Marika Ryekk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Marika Rökk - German-Austrian film actress, has time to conquer the talent and beauty of millions of viewers worldwide. On the screen, she created bright and colorful images, which allowed her to be called the favorite actress Adolf Hitler and the main star in the cinema of the Third Reich.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born on November 3, 1913 in Cairo, where the father of the girl worked, the Hungarian architect. Soon, the family returned to Budapest. In 1924, parents, together with Maria Carolina (real name, actresses) moved to Paris. As a child, the young beauty began to take choreography lessons.

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Successes in training allowed the Austrian dancer to enter the Hoffman Girls troupe, whose supervisor became Herrud Hoffman. The team was often toured, showing rooms in the popular cabaret "Moulin Rouge", on Broadway. In 1929, the girl returned to Europe, where he performed with other artists in the operettas of Berlin, London and other cities.

Personal life

Personal life of artists, relations with husbands caused great interest to the public. In 1936, Marica offered a major role in the music film "Beggar Student". The director of the painting Georg Jacobi was demanding and harsh. The man wanted the girl to speak German without an accent, forced to lose weight by 5 kg. Marik resisted and showed character.

Permanent conflicts on the shooting sites unexpectedly turned into a stormy novel. At that time, the director was 53 years old, and a wayward actress - a little in 20. In 1940, a wedding took place, and after a while Ryokk gave birth to Gabriel's daughter. The marriage was successful: many wonderful tapes appeared in the creative union.

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When Georg overcame a 60-year-old frontier, and his young spouse turned 30, theodore Nordhause appeared in the life of Marika. Jacobi knew about this connection - the wife did not hide anything from him, but did not hinder the passion. Roman with Theo lasted 12 years. And then the beauty fell in love with the partner of Fred Raul.

The first husband of celebrities did not become in 1964, and in 1968 Ryekk and Raul got married. In the second marriage, the lady was also happy, the relationship was harmoniously, although there were no children from the celebrity from the new spouse. In the early 80s, Fred's health began to worsen, and Marika cared for his beloved before his death in 1985.

Music and films

The debut of the Austrian on the screen took place in 1930 - the girl received a role in the musical comedy "Why sailors leave at home." The talent of the performer did not remain unnoticed: in 1934, German Film Studio Ufa proposed a beauties a contract for 2 years. The appearance of Marika in the film "Light Cavalry" laid the beginning of her career in the third Reich cinema.

In 1939, the girl starred in the ribbon "Middle of the Noisy Bala", where he played a Russian dancer Nastasya Petrovna Yarov. A partner young actress on the set was Sarah Leander, who performed the role of Aristocrat of Catherine Murakina, in love with Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The fact that the main characters of the plot are Russians, it is no coincidence. At that time, Germany was in friendly relations with the Union.

Bright in the creative biography of the artist was the film Parentite "Gaparone". The director of the film was the future husband Ryokk. In the plot of the Pictures of the City Prefect of Nasy, wanted to marry the Son of Zindulfo on Charlotte, rich in the widow. The young man is against this: he is in love with the young beauty, Ite from the impoverished kind, the role of which performs Marik.

In 1940, the artist plays at once two main characters in the film "Cora Ter Terry", sisters Corra and Maru. The characters are presented in contrast. The first is brunette, frivolous, arrogant and selfish. It has bad habits - playing casino, stands in front of the public in frank dresses, joins dubious ties.

The second is a blonde, modest and discreet, in it is drawn a sample of national socialist propaganda. Actress was able to masterfully convey the opposite of characters, the ability to reincarnate, as well as demonstrate the talent of the singer and dancers.

Marika brought the world famous picture "My Dream Girl." In this waterway, the actress played the star of the musical Yulia Köster, who had fallen into the abandoned place in the mountains. Two mining engineers live here. The first one immediately falls in love with the beauty, the first annoying the presence of the singer. However, over time, a man changes anger to grace.

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Fascinating plot, bright musical numbers made a picture popular. At the end of the war, the film among the trophy fell into the USSR. Joseph Stalin tape fell soul. He considered that Soviet citizens tired of the war of war should entertain an easy romantic history with a beautiful lady in the frame.

In the TV series "Seventeen Moments of Spring", Tatyana Lozinova used frames from the "Girl of My Dreams". Stirlitz recognized that this film could not tolerate. Nevertheless, in the text of Roman Julian Semenov reported that in the car, the Russian intelligence officer listened to the song "Seventeen moments of April" performed by Austrian beauty.

The composition was the main musical theme of the picture of the German director. Later, the track was among the most popular German warships along with "Lili Marlene", performed by Marlene Dietrich.

After 1945, the press wrote that the performer worked on Soviet intelligence. Information also appeared that Ryokk was spying in favor of the Nazis. Therefore, a woman banned concert touring, as well as filming a movie. Later accusations in espionage were recognized as invalid.

At the end of the 40th Marika, reappeared on the screen, replenishing the refill in the exhast work. The lady brilliantly performed the roles of "Fregola" musical tapes, "Danube". In 1951, the artist appeared in the painting "Queen Chardas", shot by Georg Jacobi. It is based on the plot of the same name of the operetta composer Imre Salman. Also, Austrian returns to the scene and until 1986 plays in musical performances in the cities of Europe.

In 2017, after declassifying military time documents, it was evidence that Ryokk, together with his spouse Georg Jacobi, were agents of the USSR Ministry of State Security. However, specific information proving the fact of espionage in favor of the country of advice, failed to find. The actress itself in the memoirs "Heart with pepper" denies any conclusion about cooperation with Moscow.


The artist continued to play on stage and in old age, changing the role on the elderly noble ladies and a counterture. She also danced in adulthood. So, in the instagram account, the historian of fashion Alexander Vasilyev laid out a post with a video in which the 65-year-old beauty is dynamically beaten by a chief.Embed from getty images

In March 2004, the world's legends did not. Marica was 90 years old. The cause of death became a heart attack. The actress buried in the cemetery in Baden, after which her grave became the place of pilgrimage of fans.


  • 1930 - "Why sailors leave the house"
  • 1935 - "Lightweight Cavalry"
  • 1936 - "Beggar Student"
  • 1937 - "Gasparone"
  • 1938 - "Once may night"
  • 1939 - "Aircraft of a Noisy Bala"
  • 1940 - Terry Cora
  • 1944 - "My Dream Girl"
  • 1948 - "Fregola"
  • 1950 - "Danube Child"
  • 1951 - "Queen Chardas"
  • 1953 - "Collected Woman"
  • 1957 - "At night in" Green Cockada "
  • 1962 - "Bat Mouse"
  • 1973 - "Schongrubla"
  • 1988 - "Castle Königswald"

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