Kim Yu Zhong - photo, biography, personal life, news, sister Kim Jong Yana 2021



Kim Yu Zhong is an activist of the Korea Labor Party, as well as the descendant Kim Il Sen - the legendary President of the DPRK. A woman who has become a politician after his brother Kim Jong, is recognized as an integral part of the highest state spheres.

Childhood and youth

Kim Yu Zhong appeared on the outcome of the 1980s and became the youngest child in a high-ranking family. Her childhood passed in Pyongyang, in the house of strict and powerful parents, in the society of the two senior brothers, known to the whole country.

Father Kim Jong Il was the descendant of the head of state Kim Il Sena, who ruled North Korea for decades. He was also the leadership of the ruling political party and supported the national ideology, fulfilling the parental covenant.

Mother Ko Yong Hee was an actress and a dancer from Japan, she met the future husband in 1972. The woman cared for children Kim Yu Zhong, Kim Jung and Kim Jong Chhol, teaching them to the established order, family traditions and work.

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The parents of the soul were not honored in the charming princess, encouraged the classes and a foreign language. Most likely, adults knew about hidden natural talents and all the soul and heart hoped that the daughter had a sharp mind.

In the mid-1990 heirs, sent to Switzerland together with his brother - the heir of power, she settled in the canton of Bern. During the years of study at the State School, located in the vicinity of Libelfeld, the daughter of Kim Jong Ira dreamed of the future and passionately wanted to change.

Biography researchers Koreanka assumed that at this time Kim Yu Zhong became close to the elder brother, as a result, became the most popular leader. Together they returned to their homeland with diplomas of the European institution, deciding to continue their studies, and to leave friendship for later.

In Pyongyang, the girl graduated from the University of Kim Il Senya and became a competent specialist in the field of computer sciences. Having touched theoretical knowledge and experience, the girl with higher education on the advice of parents decided not to work in the national service sector.

Personal life

A little known about the personal life and relationships of Kim Yu Zhong. They wrote that she found her husband in the highest government circles. Chhel's dream was the blood son of a prominent North Korean official who served in the National Army and Chairmaning in the courts.

In the spring of 2015, the only child was born in the family of Kim Jong Yana, most likely that son. Spouses are not postponing joint photos in Facebook and Instagram, hiding from ordinary citizens in a number of objective reasons.

It was believed that in the early youth Kim Yu Zhong was attractive, people were looking for information about her growth and weight. Rare frames from events mined by foreign reporters and endowed citizens caused live interest.

Career and politics

Korean's political career began in the late 2000s, when she took one of the younger posts in the Elite Workers' Party of Korea. During this period, the granddaughter Kim Il Siena flashed in the group of members of the clan and father's companions, but its presence was rarely emphasized until the fall of 2010. The girl was noticed among the participants of the 3rd conference WCP.

Kim Yu Zhong "declassified" during a farewell with President Kim Jong Irol when the ceremony occurs at the ceremony surrounded by grieving people. In the company of relative Kim Jong Yana, she led the group of high-ranking party officials of the Korean People's Democratic Republic.

In early 2012, Yu Zhon received a place in the North Korean Defense Commission, where he was engaged in the organization of brother's routes, a schedule, logistical needs and safety measures. It did not appear in the news reports of that time, with the exception of the plot at the military ground.

The state media for the first time officially mentioned Koreanka at the beginning of the spring of 2014, when she with the leader Kim Jong Run participated in the decision-making procedure at the Supreme People's Assembly. A woman called the Senior Official of the Central Committee of the TPK.

Six months later, the woman from the genus Kim Jong Ira replaced the ill president at the highest government post. Next month, she was appointed First Deputy Head of the Department of Agation and Party Propaganda. In this position, she was responsible for promoting the strengthening of power Kim Jong Yana.

The press believed that Yu Zhon became the driving force of the development of the cult of the brother's personality, created on the sample of the personality cult of the Graduate of the 50-90s. According to rumors, the girl encouraged all the initiatives of Kim Jong Yana, who loved improvisation and was ready on a lot.

In the summer of 2015, in international reports they wrote that Korean was taken by the chair of the vice-minister and the place of the regular companion Kim Jong Yana in the "field" trips around the country. After the time, Kim Yo Zhong was elected in the Politburo party, she became the second woman in history appointed to this governing body.

The rapid climbing on the top indicated that the sister was the alleged replacement of Kim Jong Yana. It was also noted that the new position helped a woman to become the head of the State Security Department.

At the end of 2018, Yu Zhong took part in events dedicated to the opening of the Winter Olympics in Pytenchhan. It was the first time when the representative of the Supreme Dynasty Kim took a trip to South Korea after the bloody Korean war. She met with the head of Moon Zhe in and reported on the instructions of Kim Jong Yana deliver a secret, his own written writing.

Kim Yu Zhong now

Now the daughter of Kim Chen Ira is part of the brother team, participated in the summits with the Americans in the late 2010s. At the national parliamentary elections, a woman was chosen to the Supreme People's Assembly and entrusted the next high post in the Assembly.

In the spring of 2020, news sources reported that Kim Jong Yun appointed a relative to the second most important person in the country. The Korean ruler due to illness disappeared from political radars.

The media believe that Korean woman with the character and views of the dictator is the main applicant for the post of state chapter. It seems possible because other family members are currently disabled or already dead.

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