Lunar calendar for January 2021: haircuts, gardery, gardener, sowing, weddings


In the first month of 2021, the moon promises a surge of energy and resolving controversial situations. You are waiting for joyful events and new perspectives. Time is also favorable for disclosing sexuality and love relationships. Lunar calendar for January 2021 - in material 24cm.

Moon phases

Month will start from the phase descending moon which will last until January 12. Days will play positively on team collaboration and will be useful for searching for life orientations.

13th of January - new moon . Take up the construction of goals for the coming year, say goodbye to the insults and make an emphasis on procedures that strengthen immunity.

January 14-27 - Phase Growing Moon . These are moon days to disclose intuition, solving the problems that remain from last year. Heavenly luminais calls to be attentive and not trust random passers-by, since the likelihood of deception is high.

28 January - full moon . Best patience and keep calm. The day will be filled with provocations from the outside surrounding, but willing as a result of the one who can move towards the goal.

January 29-31 - waning moon . Time for the development of love relationships and solving pressing problems.

Lunar beauty and health calendar

In the lunar calendar, the haircuts for January 2021 is a favorable day for a cardinal change of the image will be January 28. If you want to make hair staining, then plan the procedure for 1, 18, 22-24, 28-30.

3, 4, 8, 16-18, 21, 30 - days for leaving procedures and hair masks. 4, 18, 21-25 - a favorable time for curling.

Discard the campaign to the beauty salon - 11, 20, 27. These are unfavorable days for haircuting and hair coloring.

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Favorable for manicure days will be 14 and 15. Do not be afraid to try the trend ideas of the New Year.

1, 2-4, 10-12, 18-22, 29-30 - these days you can make a manicure, but it is better not to experiment with the innovations of the season.

January 13 - refuse to make cutting manicure and focus on wellness procedures.

On holidays - 5-9 - lunar days for implantation, cleaning and treatment of dental channels. Seal and bleach teeth, as well as brushing the dent stone recommended 1-11, 15, 23-26, 30-31.

Set aside a visit to the dentist 12-14, 16-22, 27-29, if this is not an emergency.

In the health calendar, dangerous days for surgical operations, if there are no indications for urgent intervention, will be 6-7, 12-14, 20-23, 28.

The most favorable days for conception of the child will be 4, 14-15, 21-22, 26. Children conceived these days will be successful in affairs and are endowed with a persistent character.

Gardener Calendar and Gardener

Garget Roads of the Warm Regions of Russia can prepare seeds and sow cucumbers and cabbage to seedlings 5-9, 16-17, 21-27, and tomatoes, eggplants and peppers - 7-9, 16-17, 21-22, 26-27. Those who early to do the seedlings can be taken care of the creation of a seed fund for the upcoming season.

Gudders will have to examine their possessions in January and throw heavy snow from the branches of fruit trees. And at the same time, remove the crop of the crop on the branches.

In the sowing calendar of the flower rod annuals on seedlings sow 3-9, 16-17, 26-27, 30-31. Two-year-old and perennial cultures plant on seedlings 5-9, 16-17, 21-22.

Do not disturb the earth and landing 12-14 and 28.

Cash calendar

Lunar calendar for January 2021 promises a favorable time for large purchases 15, January 24 and 28. Do not blame money on January 1 and 20. 24 and 31 should review the "airbag" and shift some of the funds to contribute. Successful days for investment and monetary operations will be 3-4, 7, 10, 15, 21, 25-26.

Life circumstances will be achieved successfully if paying a loan on January 17 and 21. And be sure to check the accounts and recalculate the bills 4 and 21. The money ritual will attract financial well-being for the upcoming lunar month.

Lunar calendar weddings

In the lunar wedding calendar for January 2021, 14, 16-17, January 22-27, are considered the most favorable days for the celebration. Spouses will complement each other, and the Union is filled with consent and mutual understanding.

In general, good dates for the wedding ceremony 1-2, 10, 15, 18-19, 28-29. The moon promises a pair of intelligent offspring and financial well-being in the family. However, spouses are advised to show patience, and in annoyance not to offend the partner anger and distrust.

It is better to postpone the ceremony or transfer it to a more suitable date if the celebration is scheduled for 6, 8-9, 12-13, 30-31. The love of newlyweds will be so strong that jealousy will arise in an empty place and push the spouses to the rapid acts. To preserve the Union, you will need to learn how to look at the events of events rationally.

3-5, 7, 20 - It is not recommended to make marriage. Household problems will be stronger than the desire of spouses to build a strong family. Together with only those pairs that will learn to look for compromises.

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable days of January 2021 will be 1, 13-19, 21, 23, 25. The time is ideal for making decisions, large purchases and talks on souls with a partner.

The lunar calendar for January 2021 calls to show patience and not be exchanged on trifles 6, 9, 12, 26-28, 31. In adverse days, the likelihood of unexpected problems and reducing vital activity is high.

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