Loud scandals of 2020: Russian, Hollywood, stars, politics, conflicts


The outgoing 2020 is remembered by a coronavirus infection, which is still in the top of exciting problems. Celebrities were seriously experienced forced insulation and tried to attract attention to ambiguous actions. Loud scandals of 2020 - in the material 24cm.

Divorce Divorina

In February 2020, a long-awaited son was born in a pair of Oksana Selfie and the long-awaited son. Father 4 children behaved inadequately. Oksana Samoilova threatened the divorce and sent her husband for treatment into reheab. By the end of the year, passions in a large family subsided and spouses reunited to enjoy life and raise children together.

Cruelty of Guf.

At the end of March, during a walk with Shepherd, Gucci Rapper Guf was spoiled a dog on dogs that walk on his own. And then removed the video where the dogs fight. Zoozhechnikov demanded to punish the musician for animal abuse. Later, Ayza Anokhina commented on the situation and said that her ex-spouse of unhealthy and he had problems with banned substances.

Opal Todorenko

At the end of April, against the background of Quarrel Agati Minky and Paulil, the ex-leading project "Eagle and Rusk" Regina Todorenko in the video interviews Peopletalk spoke in ambiguously on the causes of domestic violence. After the air, social network users accused a woman in supporting the abusers, and the star lost advertising contracts and lost the title of "Woman of the Year" according to Glamor magazine. Later, Todorenko brought apologies, and was justified for the rapid wording and prepared a film about the problems of violence.

DTP with Efremova

In 2020 scandals, an accident with Mikhail Efremov. On June 8, the actor went to the oncoming lane and ran into a van, whose driver died on the next day from damage gained. The lawyer star Elman Pashayev could not build a confident defense line. Examination confirmed that during the accident, the actor was driving in a state of intoxication. The court sentenced Efremov for 7.5 years of imprisonment. The celebrity sent to the colony of the Belgorod region, where the punishment of Mamaev and Kokorin's football players was serving.

Gnome Gnomy's health

On May 5, the Starhit website described the material in which it was suggested that the Gnomomy Gnomych was a son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Yevgeny Plushenko - there are problems with mental health. Provocative material was published on the site, which belongs to friends of the family - Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva. As a result of the scandal, official apologies brought Andrei Malakhov and the President of the Holding, and star parents seek a law that will ban news about children without parental permission.

Fake with "Mole"

On June 4, there was information that Bari Alibasov had a hospital with food poisoning after accidentally drank fluid to clean the "Mole" pipes. And by the end of the month, there were reports that the poisoning turned out to be Fakey and the Russian producer earns well during the pandemic period. By the way, to keep the attention of the public by the end of the year, the showman succeeded and at the expense of PR on personal life.

Basharov and wife

The prosecution against Marat Basharov took place on the new turn at the beginning of May 2020. The ex-wife of actor Elizabeth Shevrkova a year after the divorce accused the artist in domestic violence. The fact of the beating of Wives Basharov confirmed to the TV show "Secret by Million". The audience was outraged by the scandal and demanded to deprive the artist of titles and premiums.

Daughter vs Assumption

On February 2, 2020, Tatiana Plaksina's sensational recognition made a sensational recognition of Tatiana Plaquin, accusing the mother of Lyubov Assumption in violence. In response, the star of the Russian chanson gave a refuting interview in the transfer of "direct ether". Then the daughter was with inadequate outackles. And by the end of the year, Tatiana Plaksina was accused of extortion of the mother's mother worth $ 1 million.

Rape Kostyushkin

At the end of May 2020, Stas Kostyushkin shocked with recognition of rape, which survived at 8 years. And in mid-June, Ksenia Sobchak touched the sad memories of the singer. The costume was outraged by the fact that the topic of pedophilia was raised on laughter. In response, the journalist explained that insults and bullying in its formulation did not sound. As a result, the Russians pounced on a shower star with insults, and the Mixit brand did not support the ambiguous statements of Sobchak and ripped a contract with it.

Anokhina, Gordon and Drugs

At the end of February, a loud conflict broke out a loud conflict in the network because of the careless post of Isais Anokhina (Dolmatova). The ladies exchanged "courtesies" and reproached each other in the use of prohibited substances. Later, the women were drawn and removed provocative posts, apologizing to the subscribers.

Coronavirus in show business

On March 27, it became known about the positive result of the dough on Coronavirus in Lion Leschenko. The singer ignored the regime of self-insulation and appeared at the birthday of Alla Cool and in the transfer of Andrei Malakhov. Among the stars of the Russian show business and the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov were in contact with the celebrity.

