Stars who became parents in 2020: Russian, foreign, childbirth, date, children, gender


In the leap 2020, the stork turned out to be favorable to celebrities and spread the "flowers of life" with enviable constancy. By the way, the beginning of the year was no less fruitful than its completion with the expected bebi boom on a pandemic background. Stars who became parents - in the material 24cm.

Russian stars

1. On February 5, the football player Dmitry Tarasova and the model of Anastasia Kostenko born the second joint daughter of Eva. The girl was born in the Lapino Hospital, where the first daughter of the couple is Milan. And in March, the baby was baptized in one of the Moscow temples.

2. On February 7, the son of a blogger and singer Ida Galich and her spouse Alan Bassieva were born. The birth was hard, it took surgery, which caused a depressive mood from a young mother. Fortunately, Ida did not lose for a long time and had already in the spring, pleased with the subscribers with fresh villas.

3. On February 18, in one of the clinics of Miami, the long-awaited son David was born in one of the Miami clinics and David's long-awaited son. On joys, the father threw and went into all the grave, but on time he was sent to his wife in the reheab, where he was drawn and returned to the family of a happy large-fashioned dad and a loving husband.

4. On February 21, Elena Podokynskaya was three times. The star "Kitchen" hid a pregnancy from an extraneous eye and published a photo with the tummy after the birth of Alexander's son. By the way, the celebrity decided on homework, who passed without extreme.

5. In early March, Olga Zueva and Danille Kozlovsky appeared the heir. Daughter called the dual name Oda-Valentine. The girl was born in New York, and after a couple he moved out of town, where he remained for the time of self-insulation.

6. On March 13, Alexander Stepanova (Raper ST) and Assol Vasilyeva appeared daughter Estel. The joyful news of the couple did not hide and regularly shared with subscribers in "Instagram" with pictures in the "interesting situation" and the first personnel of the heiress.

7. Humanist Yevgeny Petrosyan and his wife Tatiana Bruukhunov, who became parents in March 2020, came to the list of "Stars, who became parents". The date of birth, the couple hid, and the appearance of the heir was known only in October. The boy called Vagan in honor of the Father Evgenia Petrosyan.

8. On April 9, 2020, the joyful event occurred in the family of the humorist Marina Kravets and her husband producer Arkady Vodakhov. The spouses were born a daughter called Veronica.

9. On April 21, the actor Vladimir Yaglych in the original way, posing a frame from the cartoon "King Lion", told subscribers that heir appeared in the family. Paul and the name of Antonina Popper and the actor did not disclose.

10. On 25 May 2020, Sophia Ernst presented Konstantin Ernstu Son. Spouses prefer not to comment on personal life and hide the name of the heir.

11. On May 27, Alexander Ovechkin and his spouse Anastasia became the parents of the second son. The younger heir called Ilya.

12. He secured the status of a large mother to the soloist of the Demo Group Sasha Zverev, who at the end of June gave birth to the 4th child - Son Sebastian. The actress captured the moment of battles and homework on video, and then published a video in "Instagram". Near the star was a husband - lawyer Dan Walbran.

13. Beauty-blogger and makeup artist Goar Avetisian about his pregnancy honestly told the schedule of instagram account, and on July 3, he shared with Folloveria joy and photos with his son Gaspar.

14. The star of the series "Deffchonki" on July 7, gave birth to a daughter. A pair of Taisiya Vilkova and director Semyon Sersin Shortly before the birth weaned the relationship on March 27, on the day of the theater. Baby called seraphim.

15. On 27 July, the Olympic champion in figure skating Julia Lipnitskaya, a month after childbirth, confirmed that she became a mom. Together with Pope - Figist Vladislav Tarasenko - the Sochi Star called the daughter of Catalina.

16. On August 2, it became known that in the acting family Alexey Vertkova and Alexandra, the child appeared the second kid. First, the floor and the name of the star hid, but then it became known that a three-year-old son of the spouses appeared sister Vera.

17. On August 9, he became the father of Valery Sutkin. Married with his wife Viola is a second child. Birth safely passed in one of the elite metropolitan clinics. Son called Leo.

18. On September 2, 2020 was able to surprise fans and Alexander Bortich, who gave birth to the Son. The baby was named after Mom. Suspicions about the interesting position of the celebrity fans spent a long time ago. However, the news that the actress became a mother and was able to hide a joyful event, surprised instagram subscribers.

19. On 23 September, the participant of the Little Big group Anton Lisbs reported in "Instagram" about the appearance of the son of Anton's son. Happy father himself cut the umbilical cord and first took the baby on his hands. The frankness of the rapid celebrity touched subscribers, and Lissov wished still replenishment.

20. In the family of figure skateman Evgenia Plushenko and the producer of Yana Rudkovsky, long-awaited replenishment in the family. With the help of surrogate motherhood on September 25, the son of Arseny appeared. This is the 2nd Star Couple Joint Baby.

