Film "White Snow" (2021): Release date, Actors, Roles


The premiere of the biographical film "White Snow" directed by Nikolai Homeriki took place on December 7, 2020 at the window "Window to Europe" film festival. The release date of the dramatic picture in wide rental is scheduled for February 25, 2021. The tape tells the story of the path to the success of the Russian athlete Elena Vyalbe and tells about the events at the World Sports World Sports Speed ​​in Norway.

In material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about creating and plotting a film, actors and roles that they performed in it.


In the center of the plot of the paintings - Girl Lena Rod from Magadan, which will have to overcome the mass of difficult life tests on the way to glory and the top of the sports career. The beginning of history transfers the viewer in the 1970s, in the childhood of the main character, and then the action of the film "White Snow" unfolds in 1997 in the sports championship in Norway. Skier from Russia Elena Vyalbe reached unprecedented success, receiving 5 gold medals out of 5. In parallel, it is about the relationship of the heroine with parents, men and son.


The main roles in the film "White Snow" played:

  • Olga Lerman - Adult Elena Vyalbe;
  • Polina Vataga is the main heroine in adolescence;
  • Angelina Vyglbe - a heroine in childhood;
  • Fedor Dobronravov - Grandpa Lena;
  • Anna Ukolova - Mom Lena.

Also in the picture were filmed: Nadezhda Markina, Alexander Ustyugov, Alexander Gorbatov, Daria Ekamasov, Vadim Andreev, Polina Chernyshov, Ekaterina Ageev and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Elena Vyalbe - Soviet and Russian skiers-record holder. On account of the champion of 45 sports victories in the World Cups and many awards. In 1997, Vyalbe became the absolute world champion in skiing. The first record of the skier put in junior competitions, won the World Cup in 1989.

2. Elena Vyglbe became co-author of the Scenario Scenario "White Snow" and was constantly present on the set. Throughout filming, the champion advised the film crew, gave advice and focused on important details to preserve the biographic and accuracy of the events described in the tape. The skier told that a movie by 95% consists of its memories. This work brought the athlete "Real Drive", and individual scenes were torn by Elena Vyalbe to tears.

3. The main filming of the film was held in winter and in the spring of 2020. Norwegian Trondheim was filmed in the city of Kirovsk, where similar nature, weather and landscapes. The main part of the work of the creators managed to complete before the introduction of quarantine and restrictions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The shooting process was suspended until July and after continued in Moscow in compliance with security requirements.

4. Initially, it was planned that the Belarusian actor Vladimir Gortheukhin will play in the film Grandpa Lena. However, due to the closed borders, he could not come to shoot, so Fyodor Dobronravov will appear in the frame instead.

5. The role of the main character at the 8th age went to the granddaughter of the famous skiing, Angelina.

6. Before shooting, the actress has passed a 6-month training on the ski base in the Moscow region under the leadership of the coaches of Dmitry Voronin and Vyacheslav Venenin.

7. The performer of the leading role Olga Lerman told that she had to learn to stand on skiing "from scratch" and good results she could not boast for a long time. Among other actresses of skiing, her success was the most imperceptible. But after 1.5 months, Olga managed to achieve what confidently stood and ran skiing. Lerman believes that it combines a volitional character with her heroine.

8. Olga Lerman had to wear colored lenses for filming, since her eyes were gray-blue, and heroin had green-brown.

9. Professional skiers and championships of the Olympic Games also participated in the shooting.

10. To create a tape, new special technologies for fastening cameras and filming, which ensured high entertainment.

The film "White Snow" - Trailer:

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