Alfred Rosenberg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Nazis, Idener NSDAP



The author of the racial theory of the Third Reich Alfred Rosenberg had no philosophical or historical education. The ideologist of Nazism, which Adolf Hitler called the arrogant Balt, defended the diploma of engineer in Moscow. The theme of the graduation project of Rosenberg was the construction of a crematorium.

Childhood and youth

The future Nazi criminal was born on the eve of the occurrence of 1893 in the city of Repel of the Russian Empire. According to a new style, the birthday of Alfred was on January 12. Now the small birthplace of Rosenberg is called Tallinn and is the capital of independent Estonia. The father of Boy Waldemar had Latvian and Estonian roots, the mother of Elfried, a native of St. Petersburg, - German and French.

Rosenberg early orphaned. Mother died when Alfred was 2 months old. Father, all the childhood of the boy trading in the capital of the empire, died 11 years after the spouse. Alfred and his older brother raised aunt on the father's line of Sessil Rosalie and Lydia Herrette.

In the real school, young Rosenberg showed interest in the archeology and ancient migration of peoples, together with the teacher geography participated in excavations. In 1910, the young man began to study architecture at Riga Technical University.

In the summer of 1915, University Rosenberg evacuated, professors and students joined the activities of the Imperial Moscow Technical School. Now the institution, ended with the author of the theory of racial superiority of the Aryans in 1918, is the name of the revolutionary Nikolai Bauman. Being in Moscow, Alfred witnessed the victory of the Bolsheviks, which he perceived as a result of the world's conspiracy.

A month after the completion of Rosenberg's study, Rosenberg returned to the hometown occupied by the Germans and tried to join the German Volunteer Corps, but he was rejected, considering Russian. For almost a year, Alfred worked as a drawing teacher in the Revel Gymnasium, and then went to Munich. In the beer capital Rosenberg made friends with Hitler, and the biography of the native of Revel made a sharp turn.

Personal life

Alfred twice married. The first wife of the student of the Riga Polytechnic Institute has become the daughter of the Estonian manufacturer of Canned Fish Canned Hilda Elfried Leesman, dreaming of ballerina's career. The decay of the marriage, which lasted 8 years, contributed to the war and, as a result, the long-term separation of spouses, the disease of the wife of tuberculosis and the sudden obsession of Alfred by the ideas of racial superiority.

2 years after the divorce held in 1923, a man created a new family. The second spouse Hedwig Kramer gave birth to Alfred two children. The firstborn son died in infancy, and the daughter of Irena lived nearly 90 years.

On the details of the personal life and household habits of Rosenberg knows little. The man loved the music of Richard Wagner, and the Baytite Theater, specializing in the production of the Wagner Opera, called the "embodiment of the Aryan race."

Ideology and crime

Rosenberg and Hitler united painter skills and lack of born ancestors. But truly neighing men anti-Semitism.

For the ability to explain the mistress of Jewish Bolshevism, all the troubles of the Aryans Adolf robbed Alfred's bad organizational abilities (while Hitler after the beer coup was in the Landsberg prison, Rosenberg, who was instructed to maintain the unity of the NSDAP, almost ruined the party). It was the native of Revel to acquainted Adolf with the anti-Semitic fake - "protocols of the Zion wise men", quotes from which the book of Hitler's "Main Campf" is saturated.

Since 1920, Rosenberg began publishing his own works, implancing Jews. The first in the series of books of the graduate architect crematoriums became "Trail of Jews in a change in time" and "immorality in the Talmud". According to Rosenberg, Christianity is a Jewish project who seduces the Aryans with false humanism, and full peoples should be returned to pagan roots.

Alfred's Orthodox Church was somewhat better than Christianity at all. Becoming during the Second World War ReichSministra of Eastern Territories, he tried to open the temples in the area of ​​occupation, accountable to the Third Reich. In June 1942, Rosenberg became the author of the "Edictory about religious tolerance", which, due to the intervention of Martin Borman in the occupied territories of the RSFSR and the Belarusian SSR, was not published, and in Ukraine and the Baltic States published with bills.

Heinrich Gering was opposed to another project Alfred - the Rapus program in the zone of the occupation of collective farms. According to Rosenberg's opponent, the need to feed the army of Germany required the conservation of the slave labor of Russian and Belarusian peasants, and the collective farms should not be eliminated, but only to rename.

In general, the Slavs, the native of Revel spoke softer than colleagues on the third Reihu, and considered Russian and Ukrainians in need of the German leadership by people who were deceived by the Jews' Bolsheviks. In his youth, Alfred was in the top of Aufbau Veringung - the organization of Russian emigrants in Germany.

Rosenberg's colleagues considered the Baltic German to be a bad administrator. Joseph Goebbels ridiculed Alfred for unwillingness to disband the Ministry of Eastern Territories in the spring of 1945, when the outcome of war was predetermined, and the zones occupied by Germany no longer remained.

Rosenberg, besides the position of the Eastern Land Reichs Minister, held in the third Reich and another important post - was an authorized furera on the control of the spiritual education of the NSDAP. The Book of Alfred "Miph of the XX century" became the "Bible" of Nazism and, despite the pushed style of the presentation, went out in fascist Germany with multi-million editions.


At the court in Nuremberg, Rosenberg tried to draw the participants in the process into a discussion about racial theory, justifying his views of the research of anthropologists. The Hitler's Minister of Eastern Territories was found guilty of all four incriminated articles: a conspiracy organization in order to commit a crime against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, initiation and maintenance of an aggressive war.

October 16, 1946 Alfreda Kaznili. Rosenberg, the only one of the sentenced to execution in Nuremberg, refused to utter the last word on the scaffold. The cause of the death of Alfred was hanging. Newspapers around the world published a photo of Rosenberg in the coffin. The body of the Nazi criminal was cremated in Munich, and ash poured into the Izar river.

In the Canadian-American mini-series 2000 "Nuremberg" The image of the ideologue of NSDAP created Alain Fournier. In the Polish Art Film "Nuremberg Epilogue", shot 30 years earlier, and the picture of Stanley Kramer "Nuremberg Process" Alfred Rosenberg as a character did not appear.

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