Vladimir Motyl - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Vladimir Motyl - Soviet and Russian film director, two paintings in the filmography of which became cult. One of them adore astronauts, customs officers and other power structures, and another - liberal intelligentsia.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Yakovlevich appeared in June 1927 in the town of Lötel, located between Vitebsk and Minsk. The small homeland of the director is known as the place of birth of the Belarusian poets Yana Chechewood and Petering Brov.

The life of the Volodya Father, the Polish Jew, who moved to the Soviet Union on ideological reasons, carried out Stalin's repression. A man died in a camp at Solovki, where he was exiled "for espionage." Grandfather and grandmother on the motherboard, have time to visit the link in the Far East for the refusal to join the collective farm, after returning to Belarus died due to nationality. The old men suffered the fascists in the ghetto.

Childhood and adolescence of Vladimir was held in the city of Osa of the Perm region, where in the years of the war was in evacuation Writer Vitaly Bianki. The mother of the future director of Berta Levin worked to work in the boarding school for children repressed and the days disappeared at work.

The only welcome young roth was the arrival of a film-based installation, because there were no theaters, nor museums. An impressionable teenager decided to tie a biography with a movie. Volodya put the same performances with classmates, performing the work not only the director, but also the actor and artist-designer.

After school, the Motyl went to Moscow and tried to enter VGIK. The victims in the Soviet capital fail, which in an interview he explained the passage of the third round of exams due to dates with the first love, the young man returned to the Urals and became a student of the Sverdlovsky Theater Institute. In the asset of Vladimir Yakovlevich, two higher education: already being the main director of the Sverdlovsky Tyus, the man graduated from the historical faculty of the University of the Ural Capital.

Personal life

The personal life of the moth can be characterized by the phrase from the song that sounded in the film "Star of Plenipling Happiness", "" Do not promise the Virgin Young Lyubov Eternal on Earth. " In his youth, Vladimir married Lyudmila suppressed, who gave him the only daughter Irina. With an increase in fame, the director began to change the spouse, which was his older for 5 years.

On the set of "Children of the Pamir", the moth was fascinated by the executor of the role of a female doctor - the rust of Raisa Kurkina. For the sake of the actress, Vladimir left the family. Raisa became the director's muse and played a few roles in his films, the brightest of which is Nastasya, the wife of the customs officer Vereshchagin (Character of Pavel Luspekayeva) in the painting "White Sun of the Desert".

Vladimir Motyale and wife Lyudmila Gububeva

Kurkina, who was able to create memorable images, even in episodes (among creative luck, actresses - Judge in Mimino and the doctor Nadezhda Ivanovna in the tape "I can not say" goodbye "), with the first spouse broke up because of the treason of a man. Raisa warned Vladimir that loyalty is married to her main value. However, after 6 years, the Union of Director and actresses collapsed. The reason was the treason of the moth.

After the divorce with Kurkina, Vladimir Yakovlevich called married the first wife, however, the restoration of the Union with Lyudmila Vasilyevna and respect for the wife did not interfere with the man to start new novels. The last moth muse was St. Petersburg, Natalia Mushag, who retained the joint photo with the director.


In 1962, theatrical director I was a dreaming about a cinematic career, offered to shield the poem Mirsaid Mirushakar "Lenin on the Pamir". After reading the scenario, Vladimir Yakovlevich came to horror, so naive and straightforward was the plot of the works of the Tajik author.

The fantasy of the director made it possible to bring unexpected elements - inscriptions and drawings made by children into the picture. The spectators saw what was happening the eyes of a child, the participant of the campaign to Khorog, and well perceived the director's debut of the moth - the film "Children of Pamir". Music to Ribe wrote a nephew of the author of the ballet "Spartak" Aram Khachaturian - Karen Surenovich.

Receipt of the "Children of the Pamir" of the State Prize of Tajikistan allowed the Motum to independently choose the literary basis for the next film. Vladimir Yakovlevich delighted the story of Bulat Okudzhava "Be healthy, Scholyar!". Bard became co-author of the script and the author of the text of the song "Danish King", music to which Isaac Schwartz wrote.

The story of the story in the course of the screen was undergoing change: Zhenya Zemlyanka died, the scene appeared scene of the Soviet soldier with New Year's gifts in the location of the Germans. It is curious that the plot of the lost soldier, handicked by co-authors from newspapers, was used by Efraim Seveque in the book "Monia Tsatsquez - Znamers". The charm of Ribe added Mark Bernes, which played "Colonel, similar to Mark Bernes."

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The artist of the main male role of Oleg Dalya during the filming was planted for 15 days per petty hooliganism. At the request of the moth, the convoyed daily brought the actor to the site, and after the creation of the film was completed in a jail. A similar case occurred and during the filming of the next film Vladimir Yakovlevich - paintings "White Sun of the Desert". Actor Pavel Luspekayev rushed into the beer and appeared in a frame with a genuine wound on his face.

On the shooting of the extermination, to revise which before the start - the tradition of Russian astronauts, another incident happened. The watches were proud of Krasnoamec Fedor Sukhov, kidnapped local thieves. The moth appealed to criminal authority for assistance in search of props. The leader helped only after receiving an episodic role from the director. A series of replicas from the "White Sun of the Desert" ("Gulchitai, Open Lichiko!", "I do not take MZDU, I've disappointed for the power" and "Customs gives good") turned into the winged phrases.

Another hit was the fourth film of Vladimir Yakovlevich "Star of captivating happiness." Not only the music of Schwartz and the brilliant game of actors, but also the topical of the topic of opposition to dissidents and the state car. An unusual storyline ribbon is unusual - only the viewer who knows the history of the Decembrist uprising can be traced.

Almost all the pictures were a difficult rolling destiny. Vladimir Yakovlevich was repeatedly accused of "anti-Soviet" and even pornography, but the director remained faithful moral and aesthetic principles.


Vladimir Yakovlevich died on February 21, 2010, without having lived to the premiere of his last painting "Crimet of Snowfall". The cause of the director's death was pneumonia. The grave of the moth is located on the Vostrikovsky cemetery of the Russian capital.

In 2017, the publishing house "RIC" Ariadne "published a collection of interviews, lectures and articles Vladimir Yakovlevich - the book" I really don't want to shoot Haltur. "


  • 1963 - "Children of Pamirs"
  • 1967 - "Zhenya, Zhenya and" Katyusha ""
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 1980 - "Forest"
  • 1984 - "Incredible betting, or a true incident, safely completed hundred years ago"
  • 1987 - "lived - Was Sishlov"
  • 1991 - "Those who are good"
  • 1996 - "Bring me horses ..."
  • 2010 - "Bagher color of the snowfall"

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