21. The star "Quartet and" Leonid Baraz on October 10 became dad at the 3rd time. In marriage with Anna Moiseeva, the son of Mark was born from the actor.

22. In the family of Vladimir Presnyakova and Natalia Podolskaya on October 22, the second son was born. The heir called Ivan. Spouses hid a pregnancy until the end of the summer, but the last weeks before the birth, Natalia willingly shared his impressions with the subscribers of instagram account.

23. The list of "Russian stars, who became parents in 2020" came the participants of the RASA duet, from which the baby appeared on October 31. Daria Sheiko and Victor Popletov remained extremely frank with the subscribers of "Instagram" and shared a joint shot with Eva's daughter.

24. On December 23, the media reported that Anna Pogrila's figure skater became mom. A daughter appeared in the family athlete's family.

Foreign stars

1. Explorer Bodiposive and foreign model Plus Size Ashley Graham became a mom on January 18. Justin Erwin's husband attended her home childbirth. The boy was called Isaac Menelik Giovanni, and such an unusual name is a tribute to inspiring events in life and family members.

2. In a pair of tennis players, Anna Kournikova and singer Enrique Iglesiaas on January 30, a third child appeared. At the end of February, it became known that the girl was called Masha. The full name of Mary will not be used, clarified the happy father, who plans to train children 3 languages ​​- Spanish, Russian and English.

3. At the star couple of the movie star Mill Yovovich and the director Paul Anderson, who announced the premiere of the film "Monsters Hunter", February 2, the 3rd Girl Oshin was born. Now the couple has become a large family.

4. Israeli model Bar Rafaeli, who was upset 7 years ago, which still walks in the "single", by 2020 he managed to marry and give birth on February 14 for the 3rd child. The son of David was not delivered to Mom, and in a month the model was in the beauty.

5. It was possible to "land" an enviable bachelor and give him the heir to the model Daniele Peak, who gave birth to Tarantino on February 22 of the Son. The boy was named Leo, and the tabloids could not believe the tabloids for a long time that Quentin found a "quiet marina" in Israel near the beloved.

6. In April 2020, the tabloids blew out the news that Richard Gir became his father in the 3rd time and hit the list of "Stars, who became parents" at 70 years. This is the second child in a pair with a journalist Alekhandre Silva. Details are not reported.

7. On 29 April, Prime Minister British Boris Johnson and his bride Carrie Siemonds born her son. The kid was called Wilfried Lori Nicholas.

8. On May 4, in a pair of Entrepreneur Ilona Mask and singer, the son appeared, who was given the name X æ A-12. The name is read like "X Esh Archangel Mask", and if you fold the data in the formula, then it will be "Sasha Arkhangel".

9. "Redhead" from the overseas franchise about Harry Potter, Rupert Grint, became the Father on May 7th. Georgia Gruce gave the actor girl. The fans hoped that the daughter would be called Hermione, but the acting couple called the child with an unusual name Wednesday, which means "Wednesday". Parents congratulate "Instagram" and attribute the words "with love for the environment."

10. July 23 became the parents of Pop Div Siara and the football player Russell Wilson. Son called Win Harrison.

11. A complete surprise was the birth of the 2nd Son in the Jessica Bill and Justin Timberlake in the middle of July. Pregnancy The star pair diligently hid, and the exact date of the second childbirth, like the name of the baby, while still holds in secret.

12. Star of the overseas series "Game of Thrones" Sophie Turner and singer Joe Jonas. July 22 became parents of Willi's daughter. The stars hid the joyful event from fans, but the mystery opened due to Western tabloids.

13. Catherine, Daughter Arnold Schwarzenegger, presented the "guard of the galaxy" Chris Prettu Daughter Lyle Maria, presumably on August 10th. The birth of the baby reported from the page in "Instagram" a happy father, adding quotes from Psaltir to the joyful post. For Catherine, this is the firstborn, and Chris has a son from the first marriage.

14. On August 14, Jud Low actors said that he became a father at the 6th time. The name and floor of the co-head with Philippe Cohen, the celebrity never revealed.

15. August 26 became the parents of Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. The joyful news of the spouses shared on social networks. The pair called Daisy's Girl Daving Bloom. Having survived the alarming time of childbirth, Orlando asked to support pregnant women and sacrifice money to the UNICEF Foundation.

16. On September 1, in a pair of Cherry Siborn and Ed Shiran, the heirs was born. Daughter called Lira Antarctica.

17. Top model Jiji Hadid and her husband Ex-Solist of the One Direction Group Zain Malik became the parents of the firstborn presumably on September 19. According to Insider, the baby gave the name of Ziga.

18. On September 8, the actor Aleka Baldwin was born the 6th heir. Son called Eduardo Pau Lucas, which means "rich keeper of the world." This is the 5th joint child with his wife Hilaria.

19. Close the list "Foreign stars who have become parents in 2020" Ashley Simpson and her husband Evan Ross. A son appeared at the pair on October 29. The heir called Siggy Blo.

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