Merlin Ataalpa - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Natalia Oreiro 2021



Despite the young age, Merlin Ataalpa is known worldwide. And it's not only in the natural charm of the baby, but also that he is the son of Natalia Oreiro.


Merlin Ataualpa (Ata) Molo Oreiro was born on January 26, 2012 in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. The boy became a star before his birth, because he is the firstborn of the Uruguay singer Natalia Oreiro and the Argentine musician Ricardo Molo.

Rumors about the pregnancy of the artist appeared in 2011, but initially fans did not give them importance. By this time, Merlin's parents were in marriage for almost 10 years, during which the media repeatedly wrote that Natalia is waiting for the baby.

But soon the information was confirmed by the performer itself, who could not hide the joyful news from fans for a long time. This caused an excitement on the network, because users from all over the world dreamed of finding out the details about the interesting position of the star.

In August of the same year, Oreiro appeared on the Susana Show Giemenes, where he said that the boy would be expected. The singer said that they and his spouse think over the name for the child, because a few years before that, Ricardo and his friend agreed that their children had initials M. A. M. This is a tribute to the Mente-Alma-Materia group, whose participants were men.

Fans immediately started writing their options. Russian admirers of the singer's works were offered to call the boy of the militants (abbreviation on behalf of Dmitry). The star approved this version, because she watched a video with Dmitry Medvedev, she liked how he dances. But still, the performers stopped at the sonorous combination of Merlin Ataalpa.

The first of the replenishment in the star family fans told Facundo Aran - a colleague Natalia on the TV series "Wild Angel". The artist published a cute post in Twitter. Later it became known that the boy was born as a result of cesarean sections and weighs 3.7 kg.

Already in the early years, Merlin's biography began to get used to the increased attention of photographers and the press. He posed the baby together with the mother for the UNICEF project, calling women to breastfeeding. Even then the performer began to take ATU with him on tour, where the love of the numerous public was waiting for him. On the network, photos of the child and amateur video clips with his participation were rapidly distributed.

But to get used to the fact that Natalia is a star, Ataualpe turned out to be not easy. Though before the birth of First Guard Oreiro and promised that he would take a long maternity leave, she returned to the shooting as soon as she came into shape. Therefore, the boy spent more time with his father, who took over the main responsibilities for care and education, refusing the nanny services.

Initially, this upset the child who did not understand why mom would work so much. But Natalia was able to explain to the offspring that she just likes to sing and dance. And soon Ata and himself became interested in creativity, because parents acquired the star small musical instruments. Another preschooler he played with his father on the guitar.

How repeatedly admitted in an interview with the artist, they and her husband tried to pay time to the comprehensive development of the heir. Oreiro often took him to the library, and Molo equipped a joiner's workshop in the house, where he worked with her son. In addition, the boy liked to draw, so he was presented with albums and paints.

The same rule concerned the ATA power. Despite the fact that Natalia is a vegetarian, and Ricardo adheres to the diet, they allowed the child to have something that limiting the consumption of sweets.

It is not surprising that already at an early age, the star offspring began to make independent decisions. Up to 5 years, the baby preferred to be called Merlin, but then stated that he was already an adult and now wants to appeal to him how ataalpa. Parents of a little celebrity willingly supported this choice.

Merlin Ataalpa now

In 2020, Ata remains in the center of increased attention of fans. Since the star mother tries to limit the use of gadgets, the boy does not lead pages on social networks. But the photo of the child is published in the "Instagram" fan accounts dedicated to Oreiro.

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