Freedom Megan Marck

He fell into the list of "foreign scandals of 2020" the royal quarrel between Megan Marchal and Elizabeth II. On April 1, Prince Harry and his wife left the authority at the palace and became financially independent.

Utkin vs Solovyov

On April 8, Vasily Utkin on the air "Rain" television channel spoke about the measures insufficient from the federal authorities to combat coronavirus infection. In response, Vladimir Soloviev moved to the person and discussed the person of the Russian TV host. The verbal quarrel on the network lasted a week. Before Versus-Buttla, the case did not reach and on April 16, Vasily Utkin declared the completion of the "fighting", because he was interested in the "victory".

"Besgun" and Posner

In early May 2020 Nikita Mikhalkov released a video of the television program "Informants", which later took off the ether. The video touched upon the subject of an artificial pandemic and chipping. Vladimir Pozner accused the director in the imposition of his point of view in a personal correspondence, which Mikhalkov unveiled in the next issue of his transfer. Next, the scandal moved to the questions of the conspiracy theory.

Pretty stars

In mid-May, Tarzan, Natasha Queen's husband, said that the state should help and artists. The statement was supported by Joseph Prigogin, who told about the plight of celebrities from the world of show business.

The frontman of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov switched to personality and ironically touched upon the producer family in a puff poem. Show business stars joined the virtual conflict. And Joseph Prigogin urged to be careful and not leading to Sergey's provocations and his company.

Sobchak and black square

On June 6, 2020, Ksenia Sobchak posted a provocative post with a black square and attached the song "Forbidden drummers". The TV presenter was accused of racism. The situation was not saved by Alexander Gudkov's comments, which he gave the day after recording Comment Out. As a result, on June 24, Audi terminated a contract with Ksenia Sobchak.

Abdicted Timati

In June, the rapper Timati released the Havchchik clip, where the game of words affected Ksenia Sobchak. In response, the famous blonde did not silence and indignant ideas about sex with her. Rapper has long been waiting for the reason to "answer" to the TV presenters and immediately mentioned the external data of the famous secular lioness. The conflict was delayed, and now the ambiguous comments of Ksenia Sobchak are criticized by Timati.

"Defend" Dakota

On July 11, the Russian singer Rita Dakota complained that she was recommended not to take part in the drawing drawing, which was arranged by Yana Rudkovskaya. Later, the organizer of the draw hinted that the singer was not suitable for the status of such an influential French brand. Rita declared violation of human rights. As a result, Yana tried to correct the situation, praising a vocalist album, and commented on his position that Rita was inaccurate in the wording, which compromise the shares of the brand.

Harassment in "What? Where? When?"

July 22, 2020, the connoisseur of the elite club "What? Where? When?" Mikhail Skipsky in Twitter Journalist Ekaterina Arenina accused of sexual harassment against schoolgirls. The player from comment refused, and the poppy "CHGK" removed the connoisseur from the activities in the commission on working with children and young people. The director of the game "Game-TV" Natalia Stetsenko stated that not allowing Scyp to the game of legal grounds no. And the connoisseur appeared in the teleigre on November 1.

"Woman of the Year"

The scandals of 2020 were outrageous. On September 9, it became known that Raper Morgenstern received the title of "Woman of the Year" from the magazine Moda Tropical. A shock star came to the ceremony in a female dress and a hat. Ksenia Borodin, nominated in the same category, stated that he did not want to wake up in the world, where a man gets such a title. Later, the situation cleared up, and Raper admitted that he wanted to show the stoken of show business. "Well, so that Regina Todorenko has not worried a lot."

Tarzan and his queen

On September 10, information about theft in the Natasha Queen family leaked in the media. Then it became known that before the alarms, the husband brought into the house of the girls, one of whom later made a scandalous application for long-term relationship with striptease. Tarzan repaired in treason, and his wife took the side of her husband and stated that it was not planning to destroy the family.

Divorce Johnny Depp

On November 2, 2020 it became known that Johnny Depp lost a loud business about the domestic violence against the former Spouse of Amber Herd. "Jack Sparrow" was found guilty of 12 out of 14 episodes. To prove his innocence, the actor failed and as a result lost promotional contracts and lost his role in the franchise "fantastic creatures".

Entertainment Jübs

In the sports scandals of 2020 fell a sexy video with Artem Jübe. On the Internet, a video was laid out, where the captain of the Russian national football team satisfied himself to the chamber. In the current situation where the mystery of personal life was broken, the athlete was supported by the stars of show business.

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