The series "Hurricane wind is expected" (2017): Release date, actors, roles, Russia-1


The series "Hurricane Wind" is expected "entered the screens in January 2018. The date of re-showing a melodramatic detective - December 19, 2020 on the TV channel "Russia-1". In the material 24cm - about the plot of the 4-serial film, filming, actors and roles that they played.


Heroine Melodrama Maria Turbine is happy in marriage. Together with her husband and sister, they are going to celebrate the wedding anniversary of the city. However, suddenly spoiled the weather changes the plans of heroes. The hurricane wind does not allow you to get to the destination, and people are forced to stay in a roadside hotel.

Here Mary learns that the spouse changes her with her sister. In the middle of the night, shocked and confused Masha runs out of the hotel, but it turns out the hostage of the criminal who escaped from prison. Mikhail Swedes (so calling a fugitive) is accused of murder and becomes the object of real hunt, and his involuntary companion law enforcement officers accept for an accomplicity of crime and escape.

The heroine at this time is trying to understand himself and cope with the emotions that flooded after the betrayal of her husband and sisters. In addition, she wants to solve the migration secret, which, as she thinks, did not make her kidnapper.


The main roles in the series "Hurricane Wind" played:

  • Natalya Terekhova - Maria Turbine, which becomes a man who escaped from prison. The actress performed the main roles in the films of the "Mechanics of Love", "the abyss between us", "Happy gray mouse." In 2021, 2 filmmonds will be released with the actress.
  • Yuri Baturin - Mikhail Swedes, the fugitive, who is accused of murder. The actor with the signators in the projects "there would be no happiness", "unprincipled", "blue lake", "late term". In 2021, Baturin will appear in 3 films.
  • Vladislav Reznik - Pavel Turbin, a diplomat, Masha husband who changes his wife with her native sister. The actor also starred in such paintings as the "first department", "love with risk for life", "Dark Side of Light".
  • Galina Sumin - Ksenia, sister Mary. The actress was remembered by filmmakers on the films "Neon", "Luche", "Academy".
  • Maria Zhiganova - Svetlana Swedov, Mikhail's wife. The actress was filmed in the series "Sklifosovsky" (8th season), "Sea Devils. Friendies, "Major 3".
  • Igor Botvin - Andrey Bellevsky. The actor was playing in such films: "In step from Paradise", "the abyss between us", "Native Penates", "Sea Devils. Friend's frontiers.
  • Polina Marshall - Arina, daughter Mikhail and Svetlana. A beginner actress also appeared in the projects of the "shore of your dreams", "Rescuer", "In someone else's edge".

Also in the film starred : Artemy Shaffer (Sergey), Sergey Gamov (investigator Vladimir Ignatiev), Vyacheslav Korobitsin (Solovyov), Andrei Shipitsyn (Ivan) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the series "Hurricane Wind is expected" Stanislav Dreov became the director. The producers were Alexander Kushaev, Roman Kovalev. The script for the multi-sieuled film was written by Roman Kovalev and Stanislav Dreov.

2. The shooting of the series was held in 2017 in the Leningrad region. The production was engaged in "Atlantic Production" and film companies "Tree".

The series "Hurricane wind is expected" - trailer:

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