Mr. Fantastic (Character) - Photo, Pictures, Marvel, Comics, Film, Reed Richards, Superhero


Character History

Mr. Fantastic is the leader of the "fantastic four", which received the glory of one of the most highly intelligent characters of the Marvel Universe. Deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, physics, engineering allows him to prevent the villains using innovative technologies.

History of character creation

The name of the hero is inextricably linked with the "fantastic four", the members of which have gained supernatural abilities after obtaining a high dose of cosmic radiation. About how the authors of the idea, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby came to the creation of this team, today it is unknown today.

In the 1960s, Marvel publisher turned out to be in the creative crisis, and the legendary Stan Lee was conceived at all about the finals of the career in this area. But the conversation of the author with another Martin Gudman opened a new page for the Universe "Marvel".

Martin advised Stan to come up with a team that could compete with a "league of justice" in those years. Stan grabbed the idea, and the "fantastic four" eventually produced a furor in the world of comics.

The success of the project was that the heroes possessing supernatural abilities did not try to hide their personalities, and on the contrary, they enjoyed popularity and tried to become useful. On the one hand, a group of like-minded people looked like a friendly family, on the other, found a lot of reasons for conflicts.

Franchise turned out new protagonists and villains. Thanks to the efforts of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee was resurrected by a non-live submariner, and nohumans appeared, a brilliant doctor of doom, scrulls and other marvel characters.

Some believe that the popularity of superheroes was caused by their imperfect picture of the Savior of the world. Undoubtedly, each of them could boast of certain achievements, but at the same time suffered from serious shortcomings.

As for Mr. Fantasy, it is not in his favor says attitudes towards marriage and family. As a brilliant scientist, he always puts science and work to the fore, forgetting about the role of the father and her husband.

The character made his debut in November 1961 in the 1st issue of a new comic series called Fantastic Four. He and today remains the most popular hero of animated series, films and video games.

The franchise protagonist managed to decorate the glory of a brilliant scientist, his concept was repeatedly revised in alternative versions (he even visited Zombies), and the actors who played this role in different ways presented an amplua. Right-way popularity and today, decades after decades, allows fiction to hold rating places in the list of the best characters comic.

Mr. Fiction and Biography

Real name of the hero - Reed Richards. Since childhood, the future leader of the team is climbing. He sought knowledge and perceived the world around him in his own way. His classmates often offended, until Ben Grimm, the midfielder of the school team, did not come for Reed.

The guys created a mutually beneficial union: Richards helped Ben with study, and he did not give a friend offense.

At 10 years, Reed introduced a scientific project based on teleportation at the school exhibition. The commission was sitting Lieutenant William Lampkin, who immediately understood that he was a genius before him. The man appealed to the parents of the student, so that those gave the Son to a specialized educational institution.

From this point on, a new page began in the biography of the hero, conjugate with training in the best universities of the country. At the same time, acquaintance with the main competitor and the future sworn enemy was Dr. Dum.

Children of the scientific curator, Franklin, made friends with Reed. Joni Storm in the future became known as a torch man, and Sue (invisible lady) was combined with a marriage with Richards.

The main passion of a young scientist was the development of a spacecraft. After a sudden cessation of financing from the RID government, I thought for some time that the dream was destroyed. Desperation became a catalyst, and soon four friends - Joni, Sue, Ben and Richards - went on a journey, who changed their lives forever.

In the test flight, the team was raised, which, in turn, led to mutagenic changes. After returning to Earth, each of the partners discovered strange abilities. Reed received an elastic body that allows it to increase, move into a liquid state or concentrate strength in a certain limb.

Mutants were responsible for such metamorphosis. Mr. Fantastic felt guilt. In particular, Benom, which turned into a stone monster with a frightening appearance.

The story will not rewrite, and friends decided to unite and become a great superhero, acting against evil. They managed to enlist the support of new partners - Iron man, Spider Man, Namor and others.

Reed took the position of the leader, built special costumes for the rest and subsequently answered the technical equipment and weapon of the team.

The inventions of Mr. Fiction also became the basis of the budget of the "fantastic four." A man came up with radiation weapons and a device for teleportation. Reed created a network of robots that flew and performed various tasks, for example, shot in uninvited guests discharges of electricity.

Sometimes hero hit and strange inventions. It constructed a chair in which the coffee maker and a mechanism for bottling beer.

The chief enemy of the ingenious scientist was Dr. Dum, with whom he rolled back while studying. Sleeping competition and the desire to be smarter played with Reed, a keen joke. One day, the Duma even managed to send the opponents to another dimension, where he spent more than a year.

The family life of Richards remained in the second plan. Meanwhile, a couple of Reda and Sue the first in the history of "Marvel" played a wedding. Despite the dissatisfaction of the wife and constant swelling, the spouses managed to keep marriage. Two children were born in him - Daughter Valery and Son Franklin.

Franklin turned out to be a serious problem for parents, because it immediately became clear that he would grow the strongest superhero. It was difficult to control his mature, so Sue and Reed were resorted to an artificial reduction in the activity of the child's brain.

Mr. Fantastic in films

On the basis of comics to large screens, 4 full-length films dedicated to the Four were released. In 1994, the role of Mr. Fantasy played actor Alex Heid-White.

In the 2005th "Fantastic Four" picture and its sequel, the Amplua of the Great Genius was trying on Joan Griffith.

In the reboot of the 2015 franchise, the audience saw the discrepancies in the description of the character of the kinherman and its prototype from comics. So, after the catastrophe on the spacecraft, Reed Richards (Miles Teller) does not withstand the feelings of guilt and runs off from the secret base. Only a year later, Benjamin finds him and asks for help in finding Victor (Dr. Duma). At the end of the tape, friends manage to save the planet from the villain, and Reed decides to establish the "fantastic four."

Animation debut of the character took place in 1967. In the animated series, created by comic, Richards voiced Gerald Moore.


"The woman needs to kiss, and not listen!" "I studied all my life with the wonders of the Universe, but what could be a wonderful of life?" "I - Reed Richards. Absolute Reed Richards. He who finally solved everything. "

Interesting Facts

  • The prototype of the hero was a plastic man from the DC Comics Universe.
  • Initially, another Marvel Character, Vienna, conceived as the invention of Mr. Fiction.
  • Richards's ability tried on another popular hero - Bart from the Simpsons animated series.


  • 1994 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2005 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2007 - "Fantastic Four 2: Silver Surfer Invasion"
  • 2015 - "Fantastic Four"

Computer games

  • 1997 - Fantastic Four
  • 2006 - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  • 2008 - SPIDER-MAN: Web of Shadows
  • 2009 - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
  • 2011 - Marvel Super Hero Squad Online
  • 2011 - Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3.
  • 2012 - Marvel: Avengers Alliance
  • 2014 - Marvel Heroes

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