Movie "King's Man: Start" (2021): Release date, Actors, Roles


The list of expected premier 2021 entered the film "King's Man: Start." The 3rd part of the franchise, the premiere of which was foreseen in the fall of 2020, unexpectedly sent on the shock, and the release date was scheduled for February 13, 2021. Interesting facts and acting project on secret agents - in material 24cm.


Actions covered unfold during the First World War. The son of the duke of Oxford Conrad rustles to the front. However, the Father discusses the heir from a useless step and proposes to prevent the global conflict, acting smarter.

Duke invites Son to join the secret community, called King's Man, and introduces it to the case. The young man has to master the basics of the spy service and with colleagues to resist Gregory Rasputin, who claims world domination.

Actors and roles

  • Raif Fains - Duke Oxford, who returned from the front as Feldmarshal, but plans to destroy the world conspiracy by spyware. The actor is known for the role of Lord Volan de Mort in the Franchise about Harry Potter, as well as by participating in the Bondian "007: Skyfall coordinates."
  • Harris Dickinson - Conrad, the son of the Duke, who joined the family "craft". The young actor debuted in 2018 with the role in the film "Dark reflections", later the audience saw the artist in the project "Malefistent: Lady of Darkness", where he played Prince Philippe. In 2021, the premiere of the movie "Square", where the artist has the main character.
  • Gemma Arthon - Polly, an employee of the secret society. The actress is known for roles in the projects "Va-Bank" and "New Era Z". In 2020, the premiere of the film "Eternal Summer" with the participation of the performer took place.
  • Rice Ivance - Grigory Rasputin, the main villain and the really existed historical character. In the career of the actor, work was noticeable in the project "New Spiderman" and the Spy Film "Dangerous Secrets".
  • Tom Hollander - the actor will fulfill 3 characters at once: George V, Wilhelm II, and Nicholas II, whose external similarity is marked by historians. The artist is known for participating in the film "Bohemian Rhapsodia" and the TV series "Tabu."

The film also starred: Matthew Hud, Jimon Honsu, Brunka Katich, Stanley Tucci and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the project in Russia - February 25, 2021.

2. The director's chair took Matthew Von, who previously worked on the first parts of the franchise: "Kingsman: Secret Service" and "Kingsman: Golden Ring." It became known that the director plans to launch another 7 films dedicated to the secret service. Details are not specified.

3. The first two parts of the franchise collected $ 825 million cash collections.

4. In the world of cinema film "King's Man: The beginning" is the second project, where the image of Grigoria Rasputin is served as an villain. For the first time, the historical character in an alternative role was shown in Kinokartina "Hellboy", filmed by comics.

5. The basis of the scenario idea of ​​the film was the cycle of spy comics "Secret Service" of the authors Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons.

6. The locations of the project were USA, Turin (Italy).

7. The role in the project was considered by Nicholas Cage, Brad Pitt and Rachel Weiss.

8. The first name of the film - "Kingsman: Great Game." It is saying that the director planned to reveal the history of the British special services.

9. Won opened the secret of the project and said that in one of the episodes, Fyams will perform a Jackie Chan style trick alone. And the audience expects a combat scene to a duration of 22 minutes.

10. According to the ratings of various film entails, the film "King's Man": the beginning "hit the top ten significant prime ministers. The rating of expectations of Russian audience is 91%.

Movie "King's Man: Start" - Trailer:

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