TV series "Secrets of the Consequence" (2000): 2020, 20 years, Release date, Interesting Facts, Russia-1, Actors


On September 1, 2000, the series "Secrets of the investigation" started on the channel "Russia-1", which holds the audience ratings for 20 years. What has changed during this time on the set and interesting facts of the project - in the material 24cm.

History "without prospects"

On Casting, the leading role in the leader and its partner for the frame Alexander Novikov doubted whether it was worth spending time on samples in the series. Maria Sergeyevna, according to the scenario, was 10 years older than actress, and to get in waiting for the film crew, Anna Kovalchuk ascribed the missing years.

And after the pilot series, it became aware of the pregnancy of Anna. However, the heroine liked the producers so much that it was decided to change the scenario for the interesting position of Mary Sergeyevna.

Mystic script

The prototype of the investigator Maria Shvetsova was the lawyer and writer Elena Topilskaya. She acted as a screenwriter of the first 8 seasons, and then joined the film crew in the 19th season. The author admits that the plot is largely autobiographical. The memorable episode of the first seasons, where the heroines treat the teeth in the morgue and open the abscess of the body needle, really happened with the Topilskaya.

By the way, fictional stories often repeated in the life of the author. So, as soon as Masha married a second time, a screenwriter of the project went to the registry office. And later, the changes in the personal life of the heroine attracted similar situations in the biography of the actress. Therefore, the next seasons were prescribed carefully to not harm the executors of the series.

Nostalgia in Piter

The series "Secrets of the investigation" 20 years ago was conceived as a story where the city is a full hero. The shooting was organized to show the audience the dawn or divorce bridges in St. Petersburg. However, with the time of St. Petersburg locations, it became less. The situation was corrected by the 15th season. Then the Petrograd side and the Neva River appeared in the frame.

And in the 20th season, the release date of which fell on December 14, 2020, the director Egor Barinov promised the location of the Griboedov Canal, Vasilyevsky Island and Kronstadt. And since the shooting was conducted in a pandemic, the part of the filming took place in Komarovo on a whining lake.

Together with her daughter

The 1st season ended with the genus of the main character. The film entered the domestic footage of Anna Kovalchuk with the fights and the first acquaintance of mom and child. Later, the daughter of Anna, Zlata Ilchenko, appears in every season of the series. In an interview, the Star Mom admitted that the daughter was not delighted with the filming, and the motivation to work in the frame is the fee. Now the girl, who started his life 20 years ago from filming the cinema, is studying at the Faculty of Law and is fond of equestrian sports.

Boots fit

The image of the investigator with a special charm was remembered by classic costumes and cleaned hair. Anna Kovalchuk is awe relates to the way Maria Sergeyevna looks like, and asks the costumes to pick a coat that will withstand shooting for 8 episodes. The attention of the boots, which actress wears and in ordinary life are worthy. By the way, and decorations are the property of the performer.

Sweet smell of death

To penetrate the atmosphere, in which the heroes of the series are staying, artists had to be filmed in real morgues and prisons. The actors shared their impressions that unpleasant flavors were entrusted to the skin, and when the crankshers fir or drank something, then the smells were pursued outside the set.

Home detective

Anna Kovalchuk somehow confessed in an interview that the series "Secrets of the investigation" attracted her professional characteristics of the heroine. Deeply worked out the script for 168 episodes, she is now uninteresting to watch detectives, as she learns the killer from the first minutes.

By the way, the privileges of the employee of the Investigative Committee Kovalchuk could not use it. Employees of the traffic police actress were not illustrated, stopped without reason, rustling and selected rights. She was advised to invest in the right photo in prosecutor's uniform, but it turned out to be unsolved.


"Secrets of the investigation" - a project where colleagues work together for 20 years. Fedor Kurochkin (Alexander Novikov), Ex-Prosecutor Covin (Vyacheslav Zakharov) and Medispert Panov (Andrei Sharkov) are filmed in a detective from the 1st season. Director of the project in different years was Ilya Makarov, Vladimir Shevelykov, Mikhail Wasserbaum and others. The producer of the franchise for the 16 seasons was ADA Stavinskaya.

No secrets

The series has no routine secrets. All emotions that arise between actors, as well as jokes, friendly hugs and disputes are organically moving into a frame. Moreover, performers of the roles so far that each scene was willing to work out and even make their changes in order to be interesting as a result of the episode.


Since 2000, the series "Secrets of the investigation" broke into the broadcast of the channel "Russia-1" and holds the attention of the audience for 20 seasons. The audience of the project bypassed the purely male story of the "Streets of Broken Lanterns", which lasted on the screen of 16 seasons. In 2020, the historial film rating remains as long as high and amounts to 7 out of 10.

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