TV series "Blood Revenge" (2019): Release date, Actors, Roles, Russia-1


The channel "Russia-1" continues to supply its own permanent audience of all new melodramatic projects. Among those such - the mini-serial "blood revenge" from the Ukrainian cinematographers, the date of the release of which on domestic television fell on December 12, 2020.

About the brief content of the paintings that took the participation of actors and their roles in the process of shooting, as well as the entertaining facts associated with the film - in the material 24cm.


Revenge is a dangerous thing. Even if the celebration of justice. After all, with a lot of probability, all the plans are good only on paper - when putting ideas in life inevitably interferes with its Majesty, the case of energetic adjustments. And then seeking to pay the merits to their disassembly capable of drawing people of outsiders, destroying and kaleu already life is not only an enemy, but also by chance in merciless mills of witnesses.

Ilya, the fate of whom he told the audience the series "Blood Revenge", knows that people who once destroyed his life must be inevitably for the perfect atrocities to answer. And, remembering that the cooked "dish" should be filled with cold, years later returns to his hometown - find and show offenders. Only life is a complicated thing and unpredictable. And therefore, the avenger has to change plans, because the fate of his beloved is now depends on his choice.

Actors and roles

In the mini-series, the main roles got the following actors:

  • Alexander Konstantinov - Ilya Wind, a successful entrepreneur, in the past twice lost families. At first, native parents threw a barely dilated child in the maternity hospital. Then the receptions were killed right at the hero in his eyes when he was a teenager. For the death of a biological father who replaced him with the mother of people, Ilya dreamed to revenge a half dozen years. And so, selling your own business abroad, the wind returns to a small homeland.
  • Alexander Naumov - Victor Sobolev, President of the Board of Directors of the Chemical Plant, Biological Father Ilya. It is involved, as it was possible to find out the main character, to the death of his adoptive family, and therefore is the main goal of the protagonist. Having learned that there was problems in the enterprise who had thrown his parents, the wind under the guise of a promising investor rubbing Sobolev in confidence. And quickly discovers that he has a native brother.
  • Vsevolod Boldin - Bogdan Sobolev, Son Victor, Native Brother Ilya, born with the last one day. From twins, it was his parents who decided to leave, abandoning the second, - the newborn boy found congenital pathologies. With a penetration on the enterprise under the guise of the investor, Bogdan did not work out at once - he quickly dismissed the younger Sobolev with his position, taking his place. And subsequently, the bride decided to lead.
  • Irina Antonenko - Dina Lebedev, a conservatory student, a daughter of a local mayor and Bogdan's bride. Meeting with Ilya makes the girl think about her feelings for Sobolev-younger, because the wind like her every day more and more. Yes, and the young man himself is experiencing a new acquaintance, which puts it in a dead end, forcing you to choose either revenge or love. After all, the father of Dina - the accomplice in the affairs of the family of Sobolev and is guilty of the death of Ilya's adoptive parents.
  • Vitaly Sali - Konstantin, a close friend of Ilya, whom the protagonist grabbed with him on a journey to a small homeland along with the fake documents and a suitcase of cash remaining from the sale of its own business, as a consultant on slippery legal issues.

Also in the series were filmed : Oksana Arkhangelskaya, Anastasia Timbalalar, Sergey Frolov, Vadim Kuzlo and Stanislav Bloklan as Kirill Lebedev, Father Dina.

Interesting Facts

1. On December 12, the series "Blood Revenue" was first broadcast on Russian television. The project premiere on the territory of Ukraine took place in April 2019.

2. Immediately after the series "Blood Revenge" came out on the screens, the audience criticized the television propulsion, accusing the creators in the provision of the plot, while abounding with tweets and passions characteristic of Indian cinema, but without familiar songs and dances. Also criticized the caste actors: the main character and his brother look at their real 40 years, and not 27, prescribed in the script.

3. Director Miroslav Malich, who shot the series "Blood Revenue", a Russian viewer is known for such popular projects as Nautical Patrol, Goryunov and Police Plot. Also in the "secrets of the investigation" for a long time, Malitsa played the role of Dmitry Lugansky, the wife of the main character of Mary Shevtsova.

TV series "Blood Revenge" - Trailer:

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