Sardanapal (character) - photo, king of Assyria, mythology, his passion, death


Character History

Sardanapal is a half-phth character who in the work of the ancient writers is mentioned as the last descendant of Nina, the king of Babylonia. The tragic story of this hero is replete with cruel scenes and had a huge impact on the culture.

History of character creation

In the ancient authors, Sardanapal is referred to as the king of Assyria. Dioiodor called him the last representative of the dynasty, which rules over a thousand years.

The character's biography was repeatedly questioned. At least because in the ancient works there are enough discrepancies in the descriptions of the legend. For example, the name of the hero in some texts is read as sarak, and is also used in relation to the ashurbanpace.

The ambiguous interpretation was also the time of life of Sardanapal, and its characteristic. So, already in ancient times, approval was found that there were two personalities with the same names. One hero became known to be expensive and even femininity, the other was very active, the noble deeds were attributed to him.

Researchers based on the analysis of historical work concluded that the last king of Assyria was Sarak (Sinzharishkin). The nature of its board has similar features with the image and manner of sardanapal. But as for the name of the character, it happened from another personality - Ashurbanapal, who was remembered as a formidable conqueror.

Another version considers the other meaning of the name of the hero. So, it is compared with the deity of Sandone, which was also identified with Hercules. In proof of such a theory, researchers operate with legends about the foundation of cities in Malaya Asia. And yet, Tarshouse was sculpture with the character.

Thanks to the works of the late authors, the name of the mythical figure has become a nominal, denoting person who is accustomed to the style and luxury.

Image and biography of Sardanapal

The legend of the diodeor of Sicilian was popular, in which he handed the story of Keesia Book. According to this version, Sardanapal became the last of the Nina dynasty, the founder of Nineveh - the capital of Assyria.

This city was surrounded by the highest wall, the width of which would allow the chariot of three horses along it. Therefore, the man felt in the palace in absolute security.

He celebrated his leisure surrounded by women and pleasures. Diodorus wrote that the hero wore dresses from purple and other thin tissues. Such clothes corresponded to it to the fullest. Thanks to her whites and other cosmetics, the character lost a courageous species.

Staying all the time in the passion, Sardanapal did not think about political sentiments, relations with neighboring cities, about the state and residents.

Once upon a reception, Arbak arrived at the female king - the governor of the Mountain Mountain Country. Arbak saw that the ruler of the majestic Assyria lies among the dilapidated women, shaved his beard. His skin turned out to be unnaturally smoking and violated, and he himself led to the clothing for melodious music.

For Arbak seen became a surprise. In Assyria, it was customary to exercise hygienic care and face, apply aromatic substances. It was also not a new staining of nails and beards, removal of unwanted hair.

The ruler of the mountain country was shocked. He raised an uprising against Nineveh, having enlisted the support of the Chaldean Priest Belize. When Sardanapal learned that the threat was hung over him, he did not fight, because he did not know. Too a long time, a man hoped to the height and fortress of enclosing walls, not thinking that we would have to use weapons against the enemy.

And then this character from ancient Greek mythology has commanded to fold in the courtyard of the Campfire. There, he also placed wealth - royal robes, gold and silver. Finally, that the enemies do not get any of the property, driven concubines and ENUOV to the right death.

Historians interpret such an act of Sardanapal in different ways. Some say that such a courageous acceptance of early death with interest redeemed his rampant festivity throughout his life. Other priests in this behavior weavolois, fear and inability to fight.

Meanwhile, the king gathered around himself all the most valuable and the bonfire. Nineveh's people saw the smoke from the windows of the palace, but thought that the ruler makes a rite to save the city.

When Arbak managed to break through through the wall, he discovered only the burnt ruins. From the ash, the governor of Babylonia subsequently paid 100 thousand silver and gold talents. Nineve has ceased to exist. However, there was a tombstone monument, erected in honor of the last king.

Sardanapal in culture

The most famous painting dedicated to the tragic legend was the work of Ezhen Delacroix called "Sardanapal's death." The French painter wrote a cloth in 1827, then he was put in Louvre.

This work immediately provoked negative feedback. And it's not just the prospects in errors, but also in some savory of cruelty. However, it is impossible not to recognize that the artist fully transferred the horrific circumstances of the suicide king.

But the source of inspiration for Delacroix was the play of George Gordon Bayron, written in 1821. The English poet in his work gave a positive assessment of mythological hero.

So, Bayron admired the ruler's ideas. Sardanapal wished to live in pleasure. He did not use the authority and tried to create an atmosphere in the city atmosphere. On the other hand, the poet took into account the fact that the main character of the play freed himself from duties. And such carelessness was expensive.

Victorian de Jhonseier addressed to mythological plot. The French composer wrote Opera dedicated to the Assyrian king. The main batch in it was performed by the Swedish singer Christina Nilson.

Hector Berlioz in 1830 created Cantatant "Death of Sardanapal", for which a Roman Prize was honored. Unfortunately, today only individual fragments of the work of the French composer have been preserved.

Aristotle in "Nikomakhova Ethics" compares the behavior of powerful personalities with the passions of Sardanapal.

In his works, the name of Tsar Assyria mentioned Derzhavin. Gabriel Romanovich in Oda "Welject" compared with him the lazy main character.

Interesting Facts

  • The Russian group "Aquarium" with soloist Boris Greeschikov released a soundtrack song called "Sardanapal".
  • In honor of the mythological character, the butterflies of the nymphalide family were called.
  • In the visual art, the character was depicted more often lying on parine.


"Bearing between us may be yours only, expensive me, desire." "As I said, you are all free until midnight, when I ask to appear." "He is right ... Free! My last thing will not be an evil business. Here I take, buddy, golden cup, drink from it and remember me. "


  • 300 BC NS. - "Nikomakhova Ethics"
  • 1821 - Sardanapal

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