TV series "Looking for a wife with a child" (2014): Release date, actors, roles, first channel


To warm the mood of Russians on the eve of winter holidays offers the first channel, which on December 23, 2020 showed the summer comedy series "I am looking for a wife with a child." Actors and roles, as well as curious facts of melodrama on confusing love - in material 24cm.


After a random meeting of faith and Boris, the feelings flare out between them. Lovers dream of transferring their novel to the resort. Yes, it is not enough: the husband of faith, Igor, decided to brighten up with his presence loneliness of his wife in Yalta.

To rest take place, Boris takes a girlfriend in Lada, who will have to play the wife, then a friend of faith. And the woman is trying on the role of the grazers astrologer. By the way, and Lada does not plan to hold rest next to the participants of the love triangle and also looks towards free men.

Actors and roles

  • Olga Mednich - Lada Kalinina, saleswoman in the colors store and the former classmate Boris. The actress is known for the work in the Multiserry Projects "Perfect Family", "Great", "Traffic". In 2021, the television film "Vampires of the Middle Strip" and the 2nd part of the Family War Franchise will be released.
  • Maria Gorban - Vera, an incorrect wife, who falls into comical situations in the resort. In the filmography of actresses such multiserious projects like the "Eleon Hotel", "The Exchange Brothers", "Plague". In 2021, the continuation of the Motheric Comedy "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "is preparing to show with the participation of the performer.
  • Oleg Mazurov - Igor Makarov, Bank Manager and Civic husband of Faith. In the career of the actor, work was noticeable in the TV series "Free Matter", "Damn", "Smered". In 2020, the continuation of the multi-sieves film "Detective per million" with the participation of the Contractor came out.
  • Sergey Burunov - Boris Paramonov, Lover of Faith and the owner of the pet shop. The artist is known for comedy multiserious projects "Policeman from Rublevka", "Ivanov-Ivanov", "Soulodrama".
  • Sofia Stetsenko - Light, Igor's daughter. The performer has become popular after the role of Zhenya in the television film "Shatta". Later in the movie director there were multi-sieves film "Swallow Nest" and "Butterfly Flight".
  • Konstantin Chernokrylyuk - Sasha, son of Lada. The series "I am looking for a wife with a child" united actors who were distinguished in different seasons of the Multiserry project "Shatta", where the young artist performed Nikita Kovalev. In the creative biography of the artist, the Sasha's multi-sieves films and "deputies" were also.
  • Mikhail Kuzukuk - Oleg, Taxi driver and Lada lover. Actor familiarize with the audience for 3 seasons of the project "servant of the people", TV series "Swingers" and "Papik". In 2020, the Contractor was filmed in the adaptation of the Russian television film "Ivanov-Ivanov" - Sidorenko-Sidorenko.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the project - August 25, 2014.

2. The director of the series - Alexey Kiruchienko, in the filmography of which are bright comedies, like the "servant of the people", "Svaty", "Papika".

3. Vladimir Zehtira, Boris and Sergey Shehther, the producers of the multi-sized film.

4. Judging by the reviews, the series "I am looking for a wife with a child" like the audience. The rating of the multi-seater film was 7.1 out of 10.

The series "I am looking for a wife with a child" - Trailer:

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