Bastille Shan (character) - photo, "Star Wars", Jedi, Abilities


Character History

Bastil Shan is a gaming character, the first appearance of which took place in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Kotor). Parliament, and then the wife of the main protagonist Darth Revan managed both on the side of the world and in the ranks of Sitchov.

History of character creation

Ideas about the development of classic games based on the Star Wars Film Equipment were expressed in 1999. BioWare, who has already proven itself as a successful developer in the industry, has embodied the idea.

BioWare decided to use 3D graphics, voice characters and maximize the stylistry of films. In 2000, cooperation began with lucasarts, the result of which was the computer role-playing game Kotor.

Heroes were placed in distant times - for 4 thousand years before the events described in "Star Wars". The plot begins with the attack of the SPIL Endara Spacepan Sitham. The abilities of Bastille Shang are very important in the republican war, so it announces the hunt of Darth Malak, the current leader of the Sith.

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Girl-Jedi voiced Jennifer Hale. An American actress, according to the authors, and made a model for creating an image of a character.

Kotor awarded enthusiastic reviews, and some journalists expressed the view that in comparison with the "Star Wars" covers, the game turned out a lot of spectacular and more interesting. Coloring images of the main characters, fascinating the development of the plot and the cute quotes of characters presented Kotor many awards and recognition.

Image and biography Bastille Shan

Bastil was born on the planet Talravin. The mother of Helena considered that the daughter would be better in the Order of the Jedi, than in the family of a treasure hunter. Therefore, the girl remembered her biography outside the spiritual and knightly organization.

In the Order, the young warrior discovered that he had the rarest gift. Its ability to force and combat meditation allowed to win in battles even with a numerical transformation. The heroine demoralized enemies, so their attacks brought less damage than usual. Bastil raised the spirit of the allies, which has multiplied their power.

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During the onset of Mandalorts, the girl did not join the revengers, as the advice of the Jedi ordered. After the war, Malak and Revan became dark lords and continue to fight against the republic. This time, the combat gift Shan helped oppose the onset of Sitchov. But the numerical advantage did not leave the republic chances to the final victory.

Then the Council decided that the only opportunity to break the course of the war is to capture Darth Revan. The head of the detachment was appointed Bastil. The girl managed to penetrate the flagship of Revan. Seeing this, Malak tried to destroy the ship, but Shan saved the desired Jediyam Sitha. The event has become a starting point in the development of a love line, since force forces were formed between opponents.

Dart was wounded and was unconscious. The Jediov Council not only saved Sith, but also replaced Lord's memories. When a man woke up, he remembered himself an ally Shan, forgetting about the past. Such tactic was chosen so that the Bastile managed to build a trusting relationship with revan and reveal the main secret secret of the starry.

At this time, Malak, losing a mentor, proclaimed himself by the Lord of the Empire and began to search for the one from whom the course of the war depended. The new Sith leader hoped that the warranty of Guardian-Jedi would lead to the final victory.

Searches were crowned with success, and Sith attacked Endara Spire. Good luck this time smiled in the Republicans - Bastil, the pilot of the ship and the revengered managed to erase. Later they captured the Ebony Hawk and went to Dentuin.

On the Jediov Council decided to send Rivers and Shan in search of star cards to learn the secret of the fleet of enemies. In the journey "Ebenic Hawk" attacked Malak, who told Dart about his true past, then attacked him. The Jedi girl again saved a friend and helped him hide, but was captured by Sithami.

In imprisonment, her tortured her Malak, demanding to go on the dark side. Long psychological and physical violence led to the fact that the prisoner surrendered.

But Revan was not going to quit so easily. He overtook a girlfriend in the temple of the ancients and tried to form. Dark bastil on the contrary made him remember the commitment of Sitham.

Love and perseverance of Darth did their job, and Shan returned to the bright side. Feeling the blame in front of the squad of the Jedi and wanting to read it, the girl took advantage of the battle meditation in the battle in the starry kuznice. As a result, the fleet of the republic got to the station and destroyed the key weapons of Sitchov, giving them technical superiority.

The victory brought the world to the life of the main characters. Their romance converts to a serious relationship, the couple played a wedding. When the wife was pregnant, Revana began to attend true memories. The man felt the threat to the threat, and in connection with the ambiguity of the child wanted to protect closest from any danger.

The future father decided to go on a journey through the Galaxy, without calling the spouse the purpose of departure. Later there was information that Dart was captured. The former revenge of Mitra Surik was admitted to his salvation. Shan gave her a husband's mask that could return memories. But Bastil did not see the beloved anymore, although I tried to find it after time.

The heroine of the game is a daring, impulsive and self-confident. Largely the latest nature was determined by the ability to combat meditation. Using the gift, the girl influenced the outcome of the battle, not touching the weapon.

During the apostation, the power of the warrior only increased, it became more powerful, surpassing the rest of the Jedi. At the same time, Bastil developed in the skills of the battle: initially appeared in the game a fencing wizard on light swords.

Favorite heroine weapon is a two-tier light sword. During the contractions in the temple of the ancients, she, despite the young age, managed to repulse immediately with three Jediam - Juchani, Revan and Bindo. It was worthily fought with the strongest Sith Darth Malak, who was considered the most skillful fencer.

The appearance of the character was written off with an actress who sounded a role in the game. Growth girl 175 cm, she has dark blond hair and blue eyes. Depicted in a tightly fitting suit, and during the service in the empire - in the dark robe.


"I no longer need to hide my passion, Revan. I will gladly stand on your side as your beloved and student! "" What can be effective than the appeal of enemies on your side? How does the use of their own knowledge against themselves? "" Malak is dead, everyone welcomed Darta Revan, the true Lord Sith! "

Interesting Facts

  • In an alternative ending, Revana fails to convince the beloved to return to the light side and you have to kill it.
  • In a dark ending, Shan convinces the hand to join the Empire of Sitchov, operating in what helps him kill Malaka.
  • Initially, the main heroine was planned to make Vim Sunrider from the Dark Horse Comics series.
  • In 2019, the Lucasfilm Studio President thought about the screening of Kotor. The news was pleased with the fans of the "Old Republic", although the development of a film with the participation of the Bastil is not yet speech.

Computer games

  • 2003 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • 2004 - "Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide"

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