union with which was upset after a year and a half;
  • Barbara Marx, with whom the artist lived until his death.

In addition to wives, Sinatra has enough other women. And both between marriages and during. Actually, infidelity from the artist and became the cause of parting with legitimate spouses.

Shirley McHlein, Gina Lollobrigid, and even Marilyn Monroe, who allegedly Frank Sinatra even offered to play the wedding a week before her death, were attributed to the star. A actress Eva Bartok declared that she gave birth to Danian's daughter from the artist.

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