Elena Lyadova: biography, personal life, 2020, movies, husband, vdovichenkov, roles


Her often, in the media, is referred to almost the main Russian actress. After all, appearing in the next role on the screen, the actress invariably forces the audience to empathize with their heroes, in the embodiment of which is accustomed to putting the soul without a residue. What is indicated by numerous awards of all kinds of festivals.

On December 25, 2020 noted the 40th anniversary of Elena Lyadov. About curious facts from the personal life of the celebrity and its biography - in the material 24cmi.

1. In the footsteps of ant

The desire to become an actress manifested itself in Lyadova in childhood. As Elena herself confessed, the "Carnival" film "Carnival" pushed her, where the role of the main character was performed by Irina Muravyeva. The game of the famous artist was so impressed by the girl that she wanted to imitate a suddenly acquired idol.

So a little Lena has already entertained parents with homemade performances. And then at school attended all sorts of mugs and participated in amateur time, trying to develop skills capable of useful when entering the theater university.

Efforts gave the desired result - the exam in Schepkinskaya School Elena Lyadov passed on the first attempt. Although the doors of Guitis, where she tried to do before, for her did not open.

2. There is nothing more permanent ...

The theater of the young spectator, in which Elena Lyadov settled up, being another student, the star of the series "Commesions" first examined solely as a temporary part-time, giving a need for life in the capital.

However, gradually, having spoiled with the troupe, changed his own opinion, remaining in the usual already walls of the Tyus on a good decade. However, the desire to try their own strength also in cinema did not leave the artist.

By the way, wanting to get into the movies or on TV, Elena Lyadova undertakes various attempts to achieve the goal. For example, I was tried on a major role in the series "My beautiful nanny." Unfortunately, her candidacy was not approved, stopping the choice on the Person Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Lyadova then considered that the chance to get to the screen would never come back. However, Elena was mistaken - after a short time, the actress received the role of Rimma in the film Alexey Teacher "Cosmos as a Premonition".

3. Before the stop

Spectators are often praised by Elena for the striking ability to completely give out to work, live in the frame, and not to play. With a similar attitude to the celebrity, critics and critics, as well as members of the jury of all kinds of film festivals, who were repeatedly awarded Lyadov.

And the actress itself, recalling student years, admits: to comprehend the basics of scenic skills was able to work with difficulty. After all, complex characters for which the artist now is among the best in the profession, she was not given. So Lena had to learn to put out the entire coil, seeking the recognition of teachers, with some of which, as with the Roman Solntseva, and years later, the celebrity supports warm relations.

Elena Lyadova and now continues to use exactly the same approach as in the student. Constantly working in full.

4. No - diet!

Elena more than once had to sit on diets - for roles it was necessary to gain weight, then throw off. The first, according to the recognition of the artist, do at times more pleasant than the second.

But the main conclusion to which the celebrity has come during experiments on its own body: than with the need to get rid of several extra kilograms, tediously and digestively dictates, much more practical to simply monitor the balance of the diet and give the body to the required extent physical exertion.

5. And the hobby is not

In his free time, Lyadova loves to cook and travel, read all sorts of notes and articles about space, as well as photograph all that surrounds it. And does not consider anything from his hobby listed.

The star of film and television is confident that she has a too exciting profession, most of the faces of which have not yet managed to explore and comprehend to try to add their own life to some kind of passion. In any case, it is as "add-ons", the celebrity perceives those classes that the mass of people implies under the term "hobby".

6. Houses - better

After the success of Leviafan in the Western market, Elena Lyadov received a number of proposals from foreign studios. But nothing happened - at the preparatory stage, it was understood that the difference in mentality was too large. After that, the celebrity concluded that for the Russian-speaking actor, the artist, educated by the domestic school of theater and cinema, is still much easier to express itself in the Slavic environment.

Especially what to adapt to overseas demands, weathered life for someone else's sample, was frankly too lazy. What an actress is honest and admits. Yes, and attended a certain fear, because Elena does not like something in life - it gets used to a long time.

7. Family

In 2015, Elena Lyadov married Vladimir Vdovichenkov, who met on the set of the painting "Leviathan". In order to fall with the beloved, her current husband left his former passion with which he lived in an actual marriage of 10 years. The wedding passed quite modestly - without the usual chic for domestic celebrities. Only the closest people were invited.

And in 2020, the pair is among the most closed and faithful personal from the press from the press. It is only known that they still don't have joint children, although Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Elena Lyadov, according to their confession, are already thinking about this issue.

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