Amphitrite (goddess) - pictures, ancient Greek mythology, goddess of the sea, Poseidon, Neptune


Character History

Amphitrite is an ancient Greek goddess of the sea, Poseidon's spouse. Unlike other deities, it was not seen in straits, wars or intrigues, so personifies serenity and calm.

History of character creation

In the ancient Greek mythology of amphitrite - the lady of the sea. In the future, its image has undergone changes, and she just became the wife of Poseidon. It was believed that only one of her voice was able to calm the fury of the spouse, to put it on so that calm returned to the ocean. Therefore, the goddess of navigators caused special reverence.

The Salaction, Neptune's wife became a patronage of salt water. The biographies of these characters are similar, but there are significant differences in the character. Salaction performs more militant and disciplined.

Image and biography amphitrite

In the myths of ancient Greece, nymphs were often mentioned, helped ships during a storm. They lived in these creations in the underwater caves of the Aegean Sea and were considered the daughters of spawning, which Homer called the old man of the sea.

Nerova and Dorida was born 50 nonreide, all of them are straight descendants of the Titanium of the Ocean. Adorable nymphs lived in underwater palaces, and their names were translated as "raging", "saving", "soothing waves." Thus, each of them reflected the state of the kingdom at a certain point.

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The eldest daughter acquired his own mythological history. Her name consists of two words, translated from the Greek meaning "surrounding" and "third". Probably, we are talking about the ocean as one of the three elements of the world (the first two is the sky and the Earth).

Initially, the goddess held an honorable place in the pantheon. Subsequently, he began to play a smaller role in myths, personifying the sea itself. The more gods appeared, the stronger the significance of the amphitrite of Mercles. Homer, for example, pointed to it only in one episode as a present at the birthday of Apollo.

Often, the daughter of spawning is depicted in the crown of crab claws and in a majestic chariot, harboring the fabulous creatures of water depths. Without these attributes, the heroine is difficult to distinguish from other nonreide.

There are two hypotheses regarding the origin of the relationship between it and Poseidon. According to the first, Zeus, seeing a constant rue in the ocean, decided to pacify his brother. And the best way to calm the militant God became marriage.

A more common myth describes other circumstances. Poseidon met a future wife surrounded by sisters on the island of Naxos in the Aegean Sea and immediately fell in love. However, the girl was not going to get married and tried to avoid courtship.

She appealed to flight and asked the surrounding Atlanta. But Poseidon was not going to give up and sent in search of Dolphin. A pretty creature turned out to be eloquent and easily persuaded the nonreide to accept the offer of Poseidon. Amphitrite realized that only she was able to balance the volatile nature of Poseidon, and decided to become a source of harmony and joy for everyone who goes to the sea.

Like Zeus, Poseidon did not differ in constancy, entering into relations with other goddesses and even mortals. As a result, he had a lot of heirs - Cyclops Polyfem, Horse Arion, Lamia Monster.

Amphitrite, naturally, with the censure belonged to the love of the spouse. In the attack of jealousy even turned Nifim Silla, with which her husband had a novel, in a disgusting monster.

Time passed, and the spouses had children - Triton, kind and bentesicam. The son has grown by a real handsome, the playful ruler of water depths. As a fun, he blew on the sink, and the waves on unlucky sailors immediately collapsed. However, Poseidon watched the heir: raised the trident, and the excitement on the ocean stroit was pohatged.

Poseidon and amphitrite children were called tritons or tritonides. All of them had the same body structure: a person's body and a split tail, like fish.

Amphitrite in culture

In the painting of the character can be identified only by the royal attribute. Therefore, the goddess is more often depicted on the throne or in the chariot along with Poseidon. Nearby - Dolphins, Tritons and Neread. The Tsarina itself appears in royal clothes, as befits the majestic patroness.

The Italian artist Giovanni Battista Tapolo used images of ancient mythology in the picture "Triumph Amphitrites". Ladyman stands up on the sink, in which sea skates are harnessed. Other deities are also presented in the solemn titon - Tritons, Neretis, and even small amours.

Another canvas of the Frenchman Nicola Poussin is called "Triumph Neptune and Amphitrite." In the center of the picture is a majestic goddess, squeezing on a fierce bull with a fish tail. Its elbows respectfully support other nonres, and Tritons are trumped in her honor. Neptune is depicted by the manager of the top of the horses, Amur is aiming in his heart.

On the Cayman Islands there is a statue in the list of the most amazing. Only divers can get acquainted with this work, because it is located at a depth of 50 m. Simon Morris made a sculpture from bronze, guided by mythological description. "Mermaid" weighs about 270 kg and has a height of 275 cm.

Amphitrite's sculptures and paintings are located in museums of many countries. Also, the mention of Poseidon's wife can be found in the sky: in the constellation Aries, an asteroid was discovered, which was called the name of the character.

The heroine of Greek fairy tales and legends was popular in modern literature. American writer Rick Riordan shifted antique images in fantastic novels. In the Perse Jackson and Olympians, Amphitrite appeared to the stepmother of the main character.

The author showed it a cute and noble goddess relating to the extramarital children of her husband with proper worship.

Interesting Facts

  • In the game Assassin's Creed: Odyssey on the island of Tira, there is a sunken Palace of Amphitrite, in which the treasure chest should be discovered - the legendary spear "Falk Olimpa".
  • Some researchers believe that the famous statue of Venus Miloso actually depicts amphitrite.
  • The queen of the sea appeared in the form of mermaids with long black hair and a blue tail in the "Sponge-Bob Square Pants" animated series.
  • For the fact that Dolphin helped find and persuade the goddess to marry Poseidon, he perpetuated


  • 1954 - "Legends and myths of ancient Greece"
  • 1955 - "Myths of Ancient Greece"
  • 2009 - "Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief"

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