Samson Samsonov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Director



In Soviet cinema, it is difficult to find another so many zone director as Samson Samsonov. The director filmography includes Eastrins and detectives, the screening of classical works and comedies, melodramas and avant-garde movies. Some Svsonov tapes ("Lonely a hostel is provided") Weekly are demonstrated on television, others ("Arena") are known only to the narrow circle of fans of cinema.

Childhood and youth

The director was born in 1921 in the city of Novosybkov, Gomel Province. Now the small birthplace of the director is part of the Bryansk region of Russia. Some sources call the birthday of cinematographer on March 23, others - February 23.

Samson is the fourth child of Joseph Samuilovich and Geni Samsonovna, his and her older brother Samuel called in honor of the grandfathers. This surname Samsonova - Edelstein. The director who shielded the Chekhov play "Three sisters" was indeed three sisters, senior Asya and Seraphim and the youngest Berta.

When Samson was 13 years old, his mother died. Since parents at the time of death of Geni Samsonovna were divorced, the boy lived in the orphanage, then under the guardianship of the elder brother in Moscow. Father died in 1942 in Tashkent. The cause of the death of Joseph Samuilovich was the title.

Samson went to theatrical circle of the house of the pioneers. After graduating from school, the young man accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Transport. Touring and rehearsals The young actor combined with studies in the Moscow Regional Art-Pedagogical School and with shooting in episodes at Mosfilm.

When the war began, Samsonova Theater toured in the Urals. The actor had very bad eyesight, and he was not mobilized. The guy traveled with touring all major Siberian cities and visited Mongolia.

In 1943, Samson became a student of the Director of the Faculty of Vgika. Studying in the Soviet forge of cinematographic personnel presented Samsonov friendship with the student Sergey Bondarchuk and the instrumentation of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. Samson's graduation practice was held in the picture of his teacher "Young Guard".

Personal life

Samson Josephovych was married three times, and each of his wives gave the director of his daughter. In his youth, a man married Emilia of the Bounts, who after 11 years of marriage gave birth to a daughter Zhenya. When the girl was quite a baby, her father fell in love with the student Vgika Margarita Volodin and threw the sake of beautiful family.

In 1957, Samsonov removed Rita in the film about the civil war "Fiery versts" and took the girl married. After 4 years, Margarita and Samson were born daughter Masha. On the joint photo, the love of the director has experienced to his Museum is visible.

13 years old Marriage Personal life of the director was inextricably linked with creative: the director removed the spouse in six films, including the blessing of the widow of Vyshnevsky Vyshnevsky in the film screening "Optimistic tragedy". And then Margarita left Samson Josefovich. Causes of divorce director and actress never mentioned.

In the picture of Vladimir Basova "Time and Family of the Conway" of Margarita and Maria Volodina played the same heroine in his youth and adulthood. The feature of the tape was that the famous actors were reincarnated in adult characters, and in the same heroes in youth - their children. For example, the role of young Alena Konveya performed the future star of "father's daughters" Andrei Leonov, and the same hero 20 years later - his father Evgeny Leonov, who gave the voice of the cartoon Winnie the Puhu.

In the third marriage with Tatiana Rudanovskaya, Samsonov was born daughter of Catherine. However, this union of the director collapsed.

The director attribute novels with many famous actors, and Estonian Eva Kiwi in an interview claimed that the roles in the detective "purely English murder" due to the fact that Samson Josefovich was rejected. According to the composer Evgeny Dog, who wrote music to such films of Samsonov, as the "eighth miracle of the world", "lonely a hostel" and "Dance floor", the director especially liked women basketball growth.


Samsonov started the director's career as the theatrical director, and his debutful film "Pumpgun" was preceded by the drag of this Chekhov story on the stage of the film actor theater, in which, except for Lydia Sukharevskaya and Konstantin Bartashevich, Mark Bernes shone. Filmists celebrate the theatricalness of all the films of Samson Josefovich, with the exception of the "fiery versts".

As performers of major roles in the adaptation of the "Pumpgun" Samsonov chose Lyudmila Celikovskaya and Sergey Bondarchuk. The director of "Mosfilm" Ivan Pyriev objected to the candidacy of Sergey Fedorovich, who argued that the actor with such a formidable face could not play such a quiet and modest character like smoke. But Samsonov and Gerasimov defended Bondarchuk. Success in the Venetian Film Festival proved the right point of the director: a ribbon about his wife, who did not see the hero in her husband, was awarded the "silver lion".

Only two subsequent films of Samsonov received the same recognition as a movie. The "optimistic tragedy" became the leader of the Soviet film distribution in 1963 and won the prize of the Cannes Festival. A picture of a modern matchmaker "Lonely a hostel" with Natalia Gundarerevaya and Alexander Mikhailov starred at the festival in Kiev was awarded as the Best Cinema 1983.

The early comedy Samsonov "For the shop window of the department store" did not have such success, although they played such asces of cinema as Ivan Dmitriev and Boris Tenin. The tape is interesting for the presence of detective elements. Subsequently, Samson Iosifovich removed the chamber detectives "purely English murder" and "Mousetrap". Elap of the play of Agatha Christie became the filmmaker film parties Elena Stepanenko and the second film in the biography of Son Vladimir Vysotsky Nikita.

Two pictures of Samsonov were sharp criticized. This is "Arena", telling about the circus for barbed wire, and the perestroika melodrama "Dance floor", created, as well as the legendary tape "Lonely a hostel", in collaboration with the Writer Arkady Iinin. It was not very successful to the director and the film "Three Sisters".


In recent years of life, the director was alone. Samsonov periodically visited His junior colleague Yuri Kushner, with his wife, who visited the order in the apartment of the director on pure ponds. At the celebration of the 80-year-old anniversary Samson Iosifovich sat and seemed to be able to get up. But when, due to technical problems, the show of the fragment of his painting "Casino" was interrupted, Samsonov jumped up and with an angry speech fell on the organizers of the holiday.

The heart of the director stopped fighting on the last summer day of 2002. Samsonova's grave is located on the Troecorsky cemetery.

10 years after the death of Samson Iosifovich, the film "Culture" came out of the film Vyacheslav Risers about the classics of Soviet cinema "Samson Unwanted". The name of the ribbon appeals to the late picture of the native of Novozybkov "Unqualified", in which the director tried through the story about the conductor of the female choir to tell about himself.


  • 1955 - "Pumping"
  • 1955 - "For the shop window of department store"
  • 1957 - "Fire versts"
  • 1960 - "Appendix Century"
  • 1963 - "Optimistic tragedy"
  • 1964 - "Three sisters"
  • 1967 - "Arena"
  • 1969 - "Every evening at eleven"
  • 1973 - "Many noise from nothing"
  • 1974 - "Pure English murder"
  • 1976 - "Mad Gold"
  • 1981 - "Eighth Miracle of Light"
  • 1983 - "Lonely a hostel is provided"
  • 1985 - "Dance floor"
  • 1990 - "Mousetrap"
  • 1996 - "Cute friend of the long forgotten years"

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