Dmitry Bosov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Billionaire, Suicide



Dmitry Bosov was lucky to be born with talent for entrepreneurship, which made it possible to create a successful business in the coal industry. However, financial well-being did not save the oligarch from litigation and premature death.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Bosov was born on March 27, 1968 in Barnaul, where his childhood passed. The businessman's nationality is not known to be reliably, some sources argue that he had Israel's citizenship. This information was not officially confirmed and is based only on the approval of the Ukrainian policy of Irina Farion.

The young man since childhood did not know. Mom taught English, his father worked at the factory - first the head of the shop on Transmash, then took the post of deputy director of the "Crystal". It is not surprising that Dmitry grew ambitious, after graduation he went to Moscow to enter the famous "Baumanka".

Diploma in the field of laser technology and radio electronics was not useful, because shortly after his receipt, the guy decided to do business. With the support of friends, he became the founder of the closed joint-stock company "FIF", which was operating at the Crystal Plant. In parallel, Bosov was engaged in entrepreneurship - she traded with bags and mustard pieces, which allowed him to create start-up capital.

Personal life

About the personal life of a man knows little. According to the "Federal Press", Dmitry was married twice. His first spouse became Anastasia Starovoitov. In the past, she worked in the field of aviation, then engaged in the organization of festive events. The second wife, Katerina Bosov, works at Sibantcit, was introduced by its founder to the Board of Directors.

In total, the oligarch had four children. The eldest son Artem went in the footsteps of his father and took up business. He founded FreetOpey, which specializes in online advertising.


The new stage in the Bosov career began when he decided to do aluminum business. The man was headed by the Association of Polyxport, which supplied raw materials on an aluminum plant in Krasnoyarsk. Later he entered the number of shareholders of the enterprise.

In 2000, the entrepreneur wanted to change the scope of activities, sold his share and headed the Allek Group, which became a partner of the WSR refinery. And then the shares of Siberian Anthracite were acquired - coal producer. Dmitry Borisovich also became a member of the Board of Directors of the UK "Vostokugol".

In 2018, with the merger of Novosibirsk assets, the "cut of the Eastern" and "Siberian Anthracite" Bosov received the largest company for the production of Anthracite "Sibantzit". Soon after that, the oligarch wrote a letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which he asked him to give him priority access to Bamu and Transsibu and promised to rebuild the North-German Tunnel on his own funds. The initiative received approval.

Success overshadowed a criminal case, open to the leaders belonging to the Bosov of the Arctic Mining Company, which were accused of illegal extraction of Taimyr coal. On this, the black band in the biography of Dmitry Borisovich did not end.

In 2019, the sources engaged in the compromising search published information on the connection of a man with the ex-minister of Mikhail Abyzov who had been arrest, which attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies. And a year later, Bosov had a conflict with a former partner Alexander Isaev, whom he unexpectedly fired from Sibantcite and Vostokgugi.

The situation was aggravated when the news was emerged in April 2020 that the businessman decided to invest in the American company Genius Fund Group, which operates in the cannabis market, which is considered to be a legal drug in the US. But the business was threatened after the promiscuity of the labor legislation. All this negatively affected the emotional state of the entrepreneur, and the media increasingly published rumors about his abuse of alcohol and prohibited substances.


On May 6, 2020, the Network unexpectedly stirred the news about the premature demise of the businessman. According to preliminary data, the cause of death was suicide. Dmitry Borisovich's body discovered his wife when they were at self-insulation in the village of Vasovo near Moscow. Next to the man was the Glock 19 gun, which he in recent days often wore.

Among the first to the message about the death of the entrepreneur responded to his son Kirill. He published a photo of his father and devoted him a touching message in "Instagram". Also, the guy chose to refrain from other comments and asked to leave the family alone.

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