Rurik - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Novgorod prince



Rüric's name is at the origins of Russian statehood. And although the personality of the ruler and the genuine facts of his biography are hidden from contemporaries of the backbone of centuries, a number of information about the first prince of Russia, historical science carefully preserved, to this day, analyzing the origin and pedigree legend in the ancient chronicles.

Childhood and youth

"Lady of antiquity of the deep" traditionally reveals the "Tale of Bygone Years", which has become a reputable historical source for many generations of researchers of ancient Russia. Historians are addressed to her, trying to learn about the life of the first princes, including the founder of the Rurikovsky dynasty.

About the date and place of birth Rüric, accurate information has not been preserved. Disputes are being conducted on the origin of the ancient ruler, but the majority leans to the fact that he belonged to Varyagam. The name of the prince contains Pheramann roots, and linguists find its traces in Scandinavian, the Old Saxon and West Slavic epic.

The warrior family was considered notable, no wonder the separated Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes called that it was not alone, and with the younger brothers Sineus and Trour. It is possible that the family was even more numerous, but the information was not survived.

The Joacimovskaya chronicle, trying to build a genealogical tree of Rurik, believes that he accounted for the grandson of the Gostomolym - the prince of Ilmensky Slam. According to this version, the daughter of the elder Umila gave birth to the future Novgorod Prince from Varyag from Finland, whose name was not preserved.

Personal life

The Old Russian Prince represented the pagan tribes, and before the baptism of Russia, the traditional family values ​​at the head of the corner were not yet stood. About the personal life of Rüric is tamed only in the Joacimian chronicle. From there it is known that the man had several wives, among whom was also a beloved - the daughter of the Norwegian Prince named Epanda.

The woman belonged to the knowledgeable genus and the new homeland had a high status: when the husband went hiking, his wife managed the economy and managed the numerous people who inhabid the courtyard. As a gift, Richrik presented Ladoga lands.

It was she who in 878 gave birth to the hero of the son of Igor, who became Kiev Prince and the first full representative of the future tsarist dynasty. Father died when the heir was still a baby, and therefore he entered the board only after the reign of Oleg. It is assumed that Rurik had more children, since the nephews of Prince Igor are mentioned in ancient documents.


The princess of Rüric began with the "Varyagov" - the voluntary act of the tribes, inhabiting the center and the north of the current Russian state, called Rüric with the brothers to rule their lands. The accuracy of the "calling" is sometimes raised in question, and there is a version that brave Viking simply captured Novgorod, and anything left the local residents how to recognize his power.

Be that as it may, since 862, fragments of tribes (chum, curvitu, measuring, the whole and Ilmenie Slovenia) began to rule one person. At first, the power over the lands were divided between the three members of the family, but soon only the elder brother Rurik remained alive, which became a full owner of the extensive territory. She covered Novgorod, Izborsk, Polotsk, Beloozero, Murom and Rostov.

It is known that not all the indigenous people turned out to be satisfied with the vocation of the Inomers, and therefore Rurik had to suppress the troubled and get rid of opponents, among whom Vadim brave, who risen against the new prince in 864. About the internal policy of Varana, as well as about the policy of external, the facts have not been preserved, since the first annals in Russia began to make up the descendants after a century after his death. Therefore, the effectiveness of reforms and tricks does not arise.

According to one of the versions, by the time of the arrival of Varyag for the throne, Novgorod did not exist, and the city was built later near Rurikova of the settlement - a trading and craft and military administrative center of the height. The remains of the structure have been preserved to this day and are an archaeological monument of the IX century, located 2 km south of Veliky Novgorod.


About the end of the life of Rüric is known to a little more than about the beginning. If about the date of birth, the prince is silent, then the year of the death - the 879th - the chronicle indicates without touching, however, the causes of death. Following Rurikik, the management of Russian lands switched to the regent of his young son, prince Oleg, who had to predecessor the tribesman and a military associate. Then the power took a direct heir - Prince Igor. Since then, the blood of Rüric has flowed into the veins of the glorious rulers of Russia Yaroslav Wise, Vladimir Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky, and this continuity broke off only in the 16th century, pushing the state in troubled times.

Rurik in art

Being a personality of mysterious and studied only superficially, Rurik became a legend, whose image repeatedly appears in the works of art. Without having a portrait of the Warrior, the creators of his appearance are recreated thanks to the paintings, books, films and monuments. The first attempts to portray the ancient ruler were taken back in the chronicles, which, in addition to texts, contained picturesque miniatures.

The Picture of Nicholas Roerich "Overseas Guests" is devoted to the arrival of Varyags to Slavic lands. A similar episode was based on the Viktor Vaktor Vasnetsov's "Arrival of Rurik in Ladoga". Repeatedly artistic rethinking the image of the prince was subjected in historical and pseudo-historical novels. The cinema also did not bypass him as side: in Saga about Vikings, filmed in 2008, Rurik played Eric Hills.

In 2019, the first channel showed the series "Rurikovichi. The history of the first dynasty, "where the director Maxim Capless took an attempt to analyze the formation of Russian statehood. Before him, Mikhail Zadornov was engaged in this, who was shot in the 2012th picture "Rurik. Lost ". It says that the Personality of Rüric is worried about the minds of dozens of generations, from the chroniclers of the "Tale of Bygone Years" to modern authors like Evgenia Anisimov.

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