Snail Gary (character) - pictures, cartoon, "sponge bob", meowing, boy or girl


Character History

Gary Snail - Pet Sponge Bob in the Mercy Series "Sponge Bob Square Pants". Being a representative of the buncrhetic, has cat habits - meows, runs about the owner and sometimes exhibits aggression.

History of character creation

The goal of Stephen Hillanberg, the Cartoon Creator, was the comedy representation of the underwater world. A colorful picture, which celebrated the 20th anniversary recently, became truly cult.

Bright images, humorous and even ridiculous situations, live emotions and absurd comparisons with the society of people - all this received a positive response to the audience, including adult. The cartoon loved in many countries, and the quotes of heroes became covered phrases.

In this project, it is difficult to divide the actors on the main and secondary. Everyone took a certain place on the screen, becoming part of the incredible adventures of Sponge Bob, Mr. Krabse, Patrick and others.

It is noteworthy that in the fictional city of Bikini-Bottom, everything is as in ordinary life. Residents go to work, friends, play weddings, give birth to children. They are furnished with furniture - refrigerators, sofas, televisions. It is not surprising that Stephen did not bypassed the question about pets.

More often in the characters of the animated series are found as pets amoebs, worms and fictional exotic species. Having built an analogy with the world of people, Hillanberg endowed them with dog and cat habits.

So, the Snail Gary (Boy) served as a cat's functions, grumbled, marriage and playing with his owner. There was a close emotional connection between these heroes, since Spongebob sincerely loves the pet and cares for him.

But speaking of the role in the cartoon, Gary was not a supplement to the image of the chief character. The author of the idea set it in one row with other actors. And even put in some episodes a gift of speech. Multiple episodes are built on events describing a funny animal.

The voice of rare phrases Hero - "No!" And "yes" - became Thomas Kenny. The same actor was engaged in the voice of Sponge Bob.

Image and Biography Gary Snail

The viewer meets the pets of Bob's sponge in the pilot series "Assistant Requires". The main character is going to the interview, talking along the way with him. It can be seen that the snail understands the essence of the said, although responds with meowkan.

History, as these two met, demonstrated in the episode "Flakes". In him, Spongeb is considering photography - the picture shows the moment of dating. The cook "crab paint" still as a child took Gary from the nursery, choosing it from four candidates.

The concept of the cartoon series is built on the absurdity and ridiculous comedy situations. And this largely determined the success of the project. Stephen Hillanberg and in the description of the history of the snail used the same technique, the truth about the origin of the pet in the 4th season.

Moreover, the explicit circumstances on a lot of eyes opened. Bikini Bottom is a city with a monarchical form of government, where there were kings and queens in ancient times. In accordance with the principles of the Prestoland, the only monarch that has the right to power is Gary.

Of course, it was a formal status with which the young heir did not use it. However, like his cousin - Patrick Star.

In the cartoon Gary not so much homemade favorite, how much is the faithful friend Sponge Bob. And the latent intellectual, although at first glance it is difficult to say. The viewer will find out about the hidden mental abilities of the character's character, when the owner penetrates him. There, in the Kingdom of Morpheus, the silent hero has a huge home library.

It is phenomenal not only the inner world of the animal, but also its appearance. Sea snail with orange-red eyes, in a pink sink with blue spots possesses a pronounced facial image. As usual, Gary is very slowly crawling. For example, when Spongebob decides to play with the hero and throw a ball, he has time to go to bed while the pet will bring a toy back.

Single attention deserves a sink-house character. In various episodes, incredible things are shown, which are hidden there: a sofa, a patefone and even a fireplace.

Favorite Hero's occupation - watching television programs. He does not like walks on the street at all, although once suits escape because he falls in love. Royal Blood sometimes makes itself felt. So, Gary Snail organized a rally in defense of pets, with whom the owners are brutally turning. As a result, he received the title of a pet year.

As it should be the cat, Gary does not like "rivals", so practically does not communicate with worms or amoebas. His home made in the form of pineapple perceives as its own territory and is ready to defend it violently.

Another character hates swim. For Sponge Bob to carry out such hygienic procedures - a whole quest without hope for a positive finale. In one of these episodes, he climbs out of leather to make you dirty folour in the bath. Promises a remuneration, trying to deceive, uses physical strength. Even accidentally hits a friend about the wall - then the audience see the snail without a shell.

But all attempts are failed. The severval animal is not amenable to persuasion. And the smart character leaves no chance of Sponge Bob to circle a friend around the finger. Despite the love of the owner, once Gary betrayed him because of Patrick's cookies. True, after he got the desired, returned home.

Pet having offended. In response to the dismissive attitude of Sponge Bob, once left the city and moved to Bass-Vegas. There she was sheltered, who had a few snails in the house. When Gary found out that his former owner worries and dwells, he decided to return.

A homemade pet often behaves on an equal footing with other residents of Bikini Bottoma. At one time he worked as a cook and a waiter at Mr. Krabse's restaurant. And when Spongebob discovered his own establishment, he helped him at the checkout.

The calm and leisurely course of the character of the character is mixed with attacks of aggression. In one of the episodes, he bites several residents of the city due to the injury gained (stuck fragment).

The hero is experiencing a personal dislike for Squidvard, so uses any moment to make angrily attack octopus. By the way, he also feels hatred for the brochonogue because of the mucus allocated. An ambiguous relationship is consisted between Gary and Patrick, who are relatives.

The only friend of the hero besides Sponge Boba is Ameba DAC, Pet of Plankton. It is known that these two often come out of the house at night and play together by imitating the struggle.

Interesting Facts

  • In addition to the fact that Gary is a true monarch, he is also the richest resident of Bikini-Bottoma, because huge diamond is hiding under the sink.
  • In some series, the snail appears legs and arms.
  • Another hidden character talent is the ability to levitation and teleportation.
  • The hero has a daughter Alice, which he created from his own mucus.
  • Gary Talented in Music - Playing Trombone, Cello and Clarinet.
  • Unlike the owner, the pet skillfully drives a boatman.


  • 1999 - in the present. Time - "Sponge Bob Square Pants"
  • 2005 - "Sponge Bob Square Pants"

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