Yitzhak Adizes - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Yitzhak Adizes is known in the world as an experienced and professional business consultant. Developed by the theory of corporate management today are successfully applied by companies and brands. A man publishes books, lectures and seminars, where teaches entrepreneurs to management methods. It is the founder of the Adizes Institute, the main headquarters of which is located in Santa Barbara.

Childhood and youth

Children's years in the author's biography are saturated with dramatic events. The writer was born on October 22, 1937 in Skopje. The belonging of his family to Jewish nationality forced to flee to Spain during World War II. In 1943, Adizesov, together with other Jews living on the territory of Macedonia, were sent to the local concentration camp, and then to Polish Trevilk.

Thanks to the efforts of the Spanish ambassador, who managed to prove that the ancestors of Itzhak - immigrants from Spain, the father of the boy took the citizenship of this country. Since at that time the Spaniards turned out to be allies of Nazi Germany, the Jews who had citizenship of this country were freed from imprisonment.

Itzhak Adizes in childhood

In 1948, a boy with his parents moved to Israel, where since 1959 began service in the army of the country's defense. Here, the young man stayed until 1961, and after it got a job in the bank of Israel. Simultaneously with the work of the guy he studied at Jewish University of Jerusalem in the directions of economics and political science.

Having received a higher education, the young man moved to the states. Since 1965, Itzhak worked at Columbia University. In 1967, having received a master's degree, a man took up consulting business, and in a year he became a doctor of philosophy.

Personal life

About personal life expert infrequently tells the press. It is known that the writer is married to the manna adizes nick. The wife gave a spouse of six children. Now they live in carpinterteria, in California.


During the career of a business consultant, a man has created many motivational and training works that reveal the secrets of successful business. Having experience with enterprises, Itzhak built theories that ensure their viability. Ideas and facts The author outlined in the books.

The work "Management of the Vital Corporation Lifecycle" was the most famous and quoted. In labor, the expert narrates that each company in the market, like a living organism, takes place different stages of development. At each stage - birth, childhood, youth and further - business undergoes problems characteristic of both biological species. It is not protected from diseases, crisis, aging and dying.

Knowing it, Adizes suggested thoroughly thinking through working circuits, adjusting them to the coming new cycle. This approach guarantees many years of competent and productive business. He continued the themes affected in the first book, and the essay "How to overcome management crises."

Here the expert stressed the idea that the ideal leader does not exist in practice. Yitzhak has developed a model with the letter code of the PAEI, which indicated the necessary quality for the head of the company. First of all, a person must be a manufacturer of results (P - PRODUCER), then - by the administrator (A - Administrator).

It is also important that entrepreneur and integrator (I - INTEGRATOR) are also important. In reality, it is difficult to imagine that one personality possessed the characteristics listed. Therefore, the steering wheel of corporations should stand strong and experienced managers, whose qualities are stacked in the PAEI model.

The book "Reflections on Management" is an essay dedicated to the management of the Organization. The material for these articles was assembled by traveling around the world, advising the activities of corporations and governments. Listening to the readers' responses to early works, the writer has edited his own ideas, giving them greater relevance.

The work discloses themes on the roles and styles of management, about building a team, mutual trust and respect in the team, integrations and other. No less significant for those who work in business, the work "Development of leaders. How to understand your management style and effectively communicate with the carriers of other styles. "

In it, the author told about what to do after the company managers are selected by the type of PAEI. Practice has shown that corporate employees endowed with one of the characteristics specified in the letter code, as a rule, poorly interact with each other. There are often disagreements between conditional "producers" and "administrators".

In the book, Adizes suggested how to overcome this disharmony and bring the enterprise to the level of efficient work. The key in the creative biblography of the expert was the work of "Management in the Epoch of Crisis". In Labor, the author focused on the fact that the faster the company is growing and developing, the more changes and problems are born.

To overcome emerging crises, the writer advised to integrate the main system of the corporation, to put the structure of the authority. This approach will allow to combine the team and achieve a single work of business subsystems in difficult periods.

Since 2003, on the official website of the ADIZES Institute, the consultant leads a blog in which it is divided with subscribers and students thinking about new methods and making activities. Itzhak reads lectures not only in Stanford and Tel Aviv University, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico, but also in Russia.

Since 2011, a man participates in seminars for leaders of Russian companies, investors. In 2012, the cooperation of Itzhak with Sberbank and the Petrochemical Company "SIBUR" began. At the same time, the Russian branch of the institute was opened, whose activities began to oversee Peter Storm.

Yitzhak Adizes now

In 2020, the expert continues to blog, give interviews, consult. The writer urges seriously referring to the economy and business in the outbreak of coronavirus. According to the author, in the coming years, the world expects inflation, so it is important to consider in advance how to dispose of finances.

In addition, Itzhak called on employers not to dismiss employees in the current situation. After all, when the dangerous virus will be afraid and the restoration of the economy will begin, the costs of new employees will be more.


  • "A person cannot change, but he can become unbearable or more flexible, and the latter is often quite enough to cooperate with him."
  • "If you have problems, do not worry. This means that you are in a good company, among the living. If you are convinced that you are all wonderful, then your main problem is that you are not aware of your problems. "
  • "There can be no long-term victories until you agree to take the risks of short-term losses."
  • "Find out what you need to your customers. Do not guess, just find out. "


  • "The perfect leader. Why they can not become and what follows from this "
  • "Development of leaders. How to understand your control style and effectively communicate with carriers of other styles "
  • "Management of the Vital Corporation Lifecycle"
  • "Managing changes. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life "
  • "Reflections on personal development"
  • "How to overcome management crises"
  • "Management styles are effective and ineffective"
  • "From stagnation to growth. How to reveal and develop the potential of a business leader "
  • "New reflections on personal development"
  • "Management in the era of the crisis. How to save key people and company »
  • "New reflections on politics"
  • "Management reflections"

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