Mikhail Shchepkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Actor



Mikhail Shchepkin from birth was serf, but it did not prevent achieving success on the theater scene. He entered the story as a talented artist and artist, the memory of which is immortalized in books and a few photos.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shchepkin appeared on the light 6 (17) of November 1788 in the Oboyansky district. He was the son of a serf peasant, who ruled the estates of the count Gavril Volkenstein and was in his good account. It made a little Misha with a frequent guest in a balm house, where he entertained the local to know the ability to talentedly tell the poems and perform songs.

The father of the future actor wanted the boy to receive a decent education, therefore, in early childhood, Shpkin began to learn a lead from the Klymploik. He was a diligent student and was already able to read in 6 years. And a year later, Mikhail was present at the play "New Family", which was put in the home theater of the graph. This action was so badly struck a serf boy, which since then he was dreaming about the scene.

Misha's dream came true: when he was a teenager, he got a small role in the play "Vztoreman", where Alexander's younger sister played with him. The children made an impression on the local governor who invited them to speak at the daughter's wedding. Seeing the successes of his fortress, Volkenstein did not prevent further learning. He sent a young man in the disciples to the Belgorod Priest, and then to the Kursk School.

In the estate of Count Misha continued to fulfill the responsibilities of the servant, was the secretary, the waiter and the Amermer, but more and more often looked into the theater. In those years, he admired the work of the Mikhail brothers, Alexander and Peter Barsov, he worked with a soufleer, and once even managed to replace the retired artist in the "Zoa" play. Barin was gracious to him and did not forbade himself to engage in his favorite business at leisure, and after the brilliantly uttered welcoming speech for the Trustee of the University of Kharkiv and allowed himself to devote himself to acting art.

Personal life

The personal life of a man has developed successfully, with his wife Elena he met, still being a young serf artist. For the sake of him, the girl went on his adoptive parents and renounced freedom. According to the memories of contemporaries, she was a generous and hospitable hostess, in which Mikhail Soul did not care. Choir gave her husband seven children - daughters Alexander, Fekla and faith, as well as the sons of Dmitry, Peter, Alexander and Nicholas.


In the following years, his biography of Shchepkin continued to work at the Barzema Brothers Theater. Already then, he began to form his own approach to the execution of roles, for which the game of Prince Prince of Meshchersky, who Mikhail saw for the first time during the amateur formulation "Dowquent with deception".

The actor spent a lot of time to get into the image, study, make a "close to nature", which helped him to become the founder of the art of realism on the Russian theater scene. Such a devotion of the profession quickly allowed a man to become a sought after the artist of the Barzem theater up to closure in 1816.

Soon after, Mikhail received an invitation to move to Kharkov and join Ivan Stein's troupe, and 2 years later, he began work in the Poltava theater, where he collaborated with Talented playwright Ivan Kotlyarevsky. During this period, Prince Nikolai Repin-Volkonsky, who was a patron of art in this city, organized fundraising for the redemption of the peasant in Volkensteins and issuing free. The amount turned out to be so big that it was possible only for 4 years.

At the age of 44, the artist received long-awaited freedom for himself and his family. For some time he served in Tula, and then received an invitation to move to Moscow. There he made his debut in the theater troupe on Mokhovoy, where he played a leading role in the play "Mr. Greats, or a provincial in the capital," and then joined the small theater, which became a shelter in the next years of creativity.

In Moscow, Shchepkin became famous as a talented performer of comic and dramatic roles, whose artistry admired the audience. He met Alexander Ostrovsky, Taras Shevchenko, Nikolai Nekrasov and Ivan Turgenev, with whom he was associated with warm friendly and working relationships.

After a young artist Peter Mochalov came to the Moscow Theater's troupe, Mikhail Semenovich assumed the duties of the mentor. Although the young man was often told by the comments of the senior colleague, for which he reacted rudeness, Shchepkin admired his talent and repeatedly defended in front of other artists.


The last days of life actor spent in Yalta, where he was sent to treatment. There he continued to perform on stage, until the strength finally left him. He died 11 (23) August 1863, the cause of death was weakened health. I buried a man on a Pyatnitsky cemetery, not far from the grave of Comrade Timofey Granovsky.


  • 1822 - "Mr. Greetonov, or provincial in the capital"
  • 1822 - "Martha and Ugra, or Lacter War"
  • 1824 - "Floating, or the Master's Case is afraid"
  • 1825 - "School of Wives"
  • 1828 - "School of husbands"
  • 1830 - "Surround"
  • 1831 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 1835 - "Venetian merchant"
  • 1835 - "Sailor"
  • 1836 - "Auditor"
  • 1842 - "Family affairs, or from a sick head to healthy."
  • 1852 - "Comedy of Errors"
  • 1861 - "His people - to think"
  • 1862 - "Hebler"


  • Mikhail Semenovich was established monuments in Moscow and the judge.
  • The names of Shchepkin are named streets in Kursk, Almaty, Sumy and Stary Oskol.
  • In honor of the actor, house-museums are open in Moscow and the Belgorod region.
  • Aeroflot gave the surname of the artist to one of his aircraft.

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