Igor Lifanov: biography, personal life, 2020, films, TV shows, roles, wife, in youth


On the screen he had a chance to visit different sides of the feature separating good and evil. Before changing the hovel leather on the epaulets of law enforcement officers and army officers, the artist has played the role of representatives of the criminal world for a long time. Even in such an amplua, awakening sympathy for its characters.

On December 25, 2020, Igor Lifanov celebrated the 55th anniversary. On curious facts from the biography and personal life of celebrities - in the material 24cmi.

1. Salvation

In school years, Igor Lifanov did not differ - he studied on the top three. But invariably turned out to be the focus - Shebuutnye the guy was valued for a cheerful temper and love for jokes and draws. Among the peers, the future artist received a nickname bra. True, in the eye to be called a teenager, at the 13th age he deserved the glory of the chief school of the school, risked far from all, fearing fast violence.

Taking into account this nature, it is not at all surprising that at a certain point Igor contacted a bad company. He was fortunate enough to take the mind as a result, but his moments, as Lifanov himself recalls, was not lucky - many of them have already left their lives. Who is sprinkling who is hurdles on drugs who are in the fire of criminal disassembly. Others who managed to survive, have several times behind the shoulders.

Career actor, according to the celebrity, saved him. After all, he could actually become in whom he often had to reincarnate on the screen. And the speech is not at all about the brave military - no wonder once in the media of the artist, called the "deserved killer of the country", hinting on his filmography.

2. Turn

Hardly Igor Lifanov, the teenager could imagine that future life would be connected with the theater and movies.

The scene was first challenged in the sixth grade - Knowing the naughty manve the boys, he was offered to play a role in the school formulation of the "Tales of the Golden Cockerel" in Pushkin. However, the first success did not make Igor seriously think about the career of the artist. It happened later when the guy fell in love with senior classes.

His Passasy was seriously interested in the scene and dragged the cavaller to the People's Theater, where before the release of Lifanov, for the first time, took part in a serious staging on the play of Shakespeare "King Lire".

3. Debut

Lifanov's cinematic debut took place in 1991 - in the film Vyacheslav Sorokina "labeled", where the artist got the role of a terrorist. According to the memories of the actor, on the set, he brought pyrotechnics to the red cation - so I liked to shoot that Igor spent all the idle cartridges several times, which was constantly changing.

As a result, a specialist in the explosions and shots of the actor sent. But for the painting of Lifanov, he received a large fee for the time and bought a color TV.

By the way, in the "labeled" Igor played together with Alexey Nilov, for which this work was the first major film. The artists later happened to meet on the set of the series "Streets of broken lanterns".

4. Service

The artist of the audience was often made to see in military uniform - Igor Lifanov embodied on the screen the mass of the artists of the soldiers, starting with the senior guardian of Krustalev in Spetsnase and ending with Major Vlasov in "Allow you to kiss ... The father of the bride."

The actor and real life of Solna gave the debt to his homeland, served three years in the ranks of the Pacific Fleet. True, the Lifanov himself is not in a hurry to call himself - during the military service, he did not distinguish anything and did not get any awards.

According to the artist, the brutal image that has secured on it on the screen often interferes to try himself in other directions. Since the director is easier to take the actor's melodrama with an already established role of the romantic hero, and not experimenting with the shoulders of which mainly the role of gangsters and the military.

But on the stage of the theater, the celebrity can take the soul, demonstrating fully talent both dramatic and comedy plan.

5. Recognition

Folk love does not always bring joy. In this, Igor Lifanov was convinced of his own experience, spending three days in the CPP.

A series of projects in which the artist "lit up" in the late 90s - early 2000s, such as "gangster Petersburg", made his face recognizable. And at the same time he secured for a while behind him the roles of the bandit. And a certain anonymous, seeing the actor on the beach, reported to law enforcement agencies that the "dangerous criminal" fell nearby. As a result, Lifanov was detained.

6. Preferences

Among the films, which he is willing to revise again and again, Igor Lifanov calls the fighter nut game - another one who came back in 1988. But new parts, especially the last - "Strong nut: a good day to die", the artist is not like.

7. Family

Lifanov is married for the third time. His wife now has a native of Sevastopol Elena Kosenko, with which the artist met in 2003, during the filming of the Special Forces series. And fell in love. True, before the wedding, the case did not immediately - nine years of future spouses tested relationships on strength. From Igor, Elena in February 2012 was born daughter Alice.

Before the meeting with the current wife, Igor Lifanov, 12 years old was married with his co-figures at the Institute of Tatiana Apticheva, they grown up with daughter Anastasia. Despite the fact that immediately after the treason, the artist was admitted, the divorce happened only in 2011.

By the way, Igor Lifanov, Igor Lifanov, called Elena Pavlikov, who also studied with him in one course. True, this Union lasted only three months.

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