Ricardo Molo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Male Natalia Oreiro, Musician 2021



Ricardo Molo is practically not known in Russia and the CIS countries, but for residents of Latin America, he is the brightest rock star, the leader of the Divididos group, the nominee on Latin Grammy Awards. In Native Argentina, a man is much more popular with his wife, natives of the neighboring Uruguay, actresses and singer Natalia Oreiro, who received international recognition thanks to the TV series "Wild Angel".

Childhood and youth

Ricardo Jorge Molo was born on August 17, 1957 in Pergamino, the city in the east of Argentina in the province of Buenos Aires. 7 years before, September 21, 1950, his brother Omar Molo appeared. Now this is a famous executor of Tango and Folklore in Latin America, and in those distant 1970s - the conductor and mentor Ricardo Molo in the world of music.

It was thanks to the older brother Ricardo Molo met the unsurpassed talent of Jimi Hendrix. Argentine musician then turned 13 years old. He was struck, as a virtuoso rock performer coped with the tool, because in childhood Ricardo Molo did not assume that left-handed to master the guitar.

"He [Jimi Hendrix] did not appear, did not get out. He just played the guitar, and it seemed to me the most beautiful sound on the planet Earth, "once spoke in an interview with Rolling Stones Argentina Ricardo Molo.

The first chords of Ricardo Molo took at the age of 14 under the closer attention of the older brother. Then the family lived in Al-Palomary, a village 35 km from Argentina's heart.

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro is not the first, but the most famous wife Ricardo Molo. Before you get to know her, the Argentine musician became a father twice. Most likely, mother of Mary Azul (1982) and Martina Aldabel (1988) - Eric Garcia, former chief chief of the Divididos leader.

Erica Garcia is a bright representative of rock in Argentina. Officially, Ricardo Molo entered into marriage in 1989. But the absence of a stamp in the passport, as it can be assumed, did not coordinate the mutual desire to have children.

The personal life of the musicians was a passionate, sensual, it is known that Ricardo Molo dedicated to Eric Garci song Ala Delta. But in 1999, the spouses were separated. Now they share the rights to upbringing Mary Azul and Martin Aldabel.

In 2000 and 2001, Ricardo Molo met with the surphist Mercedes Maidan.

Romantic relationship between Ricardo Molo and Natalia Oreiro, the star of the series "Rich and famous" and "Wild Angel", originated in 2001. They met the Yoga section. In January 2002, lovers played a secret wedding. Instead of traditional rings, they "wear" on the nameless tattoo fingers.

Natalia Oreiro has repeatedly noticed in an interview that Ricardo Molo brought her out of depression and taught to live a world. Probably, the singer meant heavily parting from Pablo Echarry, an actor from Argentina, with which was 6 years in relations.

January 26, 2012 Natalia Oreiro gave birth to Ricardo Molo Son. He was called Merlin Ataalup. The baby was born after the cesarean section, but in a completely healthy weight - 3.747 kg. In the countries of Latin America, the child's nationality is determined by the Father, therefore Merlin Ataalpa - Argentine.

In 2016, Ricardo Molo and Natalia Oreiro relations were tested for strength. The tabloids argue that during the filming of the series "Among the Cannibals", the actress was seriously fascinated by a Benghimin Vicuna counterpart. None of the defendants of the "yellow" headlines did not admit to treason.

Claim the situation allowed time: now everything is fine between the spouses. This is evidenced by their happy photos from the premiere of Natalia Oreiro films, with secluded, but not secret for the paparazzi of intimate dinners, from walks with a child.

In Russia, Ricardo Molo knows the husband of Natalia Oreiro, and in Latin America, on the contrary, the star "Wild Angel" is much less popular than her spouse-singer. But the actress does not confuse it. In an interview, she repeats:

"My time has passed. Now I am ready to be a faithful wife and loving mother. "


In 1984, Ricardo Molo joined the Sumo group at the invitation of the Diego Arcedo bass guitarist. The virtuoso game of the Argentine musician can be heard at the studio albums Divididos Por La Felicidad (1985), Llegando Los Monos (1986), After Chabón (1987) and Firebre (1989).

On December 22, 1987, a vocalist Sumo Luke was died, and the group participants continued to play under the new name Divididos. Ricardo Molo took over the role of a guitarist and singer, Diego Arnedo played him on the bass, and the drummers first replaced more often than the albums came out. From 2004 to this day, at the shock Katriel Chavarell.

The album Divididos Haciendo Cosas Raras (2018) became ninth in the studio discography group.

Divididos is considered a matter of rock music in Argentina. In 1995, artists, as one of the five best national executors of the decade, were awarded the KONEX award. In 2011, the piggy bank replenished the figurines of Carlos Gardel Awards for the Best Rock Album Amapola Del 66 (2010) and the "Song of the Year".

Ricardo Molo now

For Ricardo Molo now the main family is now, and then music. He repeatedly repeated about it in an interview with 2019 and 2020. Therefore, waiting for songs and clips, albums and videosborators from Divididos in the near future is not worth it.

Ricardo Molo, as well as his wife Natalia Oreiro, does not pay time to social networks - does not lay out family photos in "Instagram", it does not share the details of his biography in Facebook. Therefore, learn more than the leader of the DividIdos is done, you can only from the interview.

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